The Evolution of a Global Perspective in International Energy Law
Summary of research
International energy law is emerging as a complex area of law. Although academic discourse of what it constitutes began about 30 years ago, its scholarship has been fragmented and constrained. That is not to say that there have been no studies on various facets of energy law. Legal involvement in the coal, oil and gas sector dates back more than a century. In contrast, interest in international energy law studies as a distinct discipline has only piqued in the last few years. Global debates on anthropogenic climate change, aggravated by the burning of fossil fuels, have sparked universal calls for the energy transition to decarbonised energy systems. Climate change, now termed an ‘emergency’, is characterised by unprecedented natural events that trigger deleterious global environmental consequences. Conversely, the positive impacts of modern energy services to human and technological development are indubitable. This confounding characteristic of energy as a force of both human progress and ecological destruction, is exacerbated by the emergence of dominant actors with competing interests (both state and non-state) in global energy systems. This has invariably made the discussion on international energy law, and its role in dealing with these issues, inevitable.
Cognisant that no universal energy law instrument exists, his thesis undertakes a pedagogical, practical, and normative reinspection of international energy law. It seeks to identify its key aims and principles. Based on doctrinal, methodological, interdisciplinary, and practical considerations, it hypothesises that current international energy law is limited in its global scope. In the quest to broaden global perspectives on energy law, he invites views that conflate the theoretical with the practical; the legal with the interdisciplinary; the international with the local; and the objective with the subjective. It is hoped that his research will contribute to broadening the ontological understanding of international energy law; highlight how different disciplines perceive international energy law in the global energy sector; lead to a better appreciation of more inclusive perspectives from key stakeholders around the world; bridge the gap between energy law scholars and practitioners; and reimagine how international energy law is defined as well as what it should seek to achieve in the energy sector.
Tedd Moya Mose holds the inaugural PhD scholarship at the Energy Law Institute, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London. Apart from research and teaching, Tedd is a qualified lawyer and advises on legal aspects of energy, environment and natural resources, sustainable development, corporate and commercial law, technology, and dispute resolution. He is consulted on various aspects of international energy law and policy as well as commercial transnational law. His research interests are inter-disciplinary and focus on international energy law and policy, the transition to sustainable energy systems, energy justice, and the role of technology in shaping a more sustainable energy future. Tedd has delivered addresses and guest lectures on these themes in international forums around the world. He has taught and held various multi-disciplinary visiting research positions at: The University of St. Andrews, Scotland (School of Geography and Sustainable Development); the University of Cape Town, South Africa (Energy Research Centre); and at the University of Michigan’s Urban Energy Justice Lab at the School for Environment and Sustainability (USA); and at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at University of Dundee (Scotland).
- Tedd Moya Mose and Mohammad Hazrati. ‘Is Energy Justice in the Fossil Fuel Industry a Paradox?’ In Wood, G, Bake, K and & Strachan, P., (eds) The Long Goodbye? Managing the Decline of Fossil Fuels (Palgrave Macmillan 2019).
- Iain Todd, Jiska De Groot, Tedd Moya Mose, Darren McCauley, and Raphael J. Heffron, R. J. ‘Response to “Monyei, Jenkins, Serestina and Adewumi Examining Energy Sufficiency and Energy Mobility In The Global South Through The Energy Justice Framework” ’ (2019) Volume 132 Energy Policy, 44-46.
- Roman V. Sidortsov, Raphael J. Heffron, Tedd Moya Mose, Chelsea Schelly and Bethel Tarekegne, ‘In Search for Common Ground: Energy Justice Perspectives in Global Fossil Fuel Extraction’ in Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Chelsea Schelly, Robert M. Handler, Erin C. Pischke and Jessie L. Knowlton (eds.) A Research Agenda For Environmental Management (Edward Elgar, 2019), 134-144.
- Tedd Moya Mose, (Book Review) Voelker Roeben, Towards a European Energy Union: European Energy Strategy in International Law (Cambridge University Press 2018) in International Energy Law Review Issue 5 (Sweet & Maxwell 2019), 145-146.
- Tedd Moya Mose, ‘Actors in International Energy Law’, 3 (2018) OGEL
- Tedd Moya Mose, (2018) Book Review, Ruven Fleming Shale Gas, the Environment and Energy Security: A New Framework for Energy Regulation (Elgar Publishing 2017) in International Energy Law Review Issue 3 (Sweet & Maxwell 2018), 95-96.
- Tedd Moya Mose, ‘Towards a Harmonised Framework for International Regulation of Renewable Energy’, 23 (2) Uniform Law Review (2018), 373–396.
- Raphael J. Heffron and Tedd Moya Mose, ‘Nuclear Energy, Year in Review’ in Fauchald, O. D., Hunter, D. and Wang, X. (eds) 26 Yearbook of International Environmental Law (Oxford University Press 2017).
- Tedd Moya Mose and Raphael J. Heffron, ‘The Legal Challenges to Building New Energy Infrastructure in the EU. In Szuchy, R., Homicsko, A. O. and Csaki-Hertalovics, E. (eds) KRE Energy Forum (Patrocinium Publishing House Ltd 2017) 104-120.
- Raphael J. Heffron and Tedd Moya Mose (2017) Nuclear Energy, Year in Review. In Fauchald, O. D., Hunter, D. and Wang, X. (eds) 25 Yearbook of International Environmental Law, (Oxford University Press 2016).
Teaching and Research
Visiting Research Positions
University of Dundee: Dundee, Scotland United Kingdom (November 2018-September 2019)
- Visiting Scholar, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy.
University of Michigan| Michigan, United States of America (August 2018-October 2018)
- Visiting Graduate Student, University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability and Urban Energy Justice
University of Cape Town| Cape Town, South Africa (May 2018)
- Visiting Researcher, Energy Research Centre
University of St. Andrews | St. Andrews, Scotland (October 2017-April 2018)
- Visiting Scholar, School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Teaching/Supervision experience
Queen Mary University of London, Energy Law Institute | London (September 2019-2020)
- Lecturer/Module Convenor, Energy Economics Legal Perspective
- Guest Lecturer, Transnational Law and Governance
- Guest Lecturer, Mining and Natural Resources Law
- Guest Lecturer, Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- Dissertation Supervisor, Masters-level (LLM) dissertations
Queen Mary University of London, Energy Law Institute | London (September 2018-2019)
- Guest Lecturer, Transnational Law and Governance
- Guest Lecturer, United States Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
- Guest Lecturer, Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
University of St. Andrews/International Energy Justice Council | St. Andrews Scotland (2017-2018)
- Lead Coordinator, Internship Program, Energy Justice Program
Queen Mary University of London, Energy Law Institute | London (September 2017-2018)
- Research & Teaching Assistant, Energy Law (Renewable and Nuclear)
- Research & Teaching Assistant, Energy Law (Development, Decommissioning and Waste Management)
- Research & Teaching Assistant, Energy Law and Ethics
- Research & Teaching Assistant, Mining & Natural Resources Law