Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, PhD in Criminology and a licensed social worker

Chair in Global law
Room Number: Mile End
State criminality and its effect on human suffering is my primary focus when planning research endeavours. I spent last year working closely with my colleagues at Queen Mary preparing a European Research Council (ERC) proposal entitled, “State Political Violence and the Governance of Hope.” I am also working with Professor Sheehi Stephan on putting together a special issue of the State Crime Journal on “Abolitionism and State Crime.” As a part of a joint project, Professors Lila Abu-Lughod (Columbia University), Rema Hammami (Birzeit University), and I are completing a special issue on the canning of gender-based violence (GBV), with three main analytical pillars: securitisation and GBV, state crime and GBV, and humanitarianism and GBV. Furthermore, Professor Nadim Rouhana (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy) and I submitted an edited volume to Cambridge University Press, entitled When Politics Are Sacralized: International Comparative Perspectives on Religious Claims and Nationalism.
My research focuses on trauma, state crimes and criminology, surveillance, gender violence, law and society, and genocide studies. I study gender-based violence, violence against children in conflict-ridden areas, crimes of abuse of power in settler-colonial contexts, surveillance, securitisation, and social control.
I have authored numerous books, including Militarization and Violence Against Women in Conflict Zones in the Middle East: The Palestinian Case Study (2010) and Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear (Cambridge University Press, 2015). I recently published a book examining Palestinian childhood, entitled Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding, and an edited volume, Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones. Currently, I am co-editing a book on Islam and gender-based violence.
Undergraduate Teaching
- 2020: State Racism and Crime, Faculty of Law––Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2013: Gender and Human Rights, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Postgraduate Teaching
- 2010: Advanced Theories in Criminology, Master’s and Doctoral Level, Faculty of Law – Faculty of Law–Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2018: Law, Society and Racism, Faculty of Law–Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2018: The Politics of Childhood: A Critical Perspective, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
My writings connect the disciplines of criminology, social work, feminist critical theory, psycho-social intervention, and law and society. My research is based primarily on a bottom-up analysis of structural oppression to assess the effects of militarism, securitisation, racism, settler colonialism, and gender-based discrimination on “otherization” and collective trauma. Given the significant dangers that totalising theories pose to social workers, criminologists, and socio-legal scholars, my theoretical approach stresses the importance of advancing de-colonial theorisation,and liberatory interventions as well as civic and social engagement.
Over the past 10 years, I have endeavoured to study the effects of securitisation, military occupation, and settler colonialism. This key area of interest is reflected in my recent book, Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear (Cambridge University Press, 2015). In the book’s final three chapters, I examine the ways in which colonised populations are trapped within overlapping technologies of violence. These technologies enable intensified securitisation, surveillance, and criminalities affected by bio-political and geopolitical regimes of surveillance and control. I have also pursued this line of analysis in recent publications for local and international professional journals in both Arabic (Journal of Palestine Studies, 2011; Bahithat, 2012) and English (British Journal of Criminology, 2013, 2015, 2017; International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2015, 2020). Pursuant to this line of research, I recently published a book manuscript examining childhood in the context of settler colonialism, putting forth the concept of “unchilding” (2019). To better understand this topic prior to publication, I investigated the manner in which childhood is stolen from children surviving the criminality, surveillance, and fear resulting from settler colonialism in a number of recent publications (Borderlands, 2014; British Journal of Criminology, 2015, 2018; International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2015; Settler Colonial Studies, 2015; Canadian Journal of Women and Law, 2019).
Finally, in addition to producing wide-ranging scholarship, throughout my career I have strived to create research-based policy interventions and direct major academic programs. I have served as the director of a gender studies program, co-director of a project entitled “The Fusion between Religious Claims and Nationalism,” which looked at the case-studies of South Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Israel/Palestine, Ireland, and the former Yugoslavia; and co-director of a newly founded project at Columbia University (New York) on religion and framing of gender-based violence. As a professor and mentor, I supported the development and training of the next generation of young scholars and leaders in academic and community settings.
Selected Conferences and Workshop Organization
- Policing and Empire-Webinar, University of California–Los Angeles, November 2020
- Unchilding in the Middle East and North Africa, MESA, October 2020
- Palestinian Women’s Activism, Online Book Discussion, September 2020
- Concerning Palestine/Israel: Thinking with Achille Mbemba, Online Symposium, September 2020
- Home and Homeland, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, June 2020
- UK Mental Health, Corona and State Criminology in Occupied East Jerusalem, UK Mental Health Network, April 2020
- State Crime and Gender-Based Violence, Queen Mary University of London–ISCI, February 2020
- State Crime and Combat Proven Politics, Queen Mary University of London–ISCI, March 2019
- Global Governance of the Intimate, Luce Foundation, Columbia University, New York, September 2018
- Palestinian Women’s Access to Justice, Gender Studies Program, Mada al-Carmel, Haifa, July 2016
- Religious Claims, Nationalism, and Human Suffering, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, April 2016
- Colonization and the Law, Law and Society Association Program Committee, June 2012
- Feminist Thought as a Tool for Resistance, Gender Studies Program, Mada al-Carmel, Haifa, June 2007
- Victimology between the Local and the Global, Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 2007
Examples of research funding:
- 2016-20: Israeli Science Foundation, “Child Arrest and Juvenile Justice”
- 2016-19: Luce Foundation, “Religion and the Framing of Gender Violence” with Professors Lila Abu-Lughod, Rema Hammami, and Janet Jakobsen
- 2015-17: UN Women, “In the Absence of Justice”
- 2013-14: UN Women, “Palestinian Women Access to Justice in the West Bank”
- 2012-15: Luce Foundation, “The Fusion between Religious Claims and Nationalism” with Professor Nadim Rouhana
- 2010-12: YWCA–Jerusalem, “The Politics of Birth in Occupied Jerusalem”
- 2009-12: International Conflict Research Institute (INCOR), University of Ulster, “Death and Dying in Occupied Jerusalem”
- 2009-11: United States Institute of Peace (USIP), “Community Engaged Courses as a Vehicle for Peacebuilding” with Professor Daphna Golan
- 2008-10: Israel Internet Association, “Child Sexual Solicitation and the Internet”
- 2007-2008: Women for Women’s Human Rights (WWHR), “Femicide, Body-politics and Multi-bureaucratic Systems: The Palestinian Case”
- 2006-2007: Pince Foundation, “Women and Children and the Attack on the Home in Conflict Zones”
- 2006-2007: Ford Foundation, “Gender and Human Rights: Criminology, Victimology and Social Activism”
- 2006: Word Vision International, “Children and Trauma: A Critical Race Perspective”
- 2006: Minerva Center for Human Rights, “The Safe Home: Attacking the Home in Conflict Zones”
- 2005-2006: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, “Law and House Demolitions in East Jerusalem”, Jerusalem Center for Women
- 2005-2006: World University Service–Britain, “Gender, Occupation and Education: Law, Gender and Militarization of Spaces in the Palestinian Authority”, Women’s Studies Center (Jerusalem)
- 2004-2005: Women’s Studies Center, “Women and Political Conflict: The Case of Palestinian Women in Jerusalem”
- 2002-2003: EEU through Kvina Tel Kvina, “Women and Political Conflict: The Case of Palestinian Women in Jerusalem”
- 2002: World Health Organization, Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention in collaboration with the Department of Women’s Health, “Criminalization of Sexual Violence: The Case-study of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine”
- 2001-2002: Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation, “Dialoging with the Muted: Women Empowerment and Silencing”
- 2001-2002: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, “Trauma and War: The Palestinian Case-study”
- 2000-2002: UNIFEM, “The Perception and Attitudes of Victims and Criminal Justice Professionals towards Femicide: A Case-study of Jordanian and Palestinian Society”
- 1999-2000: Warburg Foundation, “Disclosure of Sexual Abuse amongst Girls and Its Concomitant Threat of Femicide: The Case of Palestinian Society”
- 1998-99: UNIFEM, “Mapping and Analyzing the Landscape of Femicide: The Palestinian Case-study”
- 1998-99: Silvert Center, “Policing Women Battering in the Arab Community in Israel” with Edna Erez
- 1997-98: Brookdale Center, “Examining Intervention Programs Addressing Female Child Sexual Abuse: The Case-study of Palestinians and Israelis”
- 1994-96: Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, “The Applicability of the Law against Family Violence (1991) among Palestinians Living in Israel”
- 1992-93: Truman Institute of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Perception, Attitude, and Social Reaction toward Wife Abuse among Palestinian Women in East Jerusalem” (for completing doctoral dissertation research)
- Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding, 2019, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear, 2015, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Militarization and Violence against Women in Conflict Zones: A Palestinian Case-study, 2009, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Women and Political Conflict: The Case of Palestinian Women in Jerusalem (with N. Abdo), 2006, Jerusalem: Women’s Studies Center.
- Mapping and Analyzing the Landscape of Femicide in Palestinian Society, 2004, Jerusalem: Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling.
- Tribal Justice and Its Effect on Formal Justice in Palestine (with M. Abdulhadi), 2003, Birzeit: Institute of Law Birzeit University (in Arabic).
Edited Books:
- When Politics Are Sacralized: International Comparative Perspectives on Religious Claims and Nationalism (with N.N. Rouhana), forthcoming 2021, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones: Engaging Students for Transformative Change (with D.Y. Markovich and D. Golan), 2019, London: Palgrave Macmillan Press.
- Palestinian Feminist Writings: Between Oppression and Resistance, 2007, Haifa: Mada al-Carmel, Arab Center for Applied Social Research (in Arabic).
- In the Absence of Justice: Embodiment and the Politics of Militarized Dismemberment in Occupied East Jerusalem (with S. Ihmoud), 2016, UN Women.
- Access Denied: Palestinian Women’s Access to Justice in the Occupied West Bank (with S. Daher-Nashef), 2014, UN Women.
- Birthing in Occupied East Jerusalem: Palestinian Women’s Experience of Pregnancy and Delivery, 2012, Jerusalem: YWCA.
- Trapped Bodies and Lives: Military Occupation, Trauma and the Violence of Exclusion, 2010, Jerusalem: YWCA, 75 pp.
- The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: Implementation in Palestine and Israel 2000-2009, 2010, Jerusalem: Norwegian Church Aid.
- Gender and the Militarization of Education in Palestine, 2007, Jerusalem: Women Studies Center (in Arabic).
- Facing the Wall: Palestinian Children and Adolescents Speak about Israeli Separation Wall, 2007, Jerusalem: World Vision Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza.
- Coping with Trauma: Palestinian Children Voicing Out Their Rights (with S. Khsheiboun), 2006, Australia: World Vision International.
- Women and War in Palestine (with K. Abu-Baker, S. Awaidah, and E. Dabit), 2005, Jerusalem: Women Studies Center.
- Child Sexual Abuse and the Criminal Justice System in Jordan and Palestine, Research report submitted to UNIFEM, 2004, New York: UNIFEM.
Book Chapters:
- Speaking Life, Speaking Death: Jerusalemite Children Confronting Israel’s Technologies of Violence (2020), In S. Walklate, K. Fitz-Gibbon, J.M. Maher, and J. McCulloch (eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Feminism, Criminology, and Social Change, 253-70, Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Violence against Palestinian Women in the West Bank (with A. Wing) (2017), In R. Goel & L. Goodmark (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Gender Violence, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gendered Suffering and the Eviction of the Native: The Politics of Birth in Occupied East Jerusalem (2017), In D. Haynes, F. Ni Aolain, N. Valjii & N. Cahn (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Gender and Conflict, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Settler Colonialism, Surveillance, and Fear (2017), In N.N. Rouhana (ed.), Israel and Its Palestinian Citizens: Ethnic Privileges in the Jewish State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Death and Dying in My Jerusalem: The Power of Liminality (2015), In B. Hamber & E. Gallagher (eds.), Psychosocial Perspectives on Peacebuilding, 255-87, Springer International Publishing.
- Terrorism and the Birthing Body in Jerusalem (2014), In S. Perera & S.H. Razack (eds.), At the Limits of Justice: Women of Colour on Terror, 38-56, University of Toronto Press.
- (En)gendering De-development in East Jerusalem: Thinking through the ‘Everyday’ (with R. Busbridge) (2014), In M. Turner & O. Shweiki (eds.), Decolonizing Palestinian Political Economy: De-development and Beyond, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, 77-94, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Counter-narratives of Palestinian Women: The Construction of Her-story and the Politics of Fear (2011), In M. Ennaji & F. Sadiqi (eds.), Gender and Violence in the Middle East, 29-59, New York: Routlege.
- Palestinians, Education, and the Israeli ‘Industry of Fear’ (2010), In A.E. Mazawi & R.G. Sultana (eds.), Education in the Arab ‘World’: Political Projects, Struggles, and Geometries of Power, World Yearbook of Education, 335-49, New York: Routledge.
- Palestine (2007), In D.S. Clark (ed.), Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives, 1091-92, Los Angeles: Sage.
- When Laws are Tools of Oppression: Palestinian Women Counter Discourse against the Policy of House Demolition (2007), In D. Barak-Erez, S. Yanisky-Ravid, Y. Bitton & D. Pugach (eds.), Iyuni Mishpat Migdar Ve Feministm, 463-500, Kirvat Uno: Navo (in Hebrew).
- Politics, Tribal Justice and Gender: Perspectives in the Palestinian Society (2006), In A. Hans-Jorg, J.M. Simon, H. Rezaei, H.C. Rohne & E. Kiza (eds.), Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Middle Eastern Societies: Between Tradition and Modernity, 535-56, Berlin: Max Planck Institute.
- Researching Women’s Victimization in Palestine: A Socio-legal Analysis (2005), In L. Welchman & S. Hossain (eds.), ‘Honour’: Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence against Women, 160-80, London: Zed Books.
- Negotiating the Present and Historicizing the Future: Palestinian Children Speak about the Israeli Separation Wall (2005), In D. Champagne & I. Abu-Saad (eds.), Indigenous and Minority Education: International Perspectives on Empowerment, 178-200, Beer Sheva: Negev Center for Regional Development.
- Opposing the Ostracism: A Contextually Sensitive Mode of Intervention for Handling Female Abuse (2003), In E. Leshem & D. Roer-Strier (eds.), Cultural Diversity: A Challenge to Human Service, 255-74, Jerusalem: Magnes Press (in Hebrew).
- Who Are We Protecting: Palestinian Girls in Israel and the Child Protection Policy (2003), In M. Hovay (ed.), Crime and Punishment: A Review of the Criminal Justice System in Israel, 553-83, Jerusalem: Hmachon Lmahkar Hakika Vemishpat [Institute for Comparative Judicial and legal Studies] (in Hebrew).
- Growing from Within: The De-colonization of the Mind (2002), In N. Abdo & R. Lentin (eds.), Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation: Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation, 176-94, Oxford: Berghahn.
- Women Victimization in Palestinian Society (1999), In A. Manna (ed.), The Palestinians in the Twentieth Century: A View from Within, 153-204, Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute (in Hebrew).
- Development of Identity under the Oppression of Occupation: The Palestinian Case (1999), In H. Gordon (ed.), Looking Back at the June 1967 War, 113-22, London: Praeger.
- Crimes of War, Culture, and Children’s Rights: The Case of Female Palestinian Detainees under Israeli Military Occupation (1998), In G. Douglas & L. Sebba (eds.), Children’s Rights and Traditional Values, 228-48, New York: Routledge.
- Introduction (1995), In A. Khader (ed.), Towards Equality: An Examination of the Status of Palestinian Women, 4-13, Jerusalem: Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling.
- Fear of Sexual Harassment: Palestinian Adolescent Girls in the Intifada (1994), In E. Augustin (ed.), Palestinian Women: Identity and Experience, 171-79, London: Zed Books.
- Community Work within Palestinian Society, 76-93, Jerusalem: Federation of Charitable Societies (in Arabic).
Articles in Refereed Journals:
- Iron Caging the Palestinian Home: Child House Arrest in Occupied East Jerusalem as Lawfare, forthcoming 2021, Jerusalem Quarterly
- Unchilding and the Killing Boxes, 2020, Journal of Genocide Research
- Gun to Body: Mental Health against Unchilding, 2020, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 17: 126-45.
- Necropenology: Conquering new bodies, Psychics, and Territories in East Jerusalem, 2020, Identities 27(3): 285-301.
- Arrested Childhood in Spaces of Indifference: The Criminalized Children of Occupied East Jerusalem (with S. Odeh), 2019, Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 30(3): 398-422.
- Children, Human Rights Organizations, and the Law under Occupation: The Case of Palestinian Children in East Jerusalem (with B. Kovner), 2018, The International Journal of Human Rights 22(5): 616–39.
- Child Arrest, Settler Colonialism, and the Israeli Juvenile System: A Case Study of Occupied East Jerusalem (with B. Kovner), 2018, British Journal of Criminology 58(3): 709-29.
- The Occupation of the Senses: The Prosthetic and Aesthetic of State Terror, 2017, British Journal of Criminology 57(6): 1279-1300. Winner of the Radzinowicz Prize 2017 for the Article that Most Contributes to the Knowledge of Criminal Justice and Criminal Justice Issues.
- At the Limits of the Human: Reading Postraciality from Palestine, 2016, Ethnic and Racial Studies: 2252-60.
- The Biopolitics of Israeli Settler Colonialism: Palestinian Bedouin Children Theorise the Present, 2016, Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 15(1): 7-29.
- Infiltrated Intimacies: The Case of Palestinian Returnees, 2016, Feminist Studies 42(1): 166-93.
- Is the Violence of Tag Mehir a State Crime? (with Y. David), 2015, British Journal of Criminology 56(5): 835-56.
- Childhood: A Universalist Perspective for How Israel is Using Child Arrest and Detention to Further its Colonial Settler Project, 2015, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 12(3): 223-44.
- A Rejoinder to Robert Cherry (with A.G. Woodsum, H. Zu’bi & R. Busbridge), 2015, Feminist Economics 21(4): 164-86.
- The Political Work of Suffering: A Transformative Examination, 2015, Borderlands 14(1): 1-6.
- Necropolitical Debris: The Dichotomy of Life and Death, 2015, State Crime Journal 4(1): 34-51.
- The Politics of Birth and the Intimacies of Violence against Palestinian Women in Occupied East Jerusalem, 2015, British Journal of Criminology 55(6): 1187-1206.
- Criminalizing Pain and the Political Work of Suffering: The Case of Palestinian “Infiltrators”, 2015, Borderlands 14(1): 1-28.
- Context-informed, Counter-hegemonic Qualitative Research: Israeli/Palestinian Research Team Studying Loss (with D. Roer-Strier), 2015, Qualitative Social Work 15(4): 552–69.
- Stolen Childhood: Palestinian Children and the Structure of Genocidal Dispossession, 2015, Settler Colonial Studies 6(2): 142–52..
- Sexual Violence, Women’s Bodies, and Settler Colonialism (with S. Daher-Nashef & S. Ihmoud), 2014, Journal of Palestine Studies (in Arabic).
- Palestinian Children as Tools for ‘Legalized’ State Violence, 2014, Borderlands 13(1): 1-24.
- Two Letters from Jerusalem: Haunted by Other Breathing (with S. Ihmoud), 2014, Jerusalem Quarterly 59: 7-11.
- Exiled at Home: Writing Return and the Palestinian Home (with S. Ihmoud), 2014, Biography 37(2): 377-97.
- Palestinian Feminist Critique and the Physics of Power: Feminist Between Thought and Practice, 2014, Feminist@Law 4(1): 1-18.
- Community-engaged Courses in a Conflict Zone: A Case Study of the Israeli Academic Corpus (with D. Golan), 2014, Journal of Peace Education 11(2): 181-207.
- Funding Pain: Bedouin Women and Political Economy in the Naqab/Negev (with A.G. Woodsum, H. Zu’bi & R. Busbridge), 2014, Feminist Economics 20(4): 164-86.
- Living Death, Recovering Life: Psychosocial Resistance and the Power of the Dead in East Jerusalem, 2014, Intervention: International Journal for Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counseling in Areas of Armed Conflicts 12(1): 16-29.
- Criminality in Spaces of Death: The Palestinian Case-study, 2014, British Journal of Criminology 54(1): 38-52. Winner of the Radzinowicz Prize 2014 for the Article that Most Contributes to the Knowledge of Criminal Justice and Criminal Justice Issues.
- Human Suffering in Colonial Contexts: Reflections from Palestine, 2013, Settler Colonial Studies 4(3): 277-90.
- Femicide and Colonization Between the Politics of Exclusion and the Culture of Control (with S. Daher-Nashef), 2013, Violence against Women 19(3): 295-315.
- Yaffa: Exile in the Homeland and Growth (with H. Zubi), 2013, Journal of Palestine Studies 93: 50-65 (in Arabic).
- Casting Out ‘Citizenship’: Israel’s Eviction of Palestinians, 2012, Review of Women’s Studies, Institute of Women’s Studies, Birzeit University 7: 47-59.
- Vernacularizing Feminist Knowledge: Feminist Thought between the Physics of Power and Security Theology, 2012, Bahithat: Lebanese Association of Women Researchers (in Arabic).
- Jerusalem, Palestine, and the Politics of Everydayness in Colonial Context, 2012, Journal of Palestine Studies 85: 54-64 (in Arabic).
- Living Death and the Dead in the Palestinian Society: Dying in Jerusalem (with S. Daher-Nashef), 2012, Bahithat: Lebanese Association of Women Researchers (in Arabic).
- The Grammar of Rights in Colonial Contexts: The Case of Palestinian Women in Israel, 2012, Middle East Law and Governance 4(1): 106-51.
- Trapped: The Violence of Exclusion in Jerusalem, 2012, Jerusalem Quarterly 49: 6-25.
- ‘It is Up to Her’: Rape and the Re-victimization of Palestinian Women in Multiple Legal Systems, 2011, Social Difference 1: 30-45.
- E-resistance and Technology In/security in Everyday Life: The Palestinian Case, 2011, British Journal of Criminology 52(1): 55-72.
- E-resistance among Palestinian Women: Coping in Conflict-ridden Areas, 2011, Social Service Review 85(2): 179-204.
- Palestinian Women and the Politics of Invisibility: Towards a Feminist Methodology, 2010, Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 3(1): 1-21.
- Panoptical Web: Internet and Victimization of Women (with T. Barenbloom), 2010, International Review of Victimology 17(1): 69-95.
- Palestinian Women’s Voices Challenging Human Rights Activism (with S. Khsheiboun), 2009, Women’s Studies International Forum 32(5): 354-62.
- The Political Economy of Children’s Trauma: A Case Study of House Demolitions in Palestine, 2009, Feminism and Psychology 19(3): 335-42.
- The Gendered Nature of Education under Siege: A Palestinian Feminist Perspective, 2008, International Journal of Lifelong Education 27(2): 179-200.
- Negotiating the Present, Historicizing the Future: Palestinian Children Speak about the Israeli Separation Wall, 2006, American Behavioral Scientist Journal 49(8): 1101-34.
- Voice Therapy for Women Aligned with Political Prisoners: A Case Study of Trauma among Palestinian Women in the Second Intifada, 2005, Social Service Review 79(2): 322-43.
- Disclosure of Child Abuse in Conflict Areas, 2005, Violence Against Women 11(10): 1263-91.
- Counter-spaces as Resistance in Conflict Zones: Palestinian Women Recreating a Home, 2005, Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum 17(3-4): 109-41.
- The Hidden Casualties of War: Palestinian Women and the Second Intifada, 2004, Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance 1(1): 67-82.
- Racism, Militarisation and Policing: Police Reactions to Violence against Palestinian Women in Israel, 2004, Social Identities 10(2): 171-94.
- Imposition of Virginity Testing: A Life-saver or a License to Kill, 2004, Social Science and Medicine 60: 1187-96.
- Re-examining Femicide: Breaking the Silence and Crossing ‘Scientific’ Borders, 2003, Signs 28(2): 581-608.
- Integrating a Victim Voice in Community Policing of Domestic Violence: A Feminist Critique (with E. Erez), International Review of Victimology 9(2): 113-35.
- Policing Violence against minority Women in Multicultural Societies: Community and the Politics of Exclusion (with M. Adelman & E. Erez), Police and Society 7: 105-33.
- Liberating Voices: The Political Implications of Palestinian Mother Narrating Their Loss, 2003, Women’s Studies International Forum 26(5): 391-407.
- Femicide and the Palestinian Criminal Justice System: Seeds of Change in the Context of State Building?, 2002, Law and Society Review 36(3): 577-605.
- Using the Dialogue Test to Break Mental Chains: Listening and Being Heard, 2001, Social Science Review 75(1): 135-50.
- The Efficacy of Israeli Law in Preventing Violence within Palestinian Families Living in Israel, 2000, International Review of Victimology 7: 47-66.
- Blocking Her Exclusion: A Contextually Sensitive Model of Intervention for Handling Female Abuse, 2000, Social Service Review 74(4): 620-34.
- Towards Cultural Definition of Rape: Dilemmas in Dealing with Rape Victims in Palestinian Society, 1999, Women’s Studies International Forum 22(2): 157-73.
- Law, Politics, and Violence against Women: The Case-study of Palestinian-Israelis, 1999, Law and Policy 21(2): 189-211.
- Psychological Responses in Family Members after the Hebron Massacre (with S. Elbedour, A. Baker, M. Irwin & R.H. Belmaker), 1999, Depression and Anxiety 9: 27-31.
- The Politics of Disclosing Female Sexual Abuse: A Case Study of Palestinian Society, 1999, Child Abuse & Neglect 23(12): 1275-93.
- The Effects of Political and Military Trauma on Children: The Palestinian Case (with A. Baker), Clinical Psychology Review 19(8): 935-50.
- Reactions to a Case of Female Child Sexual Abuse in the Palestinian Society: Protection, Silencing, Deterrence, or Punishment, 1998, Plilim 7: 16-95 (in Hebrew).
- Tolerating Battering: Invisible Way of Social Control, 1997, International Review of Victimology 5: 1-21.
- Wife Abuse: A Method of Social Control, 1997, Israel Social Science Research 12(1): 59-72.
- Wife Abuse in Palestinian Society: Social Phenomenon or Social Problem (with A.M. Baker), 1997, Arab Studies Quarterly 19(20): 41-55.
- Fear of Crime in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem: Physical and Social Correlates, 1995, Crime Prevention Studies 4: 185-97.
- Differential Effects of Trauma on Spouses of Traumatized Households (with A.M. Baker), 1995, Journal of Traumatic Studies 8: 61-74.
- Edited Special Journal Issues:
- State Crime: Israel/Palestine (with P. Green), 2016, State Crime Journal.
- The Politics of Suffering, 2015, Borderlands.
- Victimology between the Local and the Global, 2010, International Review of Victimology
Articles in Non-Refereed Periodicals and Position Papers:
- Ana Sumud: I Am Steadfastness, 2019,
- Tag Mehir: The Different Faces of Zionism (with Y. David), 2016, Malafat Mada.
- Going to the Ecclesiastical Courts for Protection and Access to Justice: An Indigenous Feminist Reading (with S. Khsheiboun), 2015, Haifa: Mada al-Carmel, Arab Center for Applied Social Research,
- Palestinian Women’s Interactions with the Israeli Police Force: Access to Justice for Palestinian Women in Israel (with S. Mokari-Renawi), 2014, Haifa: Mada al-Carmel, Arab Center for Applied Social Research,
- The Politics of Killing Women in Colonized Contexts (with S. Daher-Nashif), 2012, Jadaliyya, December 17,
- How Do We Read Violence against Palestinian Women in Israel, 2010, Jadal 6: 1-14.
- The Physics of Power and the Challenges of the Palestinian Feminist Discourse: Between Thought and Practice, 2009, Jadal 4: 1-13.
- Israeli Policies of House Demolitions, and the Struggle for Memory, Land, and Identity: A Feminist Perspective, 2007, Balsam-Ramallah 383: 60-62 (in Arabic).
I am currently supervising six PhD students, and two MA students, Faculty of Law–Institute of Criminology and School of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Public Engagement
Membership in Editorial and Advisory Boards
- 2016-: The British Journal of Criminology, International Advisory Board
- 2016-: International State Crime Initiative, Editorial Board
- 2016-: Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies, International Editorial Board
- 2016-: Jerusalem Quarterly, Advisory Board
- 2014-: Journal for Middle East Women’s Studies, Advisory Board
Membership in Scientific Societies
- 2019-: Association of Middle East Children and Youth Studies (AMECYS)
- 2015-: Middle East Studies Association Member
- 2005-: Middle East Studies Seminar Member, Yale Law School
- 2000-: Law and Society Association Member
Membership of Selected Public Committees
- 2020-: Palestinian Global Mental Health Network
- 2016-: Board Chair, Mada al-Carmel
- 2011-16: Board Member, Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling, Jerusalem
- 2006-: Academic Board Member, Mada al-Carmel
- 2006-2016: Director–General Studies Program, Mada al-Carmel
- 2003-11: Board Member, World Vision, Jerusalem
- 2001-: Board Member, Princess Basma Organization for the Disabled
- 2005-2009: Board Chair, Gisha, Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, Tel Aviv
- 2003-2007: Chair, Arab Ad Hoc Committee for Higher Education, Council for Higher Education, Jerusalem
- 2003-2005: Board Member, Israeli Women’s League Research Committee, Jerusalem
- 1996-2002: Board Member, Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling, Jerusalem
Professional/Community Activities
- 2013-: Senior Leading Researcher, Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training for Children in Need (NEVET), School of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2008-13: Member, The Trauma, Peace-building and Development Project, International Development Research Centre (INCOR), University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
- 2007-2012: Member, Feminist Academic Group, Women in Conflict Zones Network (WICZNET): Studying “Militarized Violence in this New Age of Empire”, York University, Toronto, Canada
- 2008: Training Israeli Judges, Palestinians in Israel: Challenges Facing the Legal System, Jerusalem, Israel
- 2008: Training Palestinian Social Workers and Psychologists, Feminist Perspective in Trauma and Recovery, Ramallah, West Bank
- 2004: Training Judges of the High Criminal Court in Jordan, Victim’s Voice in Criminal Proceedings and Fair Trial for Women and Children in Criminal Proceedings, Amman, Jordan
- 2001-2014: Founding Member, Women for Women’s Sexuality and Bodily Rights, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2001: Counseling to the World University Service Project, Researching Women, Larnaka, Cyprus
- 2000: Training Palestinian Mental Health and Health Workers, Elderly Abuse and the Role of Palestinian Social Control Agents, Jerusalem, Israel
- 2000: Training Judges in Israeli Family Courts, Violence and the Palestinian-Israeli Families, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 1999: Training Rape Crisis Workers, Helping Victims of Sexual Abuses: A Contextually Sensitive Mode of Intervention, Jerusalem, Israel
- 1998: Training Palesitnian National Council (PNC) Members, Gender and Violence: The Role of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Bethlehem, West Bank
- 1997: Training Women Activists, Women and Law, West Bank and Gaza, Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, Jerusalem, Israel
- 1994: Established the First Hotline for Abused Palestinian Women, Al Aman, Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, Jerusalem, Israel
- 1994: Training Female Palestinian Police Officers, Domestic Violence, Gaza Strip
- 1991: Initiated a Hotline during the Gulf War, Provided Information, Guidance and Psychological Support to Palestinians Living in the Occupied Territories, Jerusalem, Israel
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20 March 2024