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School of Law

Professor Guido Westkamp, Dr jur (University Münster), First and Second German State Examination in Law, LLM (London)


Professor of Intellectual Property and Comparative Law

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8096


Professor Dr Guido Westkamp holds a Chair in Intellectual Property, Media and Comparative Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London. He is also a permanent Visiting Professor at the Institute for Information, Media and Telecommunication Law, University of Münster, and Co-Director of the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN). 

He has published more than eighty outputs including three monographs, three edited volumes and more than fifty peer-reviewed articles and chapters, and has received research funding for numerous research and training projects (including EU pre-accession advice)  from, inter alia, the European Commission, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) as well as from the German Academic Exchange Service, the British Council (Newton Fund) and the Westfield Trust. 

He holds or has held visiting titles at universities in China (Shanghai), Colombia (Bogota), Hongkong, France (Strasbourg), Germany (Dresden and Münster), Spain (Alicante and Madrid), Kazakhstan, Poland (Wroclaw), Taiwan and the Unites States (NYU) and was a member of doctoral examination panels in the UK, Germany, Croatia and the Netherlands. He also acts as legal consultant to the British Screen Forum. 

His work was cited by the Court of Justice for the European Union, the German Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States. He is an elected member of the Association for Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the European Association for Private International Law (EAPIL) and the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Society (BLACA). He acts, or has acted, as reviewer for several journals including the Journal of International  Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC), Cambridge Law Journal, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, German Yearbook of International Law and the European Intellectual Property Review; he is a member of the Advisory Board of the Revista de Propriedad Intelectual (Bogota) and of the Institute for Information, Telecommunication and Media Law, Münster and served as grant reviewer for, inter alia, the European Commission and the Finnish Academy of Science. 

At CCLS, he convenes modules on EU Digital Copyright Law, Design Law and Competition Law and acts as PhD advisor. He is also Programme Director for the MSc Intellectual Property, Data and Information Law and for the University of London External LLM Copyright Law module.  

He is a member of the Association for the Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the European Association for Private International Law (EAPIL), the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association (BLACA/ALAI) and the Society of Legal Scholars.

Professor Westkamp holds a PhD (Dr jur) from the University of Münster (summa cum laude), an LL.M. from the University of London (Queen Mary), and a Certificate in Anglo-American Law (Münster). He studied Law and English and Russian Philology in Berlin, Münster, St Petersburg and London (First and Second German State Examination in Law 1997 and 2000, LLM 2001, Dr jur 2002). He is a qualified German advocate.

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