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School of Law

Professor Chris Reed, BA (Keele), LLM (London)


Professor of Electronic Commerce Law

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8078
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields


Chris Reed is a member of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS). He joined the Centre in 1987 and is responsible for the University of London LLM courses in Information Technology Law, Internet Law, Electronic Banking Law and Telecommunications Law. Chris has published widely on many aspects of computer law and research in which he was involved led to the EU directives on electronic signatures and on electronic commerce. From 1997-2000, Chris was Joint Chairman of the Society for Computers and Law, and in 1997-8 he acted as Specialist Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology. Chris participated as an Expert at the European Commission/Danish Government Copenhagen Hearing on Digital Signatures, represented the UK Government at the Hague Conference on Private International Law and has been an invited speaker at OECD and G8 international conferences. He is a former Director of CCLS, and from 2004 to 2009 was Academic Dean of the Faculty of Law & Social Sciences.

In 2022, the Cloud Legal Project launched on Coursera an innovative online specialisation in Cloud Computing Law. Chris Reed is an instructor in the week that covers information ownership and intellectual property.

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