Dr Matthieu Burnay, LLB and BA (Saint Louis-Brussels), MSc (PKU), MSc (LSE), PhD (Leuven), FHEA

Reader in Global Law, Dean for International, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Email: m.burnay@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 2150
Room Number: Mile End
Dr Matthieu Burnay is a Reader in Global Law at Queen Mary University of London as well as an Associate Researcher at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven. In 2023-24, he is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Bologna. Matthieu has an interdisciplinary background in law, political science and history of international relations. He holds a PhD in Law from the University of Leuven and a Double MSc degree in International Affairs from Peking University and the London School of Economics.
At Queen Mary, Dr Burnay serves as Dean for International in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. At the School of Law, he serves as Director International, Co-Director of the Centre for European and International Legal Affairs, as well as Academic Lead for the Double Degree in English and French Law. He teaches the undergraduate courses ‘Law and Globalisation’, ‘Global Law and Governance’, and ‘Chinese Law and Institutions’.
His main research interests are in global law and governance; the study of the legal aspects of EU-China relations with a specific focus on their implications for (global) rule of law and human rights; the comparative study of the rule of law in the European Union and Asia; as well as comparative international law. He has recently focused on the rule of law and human rights implications of EU-China criminal justice cooperation with a specific focus on extradition; EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment; as well as the EU’s and China’s engagement with the global commons. He is also increasingly interested in issues relating to corporate due diligence, transnational repression and surveillance, academic freedom, as well as citizenship in the specific contexts of EU-China relations. He has published widely on these issues including a monograph ‘Chinese Perspectives on the International Rule of Law; Law and Politics in the One-Party State’ (Edward Elgar, 2018). In 2018, he was awarded a Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation (EUPLANT).
He has held Visiting Professorships and lectured in many universities in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America including, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Jindal Global University, Catholic University of Louvain, Seoul National University, University of Bologna, University of Rwanda, Tsinghua University, and the University of Rotterdam.
He has been consulted on China-related issues by the European Parliament, Council of the EU, European External Action Service, EU Committee of the Regions, UK Cabinet Office, Belgian Ministry of Justice, as well as national courts. He now serves as academic coordinator of the Civil Service China Capability Training Course convened by the Great Britain China Centre (GBCC).
In 2014, he received a Scientific Prize Gustave Boël - Sofina Fellowship from the King Baudouin Foundation.
Undergraduate Teaching
- Law 6463 Law and Globalisation
- Law 6453 Chinese Law and Institutions
- Law 6454 Global Law and Governance
GCRF Networking Grant on ‘Chinese Investments in Rwanda: Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction of a Sustainable Economy and Society’: In the last three decades, China has emerged as a major source of foreign aid and investments in Africa. The increasing demand for commodities (i.e. natural resources) combined with China’s large financial reserves offer African countries a credible alternative to the more traditional Official Development Aid and foreign investments coming from Western countries. Against the background of a rising Chinese presence in Rwanda, this project aims to analyse how Chinese foreign aid and investments contribute/impede the construction of a sustainable Rwandese economy and society in view of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project focuses in particular on the four sectors of the national economy that have witnessed a strong rise in foreign investments: infrastructure, apparel, agriculture, and Information Technology. In contrast with other African countries, debates on the Chinese presence in Rwanda remain limited. Hence this project provides a platform enabling local stakeholders (i.e. academics, private businesses, government and civil society representatives) to enter into an informed debate on the prospects and challenges engendered by Chinese foreign aid and investments. Initiating this debate is crucial to ensure that Rwanda takes ownership of the SDGs. The project builds upon the interdisciplinary knowledge of individual experts from Rwanda, China, and the United Kingdom. The research collaboration will enable knowledge and capacity building in Rwanda and facilitate future collaborations between individual experts of the network.
Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation - EUPLANT (Academic Coordinator): EUPLANT investigates the interactions between the Chinese and the European Union (EU) legal and judicial systems and promotes excellence in teaching and research on EU-China legal and judicial cooperation. Through a set of research, policy and outreach activities, EUPLANT creates new avenues for enhanced academic and policy cooperation between the EU and China and engenders a better understanding of each other’s legal systems. The network brings together Queen Mary University of London, King’s College London, University of Leuven, University of Bologna, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, and City University of London.
Jean Monnet Network on The European Union at the Crossroads of Global Order – EUCROSS (Key Staff Member): EUCROSS investigates the challenges and opportunities that the European Union (‘EU’ or ‘Union’) and its main international partners face in times when our conventional understanding of the global order is put into question and multilateralism is ‘contested’. EUCROSS brings together University of Leuven (Coordinator), Queen Mary University of London, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Florida, Jindal Global University, Raul Wallenberg Institute, German Development Institute, American University in Washington DC, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Jagiellonian University, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
- Matthieu Burnay, Li Bin, Marina Timoteo (eds), EU-China Strategic Partnership and the Law: Shaping the Future of the International Legal Order, Routledge (under contract).
- Matthieu Burnay, Chinese Perspectives on the International Rule of Law: Law and Politics in the One-Party State, Edward Elgar, 2018.
- Critical acclaim:
- ‘An important contribution to the ongoing debate about law and politics in China and beyond.’ (Professor Eva Pils, King’s College)
- ‘In this valuable research on the development of the rule of law in China, Matthieu Burnay inspires reflections on how China has changed and how China can be changed.’ (Professor Jing Men, College of Europe)
- External reviews:
- Mark Jia, Asia Pacific Law Review, Published Online, 2021, pp. 1-4
- Alice De Jonge, Asian Journal of International Law, Vol. 10 (2), 2020, pp. 416-18
- Santosh Pai, China Report, vol. 55(1), 2019, pp. 65-68
- Pitman B. Potter, The China Journal, no. 83, 2020, pp. 168-17
- Walter C. Clemens Jr., Asian Perspective, Vol. 43 (4). 2019, pp. 743-756
- Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne, and Matthieu Burnay (eds.), China, the European Union and the Developing World: A Triangular Relationship, Edward Elgar, 2015.
Special Issues
- Matthieu Burnay and Malgosia Fitzmaurice (eds), Special Issue on ‘Sustainable Development, Business and Human Rights: A Comparative Study’, 25 International Community Law Review 243, 2023.
- Julien Chaisse and Matthieu Burnay (eds), Special Issue on ‘CAI’s Contribution to International Investment Law: European, Chinese, and Global Perspectives’, 23 Journal of World Investment & Trade 497, 2022.
- Matthieu Burnay and Wim Muller (eds.), Special Issue on ‘China and Global Governance: Between the International Rule of Law and the International Rule of Power?’, The Hague Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 31 (2018), 2021.
- Matthieu Burnay and Julien Chaisse (eds), Special Issue on ‘China and the Global Commons’, International Community Law Review, Vol. 22, 2020.
- Matthieu Burnay, Kolja Raube and Jan Wouters (eds), Special Issue on ‘The Rule of Law as a Strategic Priority in EU External Action’, Asia-Europe Journal, Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2016
- Jan Wouters and Matthieu Burnay (eds), Special Issue on ‘The International Rule of Law: European and Asian Perspectives’, Belgian Review of International Law, 2013-2, 2014, pp. 297-403
International Journals (peer-reviewed)
- Matthieu Burnay and Li Bin, ‘Chinese Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Discourses and Practices at National and International Levels’, 25 International Community Law Review 291, 2023.
- Matthieu Burnay and Kolja Raube, ‘Obstacles, Opportunities, and Red Lines in the European Union: Past and Future of the CAI in times of (Geo)-politicisation’, 23 Journal of World Investment and Trade 675, 2022.
- Julien Chaisse and Matthieu Burnay, ‘CAI’s Contribution to International Investment Law: European, Chinese, and Global Perspectives’, 23 Journal of World Investment and Trade 497, 2022.
- Matthieu Burnay and Florian Couveinhes-Matsumoto, ‘International Status: The Evolution of Hong Kong’s International Positioning from Western Imperialism to Chinese Authoritarianism’, 64 German Yearbook of International Law 243, 2022.
- Matthieu Burnay and Eva Pils, ‘The Implications of China’s Rise for Cosmopolitan Academic Citizenship‘, Special Issue on Academic Freedom and Internationalisation, International Journal of Human Rights, Published Online, 2022.
- Matthieu Burnay and Eva Pils, ‘Human Rights, China and the UN: A UPR Mid-term Assessment’, 2 Amicus Curiae 244, 2021.
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘La Chine et la Résolution Internationale des Conflits: L’Etat de Droit en Droit International à l’Epreuve de l’Autoritarisme ?’, Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales, Vol. XXII, 2021, pp. 407-15.
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘China and Global Governance: Towards a Low-Cost Global Legal Order?', The Hague Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 31 (2018), 2021, pp. 15-42.
- Matthieu Burnay and Wim Muller, ‘China, Law and Global Governance: Power through Rules or Rule Through Power?’, The Hague Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 31 (2018), 2021, pp. 9-14.
- Matthieu Burnay and Julien Chaisse, ‘Global Commons as an Emerging Arena of Contestation of Global Governance Structures and Norms’, 22 International Community Law Review 533, 2020.
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘China and the Global Commons: Selective Contributions and Contestation’, 22 International Community Law Review 639, 2020.
- Matthieu Burnay and Eva Pils, ‘Weaponizing Citizenship in China: Domestic Exclusion and Transnational Expansion’, State Crime, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2020.
- Matthieu Burnay and Kolja Raube, ‘Strategy, Coherence and Legitimacy – Variations of a Theme in the Case of EU-China Relations’, Special Issue Legitimacy in EU Foreign and Security Policy, 4 Global Affairs 291, 2018.
- Matthieu Burnay, Joëlle Hivonnet and Kolja Raube, ‘The Case for an EU-China Rule of Law Dialogue : The Squaring of a Circle ?’, Asia-Europe Journal, Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2016, pp. 95-106
- Matthieu Burnay and Jan Wouters, ‘China in the UN Security Council: What are the Implications for the International Rule of law?’, Belgian Review of International Law, 2013-2, 2014, pp. 343-363
- Matthieu Burnay and Jan Wouters, ‘Introduction: The International Rule of Law: European and Asian Perspectives’, Belgian Review of International Law, 2013-2, 2014, pp. 299-306
- Matthieu Burnay, Joëlle Hivonnet and Kolja Raube, “’Soft Diplomacy’ and People-to-People Dialogue between the EU and the PRC: A Tool for a Truly Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, or Simply a Framework of Last Resort?”, European Foreign Affairs Review, Volume 19, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 35-55.
Other Journals
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Human Rights in Times of Crisis: EU-China Relations at a Glance’, Synergy Magazine, n. 68, 2020
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘China’s Reforms Fortieth Anniversary and EU-China Relations’, EU-China Observer, Volume 2, Issue 18, 2018, pp. 4-7.
- Matthieu Burnay and Michaël Maira, ‘Se Rassurer pour Etre Rassurante’, La Revue Nouvelle, April 2013, pp. 58-64
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Introduction: La Chine une Puissance Incertaine? ‘, La Revue Nouvelle, April 2013, pp. 26-28
- Matthieu Burnay and Michaël Maira (eds), ‘Chine: Menaces ou Opportunités?’, La Revue Nouvelle, April 2013.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ in Julien Chaisse and Christophe Herrmann (eds.), The International Law of Economic Integration, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
- Matthieu Burnay and Florian Couveinhes-Matsumoto, ‘L’accord global sur les investissements entre l’Union européenne et la Chine, révélateur du futur incertain du Droit européen de l’investissement’ in Raphael Maurel, Nouveaux regards sur le droit européen des investissements, LexisNexis, 2023, pp. 431-450.
- Matthieu Burnay and Alexandru Circiumaru, ‘The A.I. Global Order - What Place for the European Union?’ in M. Egan, K. Raube, J. Wouters, and J. Chaisse (eds.), Contestation and Polarization in Global Governance: European Responses, Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 265-283
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Era: Transnational Implications of China’s Surveillance State’ in Valsamis Mitsilegas and Niovi Vavoula (eds), Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Era: Challenges for Transatlantic Cooperation and European Criminal Law, Hart Publishing, 2021, pp. 197-216.
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Bridging the Gap between Investments and Human Rights Protection: Prospects and Challenges for the China-EU CAI’ in Yuwen Li, Tong Qi, and Cheng Bian (eds.), China, the EU and International Investment Law, Routledge, 2019, pp. 54-68.
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘‘Soft Legal Transplants’: EU-China Relations at A Glance’ in Jing Men (ed) The EU and China: Reform and Governance, Routledge, 2017, pp. 17-32
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Chinese Perspectives on the Rule of Law: Prospects and Challenges for Global Constitutionalism’ in Takao Suami, Mattias Kumm, Anne Peters, and Dimitri Vanoverbeke (eds.), Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 225-44.
- Matthieu Burnay and Jan Wouters, ‘The EU and China in the WTO: What Contribution to the International Rule of Law? – Reflections in Light of the Raw Materials and Rare Earths Disputes’ in Jianwei Wang and Weiqing Song (eds), China, the European Union, and International Politics of Global Governance, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016
- Matthieu Burnay, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Jan Wouters, ‘China, the European Union and the Developing World: Analyzing and Comparing a Triangular Relationship Region by Region’ in Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Matthieu Burnay (eds), China, the European Union and the Developing World : A Triangular Relationship, Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 1-18
- Jan Wouters and Matthieu Burnay, ‘The EU and Asia in the United Nations Security Council’ in Thomas Christiansen, Emil Kirchner and Philomena Murray (eds), Handbook of EU-Asia Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 392-405
- Jan Wouters and Matthieu Burnay, ‘China and the European Union in the World Trade Organization: Living Apart Together?’ in Jan Wouters, Tanguy de Wilde, Pierre Defraigne and Jean-Christophe Defraigne (eds), China, the European Union and the Restructuring of Global Governance, Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 79-97
- Jan Wouters and Matthieu Burnay, ‘Concluding Remarks: China-EU Relations in a Moving International Arena: Which Way Forward?’ in Jan Wouters, Tanguy de Wilde, Pierre Defraigne and Jean-Christophe Defraigne (eds), China, the European Union and the Restructuring of Global Governance, Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 325-330.
Working papers
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Era: Transnational Implications of China's Surveillance State’, Working Paper for the Jean Monnet Network ‘The European Union at the Crossroads of Global Order’ (EUCROSS), October 2019.
- Matthieu Burnay and Marta Hermez, ‘Towards Global Justice with Chinese Characteristics’, GLOBUS Research Paper, n. 10, 2018, pp. 28.
Policy Reports and Consultancy
- Matthieu Burnay, 'China’s ‘discourse power’ and the rule of law at the national and international levels' in David Ismangil, Karen van der Schaaf & Stijn Deklerck (eds.), Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: China, Amnesty International, February 2020
- Matthieu Burnay and Marta Hermez, ‘EU Preventive Diplomacy in the South China Sea’ in Guy Banim and Eva Pejsova (eds), Prevention Better than Cure: The EU’s Quiet Diplomacy in Asia, EUISS Report n. 33, 2017, pp. 40-46.
- Matthieu Burnay and Pierre Schmitt, ‘Regulatory Fitness and Performance (REFIT) Programme: EU Regulatory Bottlenecks and Administrative Burdens at Local and Regional Level’, Study for the EU Committee of the Regions, 2017.
- Matthieu Burnay, Matthias Deneckere, Volker Haucke, and Kolja Raube, ‘Does the EU Have the Right Instruments to Finance Assistance in Enduring Crises and the Needs of Upper Middle Income Countries?’, Study for the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, 2016.
- Matthieu Burnay, ‘A Test Case for China’s Adherence to the International Rule of Law’ in Eva Pejsova (ed), Sense and Sensibility – Addressing the South China Sea Disputes, EUISS Report, n°28, 2016, pp. 30-33.
- Matthieu Burnay, Kolja Raube and Jan Wouters, ‘China's Foreign Policy and External Relations’, Study for the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, 2015.
- Axel Marx, Jan Wouters, Woosik Moon, Yeongseop Rhee, Sunhee Park and Matthieu Burnay (eds), ‘EU-Korea Relations in a Changing World’, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Report submitted to the European External Action Service, 2013.
- Puangrat Patomsirirak (with Dr Prakash Shah): ‘The Legal Aspects of Thailand for Dealing with Thai Emigrant Citizens During Pandemic Emergencies: A Comparative Study with Malaysia and Singapore’
- Agnes Rydberg (With Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice: ‘The Obligation not to Defeat the raison d’être of a Treaty Prior to its Entry into Force under the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: A Law-making Treaty Perspective’
Dr Burnay welcomes proposals for doctoral supervision in the following areas:
- Chinese Law.
- Chinese perspectives on international law.
- Legal history of China.
- Global law and governance.
- Comparative studies on the rule of law and the international rule of law.
- Legal and political aspects of EU-China relations.
- Criminal Justice Cooperation (i.e. extraditions) with China.
Jury Member for the PhD dissertation of Ms Li Yang (King’s College London) on ‘Constructing A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Data Protection Law in Comparative Perspectives: If not Privacy, Then What?’, July 2020.
Jury Member for the PhD dissertation of Wenjia Wang (University Saint Louis-Brussels and Catholic University of Louvain) on ‘Economic Interdependence in China-ASEAN Relations: Whither Peace? - An Analysis of the Impact of China-ASEAN Economic Interdependence on the Geopolitics of the South China Sea Dispute’, February 2017.
Member of the Supervisory Committee for the PhD dissertation of Yang Hai (KU Leuven) on ‘A Comparative Analysis of the Structural Foreign Policy of the EU and China in the International System’.
Public Engagement
Past events
- 17 May 2024: Guest Lecture on ‘Geopoliticisation, Compartmentalisation, and Unilateralisation in the EU Trade and Investment Policy: EU-China Relations at a Glance’, University of Leuven.
- 25 April 2024: Seminar on ‘Unilateralisation of the EU’s Trade Policy’, American University in Washington DC.
- 23 April 2024: PhD Seminar, McGill University.
- 11 April 2024: Contribution to a panel on ‘‘Trade and Economics’, China Day, Great Britain China Centre and University of Pennsylvania.
- 25 March 2024: Presentation on ‘China’s Human Rights’, China Capability Training Course, FCDO.
- 6 December 2023: Presentation on ‘Belt and Road Initiative: A laboratory for global/regional integration with Chinese characteristics?’, University College London China Centre.
- 15 December 2023: Contribution to a Panel Debate on ‘Changing Global Orders and Connectivities: BRICS’, Workshop on Global Reordering and Connectivity, University of Leuven.
- 6 December 2023: Contribution to a Panel Debate on ‘10 years after the launch of the Silk road and 20 after China's accession to the WTO, what's impact (or not) of China on International Economic Law and International Law’, University College London.
- 17 November 2023: Presentation on ‘Sino-UK Academic Exchanges: Marketisation, Securitisation, and Other Threats to Academic Freedom’ at the workshop on ‘Resuming fieldwork in and academic exchanges with China in the post-pandemic era: under what conditions? In what academic context? With what implications?’, INALCO, Paris.
- 15 November 2023: Policy training on ‘European Union-China Relations’, Civil Service China Capability Course, Great Britain China Centre.
- 10 November 2023: Policy training on ‘European Union-China Relations’, Future Leader Programme, Great Britain China Centre.
- October 2023: Lecture Series on ‘Chinese Perspectives on International Economic Law’, University of Bologna, Italy.
- 11-12 September 2023: Speaker at a Workshop on ‘Academic freedom, national security, and academic collaboration with China’, King’s College London.
- 13 July 2023: Convenor of an international workshop on ‘Internationalisation and Risks to Academic Freedom’, QMUL.
- 6 July 2023: Presentation on ‘Politics and Law of EU-China Criminal Justice Cooperation’ at a Policy Roundtable on ‘EU-China judicial cooperation in criminal matters’, Brussels.
- 22 June 2023: Presentation on the ‘Global Commons’ at the ‘Sino-UK PolicyLab: Cross-sector knowledge exchange for China in the Integrated Review Refresh, London.
- 2 May 2023: Discussant at a Lecture on ‘Rolling Back Transparency in China’s Courts’ by Prof. Ben Liebman (Columbia University) , King’s College London.
- 28 March 2023: Presentation at the Conference on ‘Chinese Investments in Rwanda’, University of Kigali, Rwanda.
- Wednesday 18 January 2023: Contribution to a Panel on ‘Chinese Investments in Rwanda’, University of Kigali, Rwanda.
- Tuesday 6 December 2022: Presentation of a Paper on ‘L’accord global sur les investissements entre l’Union européenne et la Chine, révélateur du futur incertain du Droit européen de l’investissement’, Conference on ‘Nouveaux Regards sur le Droit Européen des Investissements’, CREDIMI, University of Bourgogne, France.
- 14-18 November 2022: Course on ‘Chinese Law from a Global Law Perspective’, Global Law Week, University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 3 November 2022: Lecture on ‘EU-China Investment Relations : Which Lessons from the CAI?’, University of Rwanda, Butare, Rwanda.
- 1 November 2022: Lecture on ‘Law and Globalisation’, University of Rwanda, Butare, Rwanda.
- 23 September 2022: Presentation of a Paper on ‘Obstacles, Opportunities, and Red Lines in the European Union: Past and Future of the CAI in times of (Geo)-politicisation’, European China Law Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 21 September 2022: Presentation of a Paper on ‘EU-China Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Cooperation and Confrontation on Human Rights’, European China Law Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 5 September 2022: Chairs a Panel on ‘European Union and the Global Commons’, UACES Annual Conference, Catholic University of Lille, France.
- 16-17 June 2022: Contribution to a Panel Debate on ‘Academic Freedom and Internationalisation’, NEXTEUUK PhD Summer School, Paris, France.
- 26 May 2022: EUPLANT Lecture on ‘Obstacles, Opportunities, and Red Lines in the European Union: Past and Future of the CAI in times of (Geo)-politicisation’, University of Bologna, Italy.
- 16 April 2022: Lecture on ’ Weaponising Citizenship in China: Domestic and Transnational Developments in the ‘New Era’’, University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 22 February 2022: Contribution to a Panel Debate on ‘EU-China Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters’, University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 3 February 2022: Discussant at a Lecture on ‘'China's Challenge to International Law'’, University College London.
- 22 February 2022: Contribution to a Panel Debate on ‘EU-China Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters’, University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 1 December 2021: Lecture on ‘Weaponising Citizenship in China: Domestic and Transnational Developments in the ‘New Era’’, Lecture Series on Citizenship for the 21st century, University of Basel, Switzerland.
- 12 October 2021: Training Course on ’How Foreign Policy is Developed and China’s Global Outlook’, Civil Service China Capability Course organised by the Great Britain China Centre and the University of Oxford.
- 24 September 2021: Presentation on ‘China and ‘Authoritarian International Law’: a Critical Discussion’, European China Law Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland.
- 15 July 2021: Presentation on ‘China in the World’, Future Leaders Programme organised by the Great Britain China Centre and the University of Oxford.
- 5 July 2021: Presentation on ‘The EU and the UK- in an Uncertain and Turbulent World Order’, NEXTEUK PhD Virtual Summer School, Queen Mary University of London.
- 8 and 29 March 2021: EUPLANT and Asia FDI Network Conference on the ‘Comprehensive Agreement on Investment’.
- 19 April 2021: EUPLANT Lecture on ‘Human Rights, China, and the United Nations: UPR Mid-Term Assessment’ by Dr Matthieu Burnay (Queen Mary), University of Leuven
- 19 April 2021: EUPLANT Lecture on ‘EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: State of Play and Way Forward’ by Dr Matthieu Burnay (Queen Mary), Tsinghua University.
- Panel Debate on 'From Polarization and Contestation to Cooperation and Global Governance in Times of Crisis' at the EUCROSS Final Conference, University of Leuven, 26 February 2021.
- Chaired a Panel on WTO Reform and China's Role at the China Forum on Global Trade and Investment Law, 18 January 2021.
- EUPLANT Lecture on ‘Chinese Law in Context: Power, Institutions and Values under Xi’, University of Leuven, 16 February 2021.
- Chairs a EUPLANT Lecture on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, Queen Mary University of London, 9 December 2020.
- Chairs a EUPLANT Webinar on Human rights, China and the UN: UPR Mid-term Assessment, Queen Mary University of London, 7 December 2020.
- Contribution to a panel on ‘The Ethics and Politics of Critical Academic Work’, Queen Mary University of London, 18 November 2020.
- EUPLANT Course on ‘Introduction to the Law of the European Union’, Beijing Normal University, 16-26 November 2020.
- Chairs a panel on ‘US Elections Debrief’, Queen Mary University of London, 13 November 2020.
- Interview for the Collège de Droit de la Sorbonne on Hong Kong National Security Law (1 November 2020) (In French)
- Chairs a panel on ‘Covid-19 and the Law’, Queen Mary University of London, 27 July 2020.
- Guest Lecture on ‘EU-China Relations in a Time of ‘Contested World Orders’ at the University of Kent, Canterbury, 19 March 2020.
- Seminar on 'China and the Global Commons', Centre for Chinese Law and Policy, Durham University, 10 March 2020.
- Course on 'Law and Politics of China as a Global Economic Actor', Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, 4-9 March 2020.
- EUPLANT Public Lecture on ‘European Integration and the Rule of law: Prospects and Challenges for the Development of an EU Rule of Law’ at Tsinghua University, Beijing, 24 February 2020.
- Guest Lecture on ‘Chinese Law in Context: Power, Institutions, and Values under Xi’ at the University of Leuven, Leuven, 18 February 2020.
- Lecture on ‘Chinese Perspectives on the Rule of Law and Human Rights: A Global Governance Perspective’, Massive Open Online Course on Human Rights and the Rule of Law, University of Leuven, Leuven, 7 January 2020.
- EUCROSS Webinar on ‘China and the Global Commons’, 20 November 2019.
- EUCROSS Lecture on ‘China under Xi: National and Transnational Implications for Human Rights and the Rule of Law’ at the University of Leuven, Leuven, 19 November 2019
- Contribution to a Panel on ‘Science & Technology’ at The 3rd YCW-King’s College London China Conference, King’s College London, 2 November 2019.
- EUPLANT Lecture on ‘Law and Politics of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment,’ [PDF 988KB] at the University of Bologna, 29 October 2019.
- EUPLANT Lecture on ‘The Global Law and Politics of Europe-China Relations at a Crossroad?’ [PDF 11,626KB] at Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, 19 October 2019.
- Presentation on ‘Protecting the Rule of Law in the European Union: Prospects and Challenges in Times of Crisis’ at the 2019 Tsinghua University World Forum on the Rule of Law, Beijing, 18 October 2019.
- EUPLANT Lecture on ‘The Future of EU International Trade and Investment Law and Policy: Implications for the EU-China Strategic Partnership’ at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 16 October 2019.
- EUPLANT Lecture on ‘Global Law, EU Law, and the Implications of Brexit’ at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 15 October 2019.
- Contribution to an EUPLANT Roundtable on ‘Prospects and Challenges for the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment’ organised by Erasmus University Rotterdam and Queen Mary University of London, Brussels, 23 September 2019.
- Guest lecture on ‘Privacy and Surveillance in a China 4.0. Society: National and Transnational Implications,’ at the occasion of the 11th Euro-Asia Summer School organised by Seoul National University, Hitotsubashi University and the University of Leuven, Leuven, 29 August 2019.
- Contribution to a Panel Debate on ‘Emerging Powers and Global Governance: A China-Led World Order?’ at the Buceris Summer School on Global Governance 2019, Hamburg, 26 August 2019.
- Participation to the First Kigali Global Dialogue organised by the Observer Research Foundation, Kigali, Rwanda, 3-5 July 2019.
- Public Lecture on ‘Chinese Perspectives on Global Governance: Towards a Low-Cost Global Legal Order’ organised by the Institut de Recherche en Droit International et Europeen at Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, 3 June 2019. Public Lecture Announcement [PDF 90KB]
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘China and the Global Commons: Localisation of Transnational Legal Orders’ at the EUCROSS Conference on Contestation and Enduring Cooperation in a Changing World Order, American University in Washington DC, 12 and 13 June 2019.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Prospects and Challenges for EU-China Judicial Cooperation’ at the EUPLANT Conference on Judicial Reforms and Cooperation in China organised by the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Beijing, 9-12 May 2019.
- Presentation on ‘Rule of Law Promotion and the EU-China Strategic Partnership’ at the UACES CER Decentring Europe Research Seminar, University of London Institute in Paris, 7 March 2019.
- Public Lecture on ‘China and the Future of the International Order’, University Saint Louis-Brussels, 4 March 2019.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘China and the Global Commons: Localisation of Transnational Legal Orders’ at the EUPLANT and CLSGC Workshop on 'Regulating the Commons: Making Sense of the Emergence of China as a Rule-Shaper and Rule-Maker', Queen Mary University of London, 28 February 2019.
- Presentation on ‘Prospects and Challenges for Europe-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation’ at the QMUL-Renmin Annual Conference on Criminal Justice, 7 December 2018.
- Presentation of a paper on ‘Chinese Citizenship as a Contested Idea: Domestic Fragmentation and Transnational Expansion’ at the International Conference on Transformation of Citizenship, University of Graz, 21 November 2018.
- Public Lecture on ‘Chinese Perspectives on Human Rights and the Rule of Law: From Dilution to Rejection of International Norms?’, University of Leuven, 16 November 2018.
- Presentation on ‘China, the European Union, and the Future of the International Liberal Order’ at the International Symposium on ‘China and Europe on the 40th Anniversary of the Beginning of China’s Reform and Opening: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects’ organised by the College of Europe and the Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, 29 October 2018.
- Public Lecture on ‘The Belt and Road Initiative: Prospects and Challenges for the European Union’, Emeriti Forum, University of Leuven, 27 September 2018.
- Participation to an International Roundtable on ‘Academic Freedom in China’, King’s College London, 17 September 2018.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘The Political Dimension of Academic Exchanges in the EU-China Strategic Partnership: Prospects and Challenges for Public Diplomacy’ at the Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, University of Torino, 13-14 September 2018.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Chinese Revisionism and the Challenge to Liberal Universalism in the International Legal Order’ at the Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, University of Torino, 13-14 September 2018.
- Guest Lecture on the EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty at the Euro-Asia Summer School, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, 28 August 2018
- Public Lecture on ‘EU-China Relations: Impact of Four Decades of Reforms in China’, Jindal Global University, Delhi, 21 August 2018.
- Presentation on ‘China and Global Governance - The End of Normative Power Europe?’ at the Jean Monnet Workshop ‘Europe-China Relations in Times of Crisis and Disintegration’, Aston University, 21 June 2018
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Bridging the Gap between Investments and Human Rights Protection: Prospects and Challenges for the EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty’ at the ATLAS Agora 2018, American University Washington College of Law, 14 June 2018.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Bridging the Gap between Investments and Human Rights Protection: Prospects and Challenges for the EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty’ at the China Law and Policy Informal Workshop, King’s College London, 1 June 2018.
- Public Lecture on ‘China as a Global Actor’, Saint Louis University-Brussels, 3 May 2018.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Bridging the Gap between Investments and Human Rights Protection: Prospects and Challenges for the EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty’ at the International Workshop on "International Dialogue on Law, Rights and Development", Universitad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, 23 April 2018.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Bridging the Gap between Investments and Human Rights Protection: Prospects and Challenges for the EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty’ at the International Conference on ‘EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty Negotiations: A Focus on Investor-State Dispute Settlement’, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 19 and 20 April 2018.
- Presentation of a Paper on 'China and Global Governance: Towards a Low-Cost Global Legal Order?', International Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, 7 April 2018
- Presentation of a Paper on 'China and Global Governance: Towards a Low-Cost Global Legal Order?', King’s College London, 14 February 2018
- Public Lecture on ‘Chinese Perspectives on Europe :Many Belt(s), Many Road(s)?’ in the context of the Lecture Series on ‘Recalibrating Europe: Crossroads, Silk Roads and Transformative Global Maps’ organised by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, 24 November 2017
- Public lecture on ‘Chinese Perspectives on Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Towards a Low-Cost Legal System?’ in the context of the Lecture Series on ‘Under Siege: Human Rights and the Rule of Law’ organised by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, 23 November 2017.
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘China: Towards a New Understanding of Global Justice?’ at the 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations organised by the European International Studies Association, Barcelona, 16 September 2017 (together with Ms. Marta Hermez)
- Presentation of a Paper on ‘Strategy, Coherence, and Legitimacy – Variations of a Theme in the Case of EU-China Relations’, at the 11th Pan–European Conference on International Relations organised by the European International Studies Association, Barcelona, 16 September 2017 (together with Dr. Kolja Raube).
- Presentation at the Briefing Seminar on ‘Four Years of the Belt and Road Initiative: Perspectives from Europe’, European Institute for Asian Studies, 12 September 2017, Brussels.
- Presentation on Challenges and Prospects for EU-China Cooperation in Global Governance at the Roundtable on ‘EU Politics and Foreign Policy in EU-China Relations’, European Policy Centre, 6 September 2017, Brussels.
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