Thesis title
Corporate green-grabbing – the case of carbon markets.
Summary of research
2050. It is the year before which carbon neutrality should be attained. Although States have agreed to this aim in the Paris Agreement, we are not on track to reach the 2030 goals. The carbon market is presented as an important incentive for private actors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is demonstrated by the large-scale buying of land in less developed countries (LDCs) by companies from high-emitting countries. It raises important international law questions, especially in terms of State sovereignty and the role of transnational companies (TNCs) in the pursuit of environmental protection goals. Local communities and especially indigenous peoples are at risk of suffering from human rights abuses, as their land may be appropriated without consent. The management of land by private investors seeking to compensate their emissions sometimes lead to severe environmental damage. Thus, Mathilda’s research focuses on the strong links between international land-grabbing practises and the development of carbon markets within an international law framework.
Mathilda did the double degree in English and French law between Queen Mary and the Sorbonne, which resulted in her obtaining an LLB with honours and a master 1 in international law. She then undertook a master 2 in environmental law with an international and EU law specialisation, jointly awarded by the Sorbonne and Assas.
She has been involved with French climate NGOs for a few years, working especially on conflicts of interest within COP meetings and indigenous peoples rights within climate conventions. Mathilda also assisted both the International State Crime Initiative and the Queen Mary Global Policy Centre in their work, her internships always focusing on human rights issues. She interned in French and English law firms, working on private and public law subjects. She also spent a year volunteering in immigration law.
She is the recipient of the Graduate Teaching Assistant studentship.
Other work
- Valentine Arnal and others, « L’Union européenne au service de l’effectivité du droit du climat : une action à double détente » (2024) Justice & Cassation.
- Mathilda Lorkin, « Comment mobiliser juridiquement l’équité intergénérationnelle ? », 2023 n°22 Gazette de droit de l’environnement.
- Mathilda Lorkin, “Human rights violations under COVID-19 in Colombia”, 2021 International State Crime Initiative.
- Speaker at the first annual conference of the French magistrates’ association for environmental protection, on the use of law in the face of climate change.