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School of Law

Professor Ralf Michaels, LLM (Cantab.), Dr. iur. (Passau)


Global Law Professor

Telephone: +494041900451
Room Number: Mile End Campus


Ralf Michaels is Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Germany, Chair in Global Law at Queen Mary University in London, and Professor of Law at Hamburg University. At Queen Mary, he is a member of the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context and teaches both in the undergraduate program (Global Legal Reasoning) and in the graduate program (Comparative Law Methodology). Until 2019 he was the Arthur Larson Professor at Duke University School of Law; he has also been a visiting professor at the Universities of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Toronto, and Tel Aviv, as well as the London School of Economics. Michaels holds an LLM from Cambridge University and a PhD in Law from Passau University. He is a widely published scholar of private international law, comparative law, and legal theory; his current research focuses on decolonial comparative law, regulatory conflicts, and theoretical foundations of private international law and global legal plurality. Michaels is a member of the Academia Europaea, the American Law Institute, the International Association of Comparative Law, and the Comparative Law Associations of the United States, Germany, and France.

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