Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, LLB (Bue), LLM (Warwick) and PhD (London)

Professor of Banking and Finance Law
Telephone: +44(0)20 7882 8097
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal is a Professor in Banking and Finance Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) at Queen Mary University of London. Prior to joining CCLS he was a Senior Lecturer in Financial Law and the Academic Director at the Centre for Financial and Management Studies (SOAS), University of London and the School of Law, University of Warwick. He has taught in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various Schools of Law and Business Schools in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Greece, France, China and Argentina as well as in professional training courses in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. He has acted as a Sovereign Debt Expert for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Senior Insolvency Expert for the World Bank / IFC and as a consultant to several multilateral institutions in Washington DC and Europe, Central Banks and Sovereign States as well as in several international transactions with Law Firms. He specialises in international finance, insolvency law and cross-border complex litigation. He is the author/editor of seven books and has extensively published in peer-reviewed journals. He is the Editor in Chief of the Business Law Review (Kluwer) and sits in the editorial/advisory board of several law journals in the UK and US and is a member of national and international institutions and associations specialised in comparative commercial and insolvency law.
Postgraduate Teaching
International Finance; Capital Markets; Insolvency, Corporate Rescue and Sovereign Debt Restructuring.
- “Debt Restructuring”, co-authored, Oxford University Press, Third Edition 2022.
- “Debt Restructuring”, co-authored, Oxford University Press, Second Edition 2016.
- “Expedited Corporate Debt Restructuring in the EU (a comparative study of all 28 member states)”, edited, Oxford University Press, 2015.
- “Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees”, co-edited, Edward Elgar, 2013.
- “Managing Risk in the Financial System”, co-edited, Edward Elgar, 2011.
- “Debt Restructuring”, co-authored, Oxford University Press, 2011.
- “Competition Law Amidst Financial Crises”, co-authored, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- “Legal Aspects of Sovereign Debt Restructuring”, authored, Sweet & Maxwell, 2009.
- “Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution”, co-edited, Informa-Lloyd’s of London Press, 2009.
- “Expedited Corporate Debt Restructuring: An International Comparative Analysis”, edited, Kluwer Law, 2007.
Book chapters
- “Non-performing Loans: Challenges and Options for Banks and Corporations”, co-authored, in Platon Monokroussos (eds.), “Resolving private sector insolvency The experience of the EU periphery and the case of Greece", Palgrave MacMillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions, July 2017.
- “Statutory Sovereign Debt Resolution Mechanisms”, authored, in Lee Buchheit and Rosa M. Lastra (eds.), “Sovereign Debt Management”, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- “The European Stability Mechanism: Some Notes on a New EU Institution Designed to Avert Financial Crises”, authored, in John R. LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh (eds), “Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees”, Edward Elgar, 2013.
- “From Consolidated Supervision to Consolidated Resolution”, co-authored with Prof. Rosa M. Lastra, in John LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh (eds), “Managing Risk in the Financial System”, Edward Elgar (forthcoming July 2011).
- “The Greek Tragedy: Is there a Deus ex Machina?”, co-authored with Dr Ioannis Kokkoris and Kiriakos Papadakis, in John LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh (eds), “Managing Risk in the Financial System”, Edward Elgar (forthcoming July 2011).
- “Avoiding Avoidable Debt Crises: Lessons from Recent Defaults”, co-authored with Yuefen Li and Ugo Panizza, in Carlos A. Primo-Braga and gallina A. Vincelette (eds), “Sovereign Debt and the Financial Crisis: Will This Time be Different?”, World Bank, October 2010.
- “Cross Border Insolvency: The Case of Financial Conglomerates” co-authored with Prof. Rosa M. Lastra, in John LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh (eds) “Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution”, Informa-Lloyd’s of London Press, 2009.
- “Expedited Debt Restructuring Under Argentine Law: Acuerdo Preventivo Extrajudicial (APE)”, authored, in Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal (eds.) “Expedited Corporate Debt Restructuring: An International Comparative Analysis”, edited, published by Kluwer Law, 2007.
Articles in journals
- “Debt Sustainability after the Pandemic: a Rift between Advanced and Developing Economies”, co-authored, in the proceedings of the Public Debt Management Network jointly with the Italian Treasury, the World Bank and the OECD (online version, book forthcoming), May 2022
- “Preventing Debt Crises”, co-authored , L’Observateur des Nations, 2022-2, vol. 3
- “The Debt Burden : How to Create a Better Debt Management Framework”, co-authored, Global Policy Institute Working paper, July 2021.
- “Dettes Souveraines et Transparence: Nécessité d’un dispositif incitatif renforcé”, co-authored, Cahiers de Droit de l’Enterprise, LexisNexis, Nov-Dec. 2020.
- “Corporate Restructuring in Times of Covid-19: A New Insolvency Law Assessment to Facilitate Corporate Rescue”, co-authored, International Corporate Rescue, Volume 17, Issue 6, 2020
- “Improving Transparency of lending to sovereign governments”, co authored, The Overseas Development Institute Working paper No. 583, July 2020.
- “Venezuela: A War of Principles or Just a Matter of Semantics?”, International Corporate Rescue, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2020.
- Creditor Equality, Secured Transactions, and Systemic Risk: A Complex Trilemma, 81 Law and Contemporary Problems 87-107, 2018.
- Valuation Reports in the Context of Bank Resolution: What are the Challenges?, European Parliament, 2018
- The Impact of Brexit on the UK alternative investment fund industry, Law and Economics Yearly Review, Volume 6, Part 1, 2017.
- Precautionary Recapitalization: time for a review?, European Parliament, July 2017
- The UK Regulation on alternative investment fund managers: a difficult compromise between two different legislative approaches, Journal of Banking Regulation, July 2017.
- The Provision of Critical Functions at Global, National and Regional Level—Is there a need for further legal/regulatory clarification if liquidation is the default option for banks?, European Parliament, November 2017
- The definition of Indebtedness and the consequent imperilling of the Pari Passu, Negative Pledge and Cross-Default Clauses in Sovereign Debt Instruments”, Oxford Capital Markets Law Journal, April 2017.
- A Toolkit for Out of Court Workouts, World Bank, 2016.
- The different legal and operational structures of banking groups in the euro area, and their impact on bank’s resolvability, European Parliament, November 2016.
- “Sovereign Debt—Collective Action Clauses: Single-limb aggregated collective action clauses under English law”, co-authored, Financial Markets Group, Bank of England, January 2015.
- “General Issues in Sovereign Debt Restructuring”, Lexis PSL Restructuring and Insolvency, July 2014.
- “Transactional Aspects of Sovereign Debt Restructuring”, Lexis PSL Restructuring and Insolvency, July 2014.
- “Litigation Issues in Sovereign Debt Restructuring”, Lexis PSL Restructuring and Insolvency, July 2014.
- “The EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive—Some Observations on the Financing Arrangements”, co-authored, Journal of Banking Regulation, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014
- “The Pari Passu Clause in Sovereign Debt Instruments: Recent Litigation Developments”, authored, Bank for International Settlements Working paper Series No. 72, July 2013.
- -“The EU Crisis Prevention Mechanisms: A Road to Salvation … or Perdition?”, authored, International Corporate Rescue, Vol. 10, Issue 5, 2013.
- “The Do’s and Dont’s of Credit Default Swaps (CDS) in the Context of the EU Sovereign Debt Crisis”, co-authored, Journal of Banking Regulation, Volume 14, Issue 2.
- “Competition Law and Financial Crisis”, co-authored, Business Law Review, Jan.-Feb. 2013, Volume 34, Issue 1
- “The Pari Passu Interpretation in the Elliot Case: A Brilliant Strategy but an awful (mid-long term) Outcome”, Hofstra Law Review, Volume 40, Issue 39, April 2012.
- “The EU Architecture to Avert a Sovereign Debt Crisis”, OECD Journal of Financial Market Trends, Volume 2011, Issue 2, November 2011.
- “A Solution to the Greek Crisis (in five labours)”, Financial Regulation International . May 2011 . Issue 14.4
- “The Greek Tragedy”, Journal of Banking Regulation (Editorial), Vol. 11 Issue 4, October 2010.
- “The Greek Tragedy: Is there a Deus ex Machina?”, International Corporate Rescue, Volume 7, Issue 4, August 2010.
- “Sovereign Debt Defaults: Paradigms and Challenges”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2010.
- “All the King’s Men”, Investment & Pensions Europe, 1 April 2010.
- “Sovereign Default: More Business Opportunities – Credit Will Spur New Legal Tactics at Vulture Funds”, The Hedge Funds Journal, 1 March 2010.
- “Understanding the Pari Passu Clause in Sovereign Debt Instruments: A Complex Quest”, The International Lawyer, Volume 43, No. 3, Fall 2009.
- “Expedited Debt Restructuring in Latin America”, Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper No. 113, November 2009.
- “To Rank Pari Passu or Not to Rank Pari Passu: That is the Question in Sovereign Bonds after the Latest Episode of the Argentine Saga”, Law & Business Review of the Americas, Volume 15, No. 4, Fall 2009.
- “Expedited Debt Restructuring Mechanisms in Latin America: A Regional Overview”, International Corporate Rescue, Volume 6, Issue 3, United Kingdom, May 2009.
- “Is There a Need for an International Insolvency Regime in the Context of Sovereign Debt? A Case for the Use of Corporate Debt Restructuring Techniques”, Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, Sweet & Maxwell, Volume 24, Issue 1, January 2009.
- “Sovereign Bonds: A Critical Analysis of Argentina’s Bond Exchange Offer”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Volume 10, Number 1, Palgrave, November 2008.
- “Odious Debt–Odious Concept?”, Butterworths Journal of International Finance and Banking Law, September 2008.
- “Debt Markets: Where From—Where To?”, concept paper for the Briefing Book on ‘Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Latin America and the US’, Harvard Law School, June 2008
- “Lessons from the Recent Stock Exchange Merger Activity”, Oxford Journal of Competition Law and Economics, March 2008.
- “Some Issues on Cross-Border Stock Exchange Mergers”, Penn Journal of International Economic Law, United States, Winter 2007.
- “Regulation Of Stock Exchanges In The Recent Wake Of Mergers”, forthcoming in Butterworths Journal of International Finance and Banking Law, UK, Summer 2007.
- “The Distressed Debt Market: Where are We Heading?”, in International Corporate Rescue (Kluwer), Volume 3, Issue 6, United Kingdom, November 2006.
- “Corporate Debt Restructuring Techniques and their use in the restructuring of Sovereign Debt”, published in Revista del Derecho commercial y de las Obligaciones (LexisNexis), Issue 219, Buenos Aires, Argentina July-August 2006
- “The Use of Corporate Debt Restructuring Techniques in the Context of Sovereign Debt”, published in International Corporate Rescue (Kluwer), Volume 2, Issue 5 United Kingdom, September 2005.
- “The Required Threshold to Restructure Sovereign Debt”, co-authored, published in Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review, Volume 27, Issue Two, Los Angeles, United States, September 2005.
- “Corporate Debt Restructuring in Latin America. New Developments. New Opportunities?”, published in International Company and Commercial Law Review (Sweet & Maxwell), Volume 16, Issue 6, United Kingdom, June 2005.
- “Of Holdouts and other Demons”, published in Debt Exchange (La Ley), pages 45-52, May 9, 2005.
- “Can the Bonds Tendered in the Exchange Offer be Subject to an Injunction?”, co-authored, published in La Ley, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 21, 2005.
- “Debt Restructuring: the Most Favoured Creditor Clause”, published in La Ley, February 3, Buenos Aires Argentina, 2005.
- “Debt Restructuring: 66⅔ % (the magic number)”, co-authored, published in La Ley, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 8, 2004.
- -“Rethinking Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanisms”, co-authored, published in Law & Business Review of the Americas, Volume 9, Number 4. Texas, United States, Fall 2003.
- -“Claims Against Argentina, Class Actions and Freeze of Assets”, co-authored, published by La Ley in its special volume “Default and Public Debt Restructuring”, pages 134-151. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 26, 2003.
- “Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Different Mechanisms” published by La Ley in “Default and Public Debt Restructuring”, pages 89-100. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 26, 2003.
- -“Corporate Governance Rules under Argentine Law”, published in Law and Business Review of the Americas, Vol. 9, No. 2. Texas, United States, spring 2003.
- “Resignation of the Legal Representative of Foreign Entities”, published by the University of Rosario, Volume IV, pages 245-259. Buenos Aires, September 2001.
- “How is the Internet Impacting on Individuals and Society”, in collaboration with the Ambrosio L. Gioja Academic Institute research team. Iriss Conference at Bristol, England, March, 1998.
- “Different Issues Regarding Preferences under the Insolvency Law”, Ad-Hoc Publishing, Volume II, pages 313-329. Buenos Aires, November 1997.
- “Privacy and the Right to be Informed”, published in Habeas Corpus law review, Year 3, Volume I. Buenos Aires, April 1994.
- “Law Contradictions”, published in Habeas Corpus law review, Year 2, Volume I. Buenos Aires, November 1993.
Case reviews
- "More Gobbledygook: A European Chapter in the Argentine Sovereign Debt Litigation Saga", International Corporate Rescue, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015.
- “Clashing Clauses in Debt Instruments: Some Notes in View of the Restructuring of the ‘Aconcagua’ Bond and its Challenge in US Courts”, a comment to “Greylock Global Opportunity Master Fund Ltd. v. Province of Mendoza”, in International Corporate Rescue (Kluwer), Volume 3, Issue 1, United Kingdom, February 2006.
- “Debt Restructuring and the Rule of Law: Some Notes on the Coria case”, published in La Ley, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 December 2005.
- “Recognition of Corporate Debt Restructuring Procedures in Latin America under US Law: Lessons from the Multicanal Case”, published in International Corporate Rescue (Kluwer), Volume 2, Issue 3, United Kingdom, June 2005.
- “Legal Certainty in Debt Restructuring”, a comment to “Civit, Félix Guillermo v. Poder Ejecutivo Nacional s/amparo”, published in La Ley, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 8, 2004.
Public Engagement
Newspaper articles
- “Why Mozambique need to pay its non-odious debt?”, FT Alphaville, 4 April 2019
- “The Emotional Pari Passu Rollercoaster”, FT Alphaville, 23 February 2016
- “Η λύση στην κρίση του δημόσιου χρέους (σε 5 άθλους)”, co-authored, published in Kathimerini, June 19, 2011
- “Η πτώση της Kέλτικης Tίγρης και οι διαφορές με την Ελλάδα”, co-authored, published in Kathimerini, December 29, 2010
- “Που βρισκόμαστε στην ελληνική κρίση Δημοσίου Χρέους”, co-authored, published in Capital GR, June 29, 2010
- 'Πόσο εφικτή είναι η έξοδος από την ΟΝΕ', co-authored, published in Kathimerini May 16, 2010
- ‘Τι σημαίνει Αναδιάρθρωση του Δημόσιου Χρέους', published in Capital GR April 22, 2010
- “Sovereign Debt Defaults: What Are the Options for Investors”, E-Financial News (DowJones), January 27, 2010.
- “El Tiempo Definira la Estrategia del BCRA” , co-authored, published in El Cronista Comercial, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 14, 2010.
- “Volver a Acercarse al FMI es Beneficioso para Todos”, co-authored, published in El Cronista Comercial, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 13, 2009.
- “Los Holdouts Intensifican su Ataque”, co-authored, published in El Cronista Comercial, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 3, 2008.
- “1r País começa hoje a tentar refazer sua reputação”, interview for Valor Economico, the Brazilian leading economic newspaper, January 14, 2005.
- “Una de Cal y una de Arena”, co-authored, published in La Gaceta de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina, November 21, 2004.
- “El Papel de los Bancos en la Reestructuración”, co-authored, published in La Gaceta de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina, February 11, 2004.
- “Grado de Riesgo de los Bienes del Estado”, co-authored, published in Infobae, one of the leading Argentine Economic newspapers, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 21, 2004.
- “El Embargo de Bienes Públicos”, co-authored, published in La Gaceta de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina, February 10, 2004.
- “Controversia por la Cláusula Pari Passu”, co-authored, published in La Gaceta de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina, November 21, 2004.
Interviews/quotes for press articles
- “Mozambique Wants Credit Suisse, Privinvest to Help Pay Its Bonds”, by Borges Nhamire and Matthew Hill, Bloomberg, 2 September 2019.
- “Cuba Makes Debt Payment to Western Nations, 10 Swaps”, by Marc Franck, US News, 27 October 2018
- “UK rulling sets the stage for Ukraine-Russia ‘odious debt battle”, By Robin Wigglesworth and Kate Allen, Financial Times, 20 September 2018
- “Cuba Creditor hires lawyer who won Argentian debt settlement”, Ezra Fieser, Bloomberg, 3 May 2018
- “Cuba Creditors offer “very significant relief” in debt proposal, Reuters, 13 February 2018.
- “Debt cloud hovers over Cuba’s reintegration plans”, Silvia Pavoni, The Banker, 1 August 2016.
- “ECB risks blocking eurozone debt restructurings if it lifts its holding limit says lawyer”, by John Geddie, Reuters, 30 July 2016.
- “Back to the table”, Latin Finance, 19 July 2016
- “Cuba Chill eases as creditors push for deal”, by Joseph Cotterill, 14 April 2016
- “The Emotional Pari Pasu rollercoaster”, by Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Financial Times (Alphaville), 23 February 2016
- “Another Argentina? Sovereign Defaults could get messy”, by Marc Jones, Reuters, 19 February 2016
- “Triunfalismo versus Pragmatismo: arreglemos ya!”, by Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, La Nacion, 13 February 2016
- “Fondos Buitre: Si el Juicio con los Holdouts se Estira a 2015, hay mas Libertad para Acordar”, by María E. Candia, El Cronista Comercial, 18 September 2013
- “Vulture Funds’ Battle Argentina in US Court”, by Chris Arsenault, Aljazeera, 31 July 2013
“Argentina: Trouble and strife”, by Charles Newbery, Emerging Markets, 16 March 2013
“Nueva York ya se vio afectada por el caso”, Interview published in La Nacion, 1 March 2013 - “Argentinië verliestvan hedgefonds”, De Volkskrant (Jonathan Witteman), 26 November 2012
- “Investment Focus: Argentine case adds to sovereign debt doubts”, Reuters (Sujata Rao) , 26 November 2012
- “Se Apelara la Sentencia dijo Lorenzino”, La Nacion, 23 November 2012
- “Análisis: Caso deuda Argentina inunda de dudas el mercado de bonos”, Reuters (Sujata Rao) , 23 November 2012
- “El Gobierno iría hasta la Corte Suprema si Griesa falla en contra”, La Nacion, 23 November 2012
- “Fondos Buitre: Si el Juicio con los Holdouts se Estira a 2015, hay mas Libertad para Acordar”, by María E. Candia, El Cronista Comercial, 18 September 2013
- “Vulture Funds’ Battle Argentina in US Court”, by Chris Arsenault, Aljazeera, 31 July 2013
“Argentina: Trouble and strife”, by Charles Newbery, Emerging Markets, 16 March 2013
“Nueva York ya se vio afectada por el caso”, Interview published in La Nacion, 1 March 2013 - “Argentinië verliestvan hedgefonds”, De Volkskrant (Jonathan Witteman), 26 November 2012
- “Investment Focus: Argentine case adds to sovereign debt doubts”, Reuters (Sujata Rao) , 26 November 2012
- “Se Apelara la Sentencia dijo Lorenzino”, La Nacion, 23 November 2012
- “Análisis: Caso deuda Argentina inunda de dudas el mercado de bonos”, Reuters (Sujata Rao) , 23 November 2012
- “El Gobierno iría hasta la Corte Suprema si Griesa falla en contra”, La Nacion, 23 November 2012
- “Argentina, holdouts, and finding a formula”, FT Alphaville (Joseph Cotterill), 9 November 2012.
- “Argentina, padlocks and vultures” , FT Alphaville (Joseph Cotterill), 9 November 2012.
- “Restructurar nas câmaras e regiões abre a porta à restruturação da dívida do Estado?”, Journal do Negocios, 11 April 2012.
- "Lorenzino, duro con el juez Griesa", La Nacion, 6 March 2012
- "Greek Crisis May Test the Value of Swaps", New York Times, 1 March 2012
- "Greek Parliament Approves Debt Write-Down", Wall Street Journal (Europe), 23 February 2012
- "Grecia: si avvicina l'accordo con i creditori private",, 22 February 2012
- "Banks, Insurers Likely to Participate in Greek Swap After Past Write-downs", Bloomberg, 21 February 2012
- "Die heimlichen Strippenzieher in der Schuldenkrise", Money Focus Online, 17 February, 2012
- "Default experts: the Greek sovereign debt gods", Reuters, 16 February 2012
- "Hedge Funds Prepare Legal Battle with Grece", Reuters, 24 Januray 2012
- "Κούρεμα 50% σημαίνει νέα αναδιάρθρωση μετά από δυο χρόνια, λέει ο Δρ. Ολιβάρες Καμινάλ στο", Ta Nea, 23 January 2012
- "Κούρεμα 50% σημαίνει νέα αναδιάρθρωση μετά από δυο χρόνια, λέει ο Δρ. Ολιβάρες Καμινάλ στο",, 23 January 2012
- "Οι Γυπεσ «Κου Ρεματοσ»", Esquire Magazine (Greece), December 2011
- "Lender of last resort not an option for ECB, say analysts", Central Banking, 14 November 2011
- "Greece on Edge of Biggest Insolvency 24 Centuries after First City Default", Bloomberg 23 September 2011
- "Greece may not opt for debt swap", Central Banking, 26 August 2011
- "Europe Races to Widen Aid for Greece", Wall Street Journal (Europe), 2 June 2011
- “Greece deficit revision sparks default concerns from analysts”, Central, 26 April 2011.
- “FMI e UE nãoevitam reestruturação da dívida portuguesa”, Jornal de Negocios (Portugal), 15 April 2011
- “Os credores percebem quando o ‘default’ é inevitável”, Jornal de Negocios (Portugal), 15 April 2011
- “Certificados de aforro sob ameaça em caso de default”, Jornal de Negocios (Portugal), 15 April 2011
- “EU Bailout Plans Fail to Bring Calm”, Wall Street Journal (Europe), 29 November 2010
TV appearances
- San Marino TV, interview related to the presentation on Alternative Investment Funds at the Central Bank of San Marino
- IRIN News, 20 minutes interview on the EU Crisis, aired on 6 February 2013
- Financial Times, John Authers Note from Markets, Argentina 0 – Hedge Funds 1, 5 November 2012
- CNBC, aired on Closing Bell on 16 May 2012
- CNBC, aired on Investing Edge on 10, 11 and 12 February 2012
- CNBC, aired on European Closing Bell on 10 February 2012
- Bloomberg TV, European Periphery Crisis Debate—Greece and Beyond, 28 September 2011
Radio interviews
- The Monocle Weekly—Tyler Brûlé and Robert Bound discuss about international debt with Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, 30 September 2012
Conferences, seminars and congresses
- Sovereign Debt: an agenda for the future, June 2022, Paris, France [SPEAKER]
- Redesignation and Consequential Aggregated Amendments in Sovereign Bonds, May 2022, London, UK [SPEAKER]
- Setting up New Rules for Development: A Policy and Regulatory Approach, March 2022 London, UK [SPEAKER]
- Challenges for the Financial System in Times of Crisis, February 2022, online webinar co-hosted with Universidad Complutense de Madrid [SPEAKER]
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Current Context, January 2022, online webinar co-hosted with Universidad Complutense de Madrid [SPEAKER]
- Legislative Reforms and New Insolvency Trends, December 2021, online webinar co-hosted with Universidad Complutense de Madrid [SPEAKER]
- General Wellbeing in a Crisis Context, November 2021, online webinar co-hosted with Universidad Complutense de Madrid [SPEAKER]
- The Post-pandemic Corporate Reality, October 2021, online webinar co-hosted with Universidad Complutense de Madrid [SPEAKER]
- Sovereign Debt Forum, IMF, Washington DC, October 2019, [SPEAKER].
- Debtwire Week, Acuris/Debtwire London, October 2019 [SPEAKER].
- Venezuela’s Current Crisis and Post-Transition Litigation and Restructuring Outlook: What to Expect?, Americas Society/Council of the Americas, New York City, June 2019 [SPEAKER].
- IFSWF GC Summit - Sustainable Finance, International Forum on Sovereign Wealth Funds, Rome June 2019 [SPEAKER].
- Paris Club-IIF Annual Meetings, Paris Club, Paris, June 2019 [SPEAKER].
- The First Conference on Resolving Insolvencies, Bankruptcy Commission, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 2019 [SPEAKER].
- The Symposium on Globalization, Peaceful Development of China and Major Transnational Litigation and the 4th ECUPL International Financial Law Forum, Shanghai, China, April 2019, [SPEAKER].
- Insolvency under the New Insolvency Law, Bankruptcy Commission and Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2019, [SPEAKER].
- III Jornadas Internacionales de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil, Universidad Externado, Bogota, November 2017 [SPEAKER].
- Private Equity Funds and M&A Transactions: The International Perspective, University of Bologna, Bologna, October 2017 [SPEAKER].
- Exotix Annual Dinner on Frontier Markets, London, October 2017 [SPEAKER].
- IIF Annual Sovereign Risk Management Committee Meeting, Washington DC, US, October 2017.
- SOAS Academic Forum, London, October 2017 [SPEAKER].
- DebtCon2, Geneva, October 2017 [SPEAKER].
- 4th Annual Sino-UK Conference on Commercial Law and Economics, Renmin University, Beijing, April 2017 [SPEAKER].
- Is Bail-in the Answer to All of our Problems?: A Multidisciplinary and Multijurisdictional Approach, Queen Mary University of London, UK, March 2017 [SPEAKER].
- Sovereign Conduct on the Margins of the Law: a Symposium, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Nashville (TN) US, February 2017 [SPEAKER].
- Max Plank Lecture Series on Sovereign Debt, Luxemburg, November 2016 [SPEAKER].
- Restructuring Debt, Banque de France et Droit et Croissance, Paris, October 2016 [SPEAKER].
- Due Diligence Aspects in Mergers and Acquisitions, Baker & McKenzie, Paris, June 2016, [SPEAKER].
- The Impact of Regulation on Insolvency: Latest Trends in Corporate and Bank Restructuring & Resolution, University of Reading, UK, May 2016 [SPEAKER].
- Vulture Funds and the International Financial System: Is there any value added?, UNCTAD-UN, New York, December 2015 [SPEAKER].
- EMTA Special Seminar: Cuba - The Next Frontier?, Emerging Markets Traders Association, New York, December 2015.
- Seminaire: Les Politiques Publiques face a la Crise des Dettes Souverains, College de France, November 2015, [SPEAKER].
- Banking Law Symposium, London, September 2015 [SPEAKER].
- Seminar on Greece, House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Committee, London, July 2015.
- Lectio Magistralis on Alternative Investment Funds, Central Bank of San Marino, San Marino, June 2015, [SPEAKER]
- Bank of England Conference on Financial and Monetary Law, Bank of England, London, May 2015.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Columbia University, (Initiative for Policy Dialogue) conference on the Legal Framework for Debt Restructuring Processes: Options and Elements, New York, March 2015, [SPEAKER].
- CIGI ILRP Breakfast Meeting on Sovereign Debt Policy Research, Mandarin Oriental, London, March 2015, [SPEAKER].
- Imperial College, University of Chicago Booth School of Business and International Insolvency Institute, Conference on Sovereign Debt, Mandarin Oriental, London, March 2015, [SPEAKER].
- EMTA Special Seminar: Russia/Ukraine—an Update, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, London, March 2015.
- Financial Markets Law Committee Roundtable Sovereign Debt, Bank of England, November 2014 [SPEAKER].
- The Law Society Legal Breakfast Series - In Search of a Better Bailout: the Impact of Overhauling Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Law Society of England and Wales, November 2014.
- Insolvency Office Holders: Navigating Stakeholders Through Insolvency, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, November 2014
- ABA Section of International Law Fall 2014 Meting, American Bar Association, Buenos Aires, October 2014, [SPEAKER]
- Latest Developments on Sovereign Debt, Queen Mary University of London, Paris, October 2014, [SPEAKER]
- Emergent Paradigms in Sovereign Debt: Law, Economics and Finance, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, May 2014, [SPEAKER]
- First Sino-UK Conference on Corporate, Tsinghua University, Beijing April 2014, [SPEAKER]
- Investment Risk and International Dispute Resolution, Quinn Emanuel, Athens, April 2014, [SPEAKER]
- International Insolvency Conference, Nottingham Law School, Centre For Business and Insolvency Law, Nottingham, UK, September 2013, [SPEAKER]
- Banking Law Symposium: Who Wants big Banks?, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada, June 2013, [SPEAKER]
- IFLR Africa Forum, Euromoney, London, May 2013
- Sovereign Risk: A World Without Risk-free Assets?, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Basel, January 2013, [SPEAKER]
- The Restructuring and Resolution of External Debt (Law, Justice and Development Week 2012), World Bank, Washington DC, December 2012, [SPEAKER]
- Roundtable on Ethics, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, December 2012, [SPEAKER]
- Greek Policy Forum: Unfolding the Layers of the Crisis: the Nation-State, Europe, and the World, Chania, Greece, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- Expert Group Meeting on Sovereign debt Restructuring, United Nations, London, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- From a Banking Crisis to a Sovereign Debt Crisis?: The Current EU Situation, ANDI – Legal Services Chapter, Bogota, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- From a Banking Crisis to a Sovereign Debt Crisis?: The Current EU Situation, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- From a Banking Crisis to a Sovereign Debt Crisis?: The Current EU Situation, Universidad del Externado, Bogota, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- From a Banking Crisis to a Sovereign Debt Crisis?: The Current EU Situation, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- From a Banking Crisis to a Sovereign Debt Crisis?: The Current EU Situation, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- From a Banking Crisis to a Sovereign Debt Crisis?: The Current EU Situation, Fundacion Getullio Vargas Dereito, Rio de Janeiro, September 2012, [SPEAKER]
- INSOL Academic Forum and Joint International Insolvency Conference: Too Big Too Fail? Large National and International Failures in the Spotlight, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, June 2012, [SPEAKER]
- EU Sovereign Debt Crisis: Where From—Where To?, Queen Mary University of London and Freshfields, London, June 2012, [SPEAKER]
- INSOL Annual Americas Regional Conference, INSOL, Miami, May 2012, [SPEAKER]
- PSI—A Greek Gordian Knot: Current Issues and Future Consequences, London School of Economics, London, February 2012, [SPEAKER]
- Sovereign Debt Conference, Bank of England, London, February 2012, [SPEAKER]
- Greece – Options Going Forward, London Business School, Athens, Greece, January 2012, [SPEAKER]
- The EU Architecture to Avert a Sovereign Debt Crisis, Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway, January 2012, [SPEAKER]
- The Sovereign Debt Crisis (Fall Event 2011), Harvard Law School, Boston, US, November 2011, [SPEAKER]
- Banking Symposium 2011: Financial Crisis Management and the Use of Government Guarantees, OECD, Paris, October 2011 [SPEAKER]
- European Periphery Crisis Debate—Greece and Beyond, Bloomberg, London, September 2011, [SPEAKER]
- A Financial Crisis of Two-Halves: Banking and Sovereign Debt, University of Warwick, Coventry, June 2011 [SPEAKER]
- A Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism—Would it Work?, Advocates for International Development, Slaughter & May, London, February 2011 [SPEAKER]
- Odious Debts, Debts of an Odious Regime & Illegitimate Debts, Research on Money and Finance, SOAS, February 2011[SPEAKER]
- The Institutional Foundations of Financial Stability, Regulation and Resolution, OMFIF, Oxford, November 2010 [SPEAKER]
- World Investment Forum 2010, UNCTAD, Xiamen, September 2010
- Sovereign Debt & the Financial Crisis, World Bank, Washington DC, June 2010 [SPEAKER]
- 2010 Warwick Symposium on Banking Law: Managing Systemic Risk, Warwick University School of Law, UK, April 2010 [SPEAKER]
- Debt Management Facility Stakeholders’ Forum: Sovereign Debt & The Financial Crisis-Will This Time be Different?, World Bank, Tunisia, March 2010 [SPEAKER]
- 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference, UNCTAD, Geneva, November 2009
- The Financial Crisis and its Implications for the International Financial Reporting Architecture and Financial Stability, UNCTAD, Geneva, July 2009.
- UCL/IMEDIPA Competition Policy Workshop, Santorini, May 2009 [SPEAKER]
- Competition Enforcement in the Recently Acceded EU Member States, Pázmany Péter Catholic University, Budapest, May 2009 [SPEAKER]
- Symposium on Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution, University of Warwick, April 2009 [SPEAKER]
- Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis, FMG-LSE-QMUL, London, January 2009
- Demutualization and Merger of Stock Exchanges: An Opportunity for Corporate Governance, OECD, Paris, October 2008 [SPEAKER]
- Colloquium on Future Trends in International Insolvency Law, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, June 2008 [SPEAKER]
- First Annual Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Latin America and the US, Harvard Law School, Boston, June 2008.
- The Fifth Annual Conference on Distressed Investing in Europe, TMA & R3, London, May 2008.
- Commercial Law: Where from and Where To?, Queen Mary-University of London, London, March 2008.
- World Economy and Global Finance, Warwick University, Coventry, July 2007 [SPEAKER].
- Economic Analysis of Contract Law, Hamburg University jointly with Columbia University, Hamburg, Summer School, June 2007.
- Partial' Sovereign Debt Restructurings and Their Implications, Emerging Markets Trading Association New York (hosted by Clifford Chance), London—United Kingdom, October 2006
- The 15th Global Borrowers & Investors Forum, Euromoney, London – United Kingdom, June 2006.
- The Legal Foundations of International Monetary Stability, Financial Markets Group (London School of Economics) and Centre for Commercial Law Studies (Queen Mary College), London—United Kingdom, April 2006.
- Cross-Border Securitization, Euromoney Legal Training, London – United Kingdom, May 2004.
- Debt Restructuring, Euromoney Legal Training, London – United Kingdom, April 2004 [SPEAKER].
- International Financial Crises: what follows the Washington Consensus?, Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization, Warwick – United Kingdom, July 2003.
- The 12th Global Borrowers & Investors Forum, Euromoney, London – United Kingdom, June 2003.
- The 9th Euromoney Bond Investors Congress, Euromoney, London – United Kingdom, February 2003.
- Course of Specialization in Corporate Law, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, March - December 2001;
- VIII Argentine Congress of Corporate Law and IV Ibero-American Congress of Corporate and Entrepreneurial Law, University of Rosario, Rosario - Argentina, October 2001 [SPEAKER]
- VIII Meeting of Argentine Commercial Law Institutes, Foundation for the Investigation and Development of Legal Sciences, Mar del Plata – Argentina, June 2000 [SPEAKER]
- Foreign Companies, Foundation for the Investigation and Development of Legal Sciences, Buenos Aires – Argentina, September - November 1999;
- Insolvency Law, Foundation for the Investigation and Development of Legal Sciences, Buenos Aires – Argentina, August - November 1999;
- Legislation and Security to Perform Commercial Transaction on the Internet, Institute for International Research, Buenos Aires – Argentina, November 1998;
- Amendments to the Insolvency Law, Buenos Aires Bar Association, Buenos Aires – Argentina, November 1997;
- Preferences and Retention Rights, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, November 1997;
- III Argentine Bankruptcy and I Ibero-American Insolvency Congress, Argentine Notary University, Mar del Plata – Argentina, November 1997;
- Program of Specialization in Corporate Problems, Austral University, Buenos Aires – Argentina, may – July 1997;
- Parliamentary Meetings of Consultation and Analysis of Telecommunications Policies and Legislation, House of Representatives, Buenos Aires – Argentina, October 1996;
- Telecommunications Challenges in Argentina: Market, Industry, Legislation and Role of the Government, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, September 1996;
- Evidential Measures in Medical Mala-Praxis, Institute for Judicial Studies, Buenos Aires – Argentina, April 1996;
- Actualization in Communications Law, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, March - December 1996;
- Cycle of Lectures of Private Law, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, September 1995;
- In Rem Rights: Condominium Property, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, April - May 1994;
- Penitentiary System and Human Rights, House of Representatives, Buenos Aires – Argentina, April 1994;
- Third Cycle of Civil Liability Law, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, November 1993;
- Second Cycle of Civil Liability Law, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, September 1993;
- Civil Liability Law, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, June 1993;
- Some Traits of “Legal English” in the British an American Societies, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, April - May 1993; and,
- Legal English, University of Buenos Aires School of Law, Buenos Aires – Argentina, August - December 1992.
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