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School of Law

Dr Nicolette Busuttil


Post-Doctoral Research Assistant on the MAPS Project



Dr Nicolette Busuttil is a Post-Doctoral Researcher within the School of Law, Queen Mary where she is a researcher on the MAPS Project and acts as the Centre Coordinator for (B)OrderS: The Centre for the Legal Study of Borders and Migration. Nicolette specialises in the implications of the intersection between international and EU law for migrants and refugees, with a focus on migrants with mental healthcare needs as persons with disabilities. Her research focuses on the implications of international human rights law obligations towards this population within the European Union. Additional research interests include the implementation of the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration for the European international protection framework, a topic which she has researched extensively and published on as part of the Horizon 2020 PROTECT project.

Nicolette holds a PhD from Queen Mary for her doctoral thesis, ‘To Protect or Expel? Protection Obligations Towards Migrants with Psychosocial Disabilities in Light of EU Disability Fundamental Rights’ explored a disability-sensitive interpretation of the non-refoulement obligation, by drawing on the contribution of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the EU fundamental rights regime. Nicolette is also a Visiting Lecturer in Refugee Law at the University of Westminster, a Senior Teaching Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), and a Research Affiliate of the Refugee Law Initiative.

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