Join Queen Mary’s Global community of former and current students
24 September 2019
The Queen Mary Network is our new online networking platform exclusively for Queen Mary students, recent graduates, staff and alumni.
Money Matters – tips from the Advice and Counselling Service
24 April 2019
The Advice and Counselling Service has published its latest Money Tips edition. Find out about support for estranged students, reapplying for Student Finance 2019/2020 and what to do if you’ve paid too much income tax.
Spotted on campus – 5 - 19 March
19 March 2019
Find out what's been happening on campus over the past two weeks!
#FindYourFuture with Queen Mary Careers and Enterprise
18 March 2019
Can we help you with your next steps after Queen Mary? You can continue to access Queen Mary Careers and Enterprise support for two years after you graduate.
QMUL Bursary 2018/19 – have you received the first instalment?
15 March 2019
The Bursaries, Grants and Scholarships Office advises you on what to do if you haven't received your first bursary instalment.
Money Matters – tips from the Advice and Counselling Service
15 March 2019
In this edition of Money Matters, the Advice and Counselling Service tells you your options for improving your finances between your student loans, and how to reapply for Student Finance in 2019/20.
Undergraduate students: It's time to have your say!
11 March 2019
Calling all undergraduates … It’s Student Survey Season at Queen Mary, with the National Student Survey (NSS) open to final-year students and the UK Engagement Survey (UKES) open to all other undergraduates. Please have your say now!
Spotted on campus – 25 February - 1 March
5 March 2019
Find out what's been happening on campus over the past week, including students at the Lincoln's Inn Fields campus enjoying the heatwave, the 'Great Legal Bake' at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, and students at Mile End enjoying doughnuts while completing their student surveys.
Your bank accounts: Don’t be fooled
5 March 2019
Criminals are targeting students and young people with social media messages claiming to offer financial incentives if they transfer their bank accounts. The scam turns victims into "money mules", using their accounts for the illegal act of money laundering.
Prestigious Institute of Directors visits Queen Mary to inspire future leaders
1 March 2019
“Network, network, and network” – this was the key piece of advice echoed by eminent business leaders who came from the heart of the global financial centre to meet with Queen Mary students at the Mile End campus on Monday 25 February.