Matthew Abbey

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Matthew Abbey is a social and political theorist whose work examines how state violence, dispossession, and bordering practises are navigated, resisted, and critiqued. His research to date has focused on the sexual politics of borders, the colonial present, surveillance, the ethics of technological governance, and the social function of fantasy. He has published or has forthcoming articles in Social Text, Surveillance & Society, Sexualities, The European Journal of Cultural Studies, Identities, Contention, Visual Studies, and Porn Studies. His media writing has also appeared in The Guardian, Foreign Policy, openDemocracy, Le Monde Diplomatique, and The Diplomat. He completed his formal education with a PhD from the University of Warwick, an MA from Sciences Po Paris, and a BA from Monash University. Before working in academia, he gained experience with organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme, Human Rights Watch, the Global Public Policy Institute, and the Human Rights Ombudsman of Armenia.
Matthew is currently a postdoctoral researcher in social theory in the School of Law at Queen Mary, University of London. He works on the UKRI-funded project “What does artificial intelligence mean for the future of democratic society? Examining the social impact of AI and whether human rights can respond”, awarded to Dr Daragh Murray.