IT support for the holidays 2020
7 December 2020
IT Services are still available over most of the holiday closure period. You can access help and support via live chat on the website or call them on the phone any time.
Checklist to help you plan for the 2020 Christmas closure
7 December 2020
We’ve pulled together a checklist to help you plan for the holidays. Please take some time to have a quick look at the list for tips and information on services available during the break.
Watch out for cyber scams over the holiday season!
7 December 2020
The festive season is fast approaching and that means a lot of us are completing our Christmas shopping online. However, the season is also a very vulnerable time for online shoppers. With more cyber-scammers choosing the festive period to launch their attacks. The Queen Mary Information Security Team have put togehter some tips to help you know what to watch out for.
International Day of Disabled People 2020: celebrating our disabled community at Queen Mary
30 November 2020
This Thursday, 3 December is the International Day of Disabled People (IDoDP, or International Day of Persons with Disabilities). To mark this important day at Queen Mary, some of our wonderful disabled students and staff are creating role model profiles, to share a bit about themselves, their experiences, and what they want the Queen Mary community to know about disability and disabled people.
Are you a student parent? Financial support is available
30 November 2020
You could be eligible for a non-repayable grant of £500.
Noticeboard - week beginning 23 November
24 November 2020
Don’t miss this week’s notices: Be a local hero and you could win £500, Tick the Box campaign for care experienced students, become a Digital Champion to support isolated residents, find out about absence from the UK due to Coronavirus and applying to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), listen to the new Mile End Institute podcast.
Health Data in Practice PhD Programme - applications open
24 November 2020
Applications are invited for places on the Wellcome Trust-funded ‘Health Data in Practice’ PhD Programme at Queen Mary.
Help keep Tower Hamlets SAFE
17 November 2020
The Campaign Company is working with Tower Hamlets Council to carry out research with young adults (19-34). If you live, work or study in the borough they want to hear about your experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020
16 November 2020
On Friday 20 November we mark Transgender Day of Remembrance, observed internationally every year to remember those trans people who have been killed as a result of transphobia and violence.
Trans Awareness Week 2020 at Queen Mary
16 November 2020
This week is Trans Awareness Week (13-19 November) and it is an opportunity to raise awareness of the experiences and challenges faced by trans and gender non-conforming people and increase the visibility of this diverse community.