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School of Law

Angeliki Papantoniou


PhD Student


Thesis title

Addressing the vulnerability of children's health against environmental threats in international and regional law. Evaluating pathways of protection in Europe.

Summary of research

The purpose of my research is to evaluate how the law can protect the particular vulnerability of children’s health against environmental threats and to identify pathways to better legal protection. The focus is on the geographical area of Europe with analysis of international law.

Following an analysis of vulnerability in international law and legal theory, I accept the notion of universal vulnerability, which indicates towards children’s vulnerability as being particular but not exceptional to the vulnerability of adults. Keeping in mind this notion of vulnerability, I move on to evaluate the relevant legal framework in human rights and international law. Finally, I suggest pathways to protection based on both human rights and environmental law.


I started my PhD in September 2014 and have been a teaching associate/guest lecturer in international environmental law and tutor in international human rights law both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I received my LL.B. from University College London in 2003, an LL.M. from University College London in 2004 in Public International Law and Human Rights and an LL.M. from Queen Mary University of London in International Environmental Law and Human Rights.

In 2008, I became an advocate, member of the Athens Bar Association and practiced in Athens, Greece in the areas of land law, administrative law and employment law until 2012. I have also worked for the Greek Council for Refugees and the UNHCR office in Athens Greece. In 2015 I was awarded the Modern Law Review scholarship, which was renewed in 2016.


Fitzmaurice, Tanzi and Papantoniou (eds),

  • ‘Encyclopaedia of Environmental Law, Volume of International / Multilateral Environmental Treaties’  (September 2017), Edward Elgar Publishing( editor)
  • ‘The Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context’in Fitzmaurice, Tanzi and Papantoniou (eds),
  • ‘Encyclopaedia of Environmental Law, Volume of International / Multilateral Environmental Treaties ‘  (September 2017), Edward Elgar Publishing.

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