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School of Law

Dr Isobel Roele, LLB (King's London), LLM, PhD (University of Nottingham)


Reader in Law

Room Number: 204A, Laws, Mile End


Dr Isobel Roele joined Queen Mary’s Department of Law in September 2014, having previously worked at Cardiff University. She works within a law and humanities tradition, drawing particularly on critical theory, psychoanalysis, and the history of art to inform her research, which primarily focuses on international organizations like the United Nations.

Articulating Security: the United Nations and its Infra-Law book coverHer first monograph, Articulating Security: The United Nations and its Infra-Law, is published by Cambridge University Press. It draws on Foucault and Freud to analyse the UN’s Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and to understand, in particular, the relationships between managerial and juridico-political modes of governing.

Beyond technologies of governance, Dr Roele's work also looks at the aesthetics of international organizations. She is especially interested in the visual arts and is currently undertaking an MA in the History of Art at Birkbeck. Between 2016 and 2021, she was Co-Director of the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context, leading the theme of Aesthetics and Materiality. She has also collaborated with Tate Modern in its Tate Exchange programme.

She has been a visiting scholar at the University of New South Wales, and at Melbourne Law School, and am a member of various academic and policy networks, including the Legal and Materiality network, the International Law and Society CRN of the Law & Society Association, the UN Association (UK), and the Academic Council on the UN System.

Read Dr Isobel Roele's papers.

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