Dr Georgosouli is a Reader in Financial Law and Regulation at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London. Her research is problem-solving and focuses, in roughly equal measure, on financial law and the theory of regulation. Her recent publications address questions of financial crisis prevention and management, transnational governance, and digitalization. Earlier publications examine a selection of topics on meta-regulation in the field of financial services. Dr Georgosouli is the author of a monograph on Adaptable Financial Regulation: Theory, Policy and Practice (OUP; forthcoming 2025), the editor of the EE Research Handbook on Consumer Protection in Financial Law and Regulation (jointly with I Benohr) (EE; forthcoming 2025), the editor of a book on Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation (Routledge/INFORMA, 2015; jointly with M Goldby) and -until June 2021- was the General Editor of the Transnational Commercial Law Review - the online fully open-access peer-reviewed journal of the QMUL-UNIDROIT Institute of Transnational Commercial Law (jointly with M Goldby). In addition, she has published extensively in top law journals including the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, the Cambridge Law Journal, the Legal Studies; the Brooklyn Journal of Commercial, Financial and Corporate Law, the Connecticut Insurance Law Journal, the Journal of Banking Regulation, and the Journal of Law and Society. She regularly contributes to books, and, over the years, she has been involved in the preparation of independent reports and briefings in the field of her expertise. Examples include her recent contribution to an independent study for the European Parliament on the topic of Euro Area Accession focusing on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Bulgaria and Croatia in collaboration with CEPS (2022); her report to the European Affairs Committee of the UK Parliament on the UK-EU relationship in financial services post-Brexit (April 2022; jointly with Rosa Lastra); and her Briefing for the European Parliament on Brexit, financial stability, and the supervision of clearing systems (February 2018). In 2016, Dr Georgosouli was the holder of a prestigious scholarship under the European Central Bank (ECB) Legal Research Programme. In spring 2015, she was a visiting scholar at the George Washington University Law School and at the International Monetary Fund. In December 2021, Dr Georgosouli joined the prestigious Advisory Pool of Experts (APEX) of the Bar Standards Board as a regulatory policy and theory expert.
Dr Georgosouli is currently the CCLS Director of the Joint Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the School of Law. Before that appointment, she successfully led the Law School’s joint submission for the Athena Swan Silver Award representing CCLS. Until June 2021, she acted as the Academic Director of the Queen Mary-UNIDROIT Institute of Transnational Commercial Law (jointly with M Goldby). Dr Georgosouli holds a PhD in financial regulation and an LLM in Banking and Financial Law - both from QMUL. Her postgraduate studies were funded by a three-year scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships' Foundation (SSF), which she had been awarded after having taken first place in the SSF national written competition in 2001. Dr Georgosouli is a barrister (on leave), and she obtained her LLB from Democritus University of Thrace (Greece). Before joining QMUL in January 2012, she was a lecturer at the School of Law of the University of Leicester and the Deputy Director of the School's Centre for European Law and Integration (CELI).
Theories of regulation, political and moral philosophy, financial regulation (banking, securities, insurance) focusing on legal and institutional aspects of crisis prevention and management.
Examples of research funding:
Report on ‘Compliance and Financial Regulation’ (jointly with Professor P. Rawlings and Dr C. Russo): Industry funded project by Deloitte.
Dr Andromachi Georgosouli's SSRN page
- Adaptable Financial Regulation: Theory, Policy and Practice (Oxford: OUP, 2025; forthcoming)
- EE Research Handbook on Consumer Protection in Financial Services Law and Regulation (co-edited with I Benohr) (EE, 2025; forthcoming)
- Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation (co-edited with M. Goldby) Routledge/INFORMA, Lloyd’s Insurance Law Library series) (2015) pp. 1-204
Articles in journals
- Metarules, judgment and the algorithmic future of financial regulation in the UK' Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (August 2023) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1-27
- ‘The transnational governance of bank resolution and the treatment of national regulatory variation in the EU’ (2021) 80(1) Cambridge Law Journal 74-100. (13,208 words)
- ‘Improving the immediate enforceability of resolution action in the EU: Critical reflections’ (2017) 24(1) Columbia Journal of European Law 1-37. (20,508 words)
- ‘Regulatory incentive realignment and the EU framework of bank resolution’ (2016) 10(2) Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law 343-382. (20,806 words)
- ‘Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) Misselling: Some Lessons from the UK’ 21(1) Connecticut Insurance Law Journal (2014-2015) 261-288
- ‘Judgement-led regulation: Reflections on data and discretion’, (2013) 14(3) Journal of Banking Regulation (Special Issue) 209-220
- ‘The FCA-PRA coordination scheme and the challenge of policy coherence’, (2013) 8(1) Capital Markets Law Journal 62-76
- ‘The FSA’s Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) initiative: What is so good about it and why it may not work’ (2011) 38(3) Journal of Law and Society 405-427
- ‘The Revision of the FSA’s Approach to Regulation: An Incomplete Agenda?’, (2010) 7 Journal of Business Law 599-617
- ‘Regulatory Interpretation: Conversational or Constructive?’, (2010) 30(2) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 361-384
- ‘The Nature of the FSA Policy of Rule-Use: A Critical Overview’, (2008) 28(1) Legal Studies 119-139
- ‘The Economic Rationale for Investor Protection Regulation: A Critical Appraisal’, (2007) 15(3) Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 236-249
Chapters in books (2015 – present)
- 'Financial regulation in the UK and the EU post-Brexit: A trend towards decoupling or recoupling?' in T Jaeger, M Lehmann, A Somek, and M Waibel (eds) Consolidating Brexit: The Future of EU/UK Cooperation (Jan Sramek Verlag, 2023) 149-182 (with R Lastra)
- ‘The algorithmic future of insurance supervision in the EU: A reality check’ in K Nussia and P Marano (eds), The Governance of Insurance Undertakings between Corporate Law and Insurance Regulation (co-authored with J Okonjo; 2021 Springer; International Insurance Law Association (AIDA), Europe, Young Authors Award 2020)
- ‘What makes deterrence credible?’, book chapter in W Blair, R Lastra and C Russo (eds), Research Handbook in Ethics in Banking and Finance (Edward Elgar; 2019).
- ‘National Report – United Kingdom’ (co-authored with P. Schammo; erroneously attributed to T. Tridimas in the initial print run) in G Bándi, P Darák, A Halustyik, and PA Láncos (eds) European Banking Union. XXVII. FIDE Congress Proceedings. (Budapest: Wolters, Kluwer; 2016) 1-22
- ‘Reflections: Standardization theory and the limits of its applicability’, book chapter in L Mistelis and M Goldby (eds.), The Role of Arbitration in Shipping Law (Oxford University Press; spring/summer 2016) 81-85
- ‘The emerging Special recovery and resolution framework of G-SIIs and its effectiveness’, chapter 8 in A Georgosouli and M Goldby (eds) Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation, Routledge/INFORMA, Lloyd’s Insurance Law Library series; 2015) 125-149
- ‘Introduction’ (co-authored with M. Goldby), chapter 1 in A Georgosouli and M Goldby (eds) Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation, Routledge/INFORMA, Lloyd’s Insurance Law Library series; 2015) 1-6
Book reviews
- ‘Book review: N. Moloney, ‘The Age of ESMA: Governing EU Financial Markets’ Modern Law Review (autumn 2021)
- ‘R.S.J. Martha, ‘Financial Obligations in International Law’ (book review) (2016) Netherlands International Law Review 355-358
- ‘The Eurozone Crisis: Some reflections on economic sustainability and the issue of legitimacy’ (12 April 2014) blog contribution to ‘“The Eurozone Crisis” –A Book Debate’
- ‘Book review: F. Kjaer, G. Teubner & A. Febbrajo eds., The Financial Crisis in Constitutional Perspective. The Dark Side of Functional Differentiation. Hart Publishing, 2011', (2012) 10 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1174-1177.
Online research outputs and research papers (indicative)
- C. Alcidi, F Corti, A Georgosouli, D Gross and T Kiss- Calfalvi, 'Euro Area Accession: Assessment of the 4 of 20 Convergence Path and COVID-19 Implications' CEPS study at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) (June 2022)
- A Georgosouli and R Lastra, submission of Evidence to the European Affairs Committee on the UK-EU relationship in financial services (EAC/21-22/128) (April 2022)
- C Alcidi and F Corti, ‘Ex-post evaluation of the economic adjustment programmes of Greece 2010-2018’ with contributions from T Broich, A Georgosouli, C Lenoel, C Macchiarelli, F Shamsfakhr, A Vigkos, and K Whyte (independent report commissioned by the European Commission; autumn 2021)
- ‘Brexit, financial stability and the supervision of clearing systems’ European Parliament Briefing (Monetary Dialogue, February 2018) European Parliament Committees Publications (Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee) (24 pages)
- ‘Measuring the implementation of the FSB Key Attributes for effective resolution regimes in the EU’ co-authored with T Rice and N Coleman, No1238 International Finance Discussion Papers (IFDP) of the US Federal Reserve System (October 2018). (20,300 words).
- 'Why Non-Performing Loans are still putting the European Banking Union at Risk?’ (27 March 2019) LSE European Politics and Policy blog (interdisciplinary research paper co-authored with C Machiarelli (Brunel/LSE), R Giancon (EBRD) and M Monti (LSE))
- ‘Regulation of Financial Services: Aims and Methods’ co-authored with P Rawlings and C Russo, CCLS Research Paper (April 2014)
- ‘The FCA, the PRA and the Idea of Resilience as a Narrative for Policy Coherence’ (SSRN Working Paper Series) 2012 (updated version 2014)
- ‘Judgement-Led Regulation: Some critical reflections’ (SSRN Working Paper Series) 2012
Other/Public consultations
Dr Georgosouli is an expert in financial law and the theory of regulation. She is currently interested in the regulation of financial resilience, the idea of adaptability as a virtue of financial regulatory law, transnational governance and the intersection between law and technology in all three fields of financial regulation (banking, securities and capital). Through her research, she tries to understand how law could provide the infrastructure for the operation of a financial system which would be safer and more potent in delivering sustainable economic prosperity for all. She would be happy to supervise any of the issues that fall within her expertise and current research interests.
PhD students
- Y. Li, ‘The regulation of crowd-funding in China’ (September 2016 to December 2020) (first supervisor; second supervisors: I. Kokkoris and B Schneider)
- T. Petch, ‘Creating a stable European Economic Union through Federalism’ (jointly with R. Lastra between 2016-2018; equal responsibility).
- J. Kay Ramsay, ‘What measures should be taken to protect consumers against the dangers of Payday loans? Can lessons be learnt from other jurisdictions?’ (2014-2017) (jointly with S Perera; equal responsibility)