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School of Law

Ms Dimitra Kamarinou, LLB (Aristotle University, Greece), LLM Human Rights (Birkbeck University of London), LLM Corporate & Commercial Law (QMUL)


Research Assistant, Cloud Legal Project

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7882 7319
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields


Dimitra Kamarinou joined the Centre for Commercial Law Studies in April 2014 as a Research Assistant to the Cloud Legal Project. She is currently conducting research on a full time basis on various legal aspects of cloud computing through the Microsoft funded Cloud Legal Project. Also, Dimitra is currently studying for her PhD at CCLS.

Prior to joining CCLS, Dimitra worked in London as an Associate in an Intellectual Property Strategy Consultancy firm alongside a team of scientists, solicitors and patent attorneys advising a wide range of clients, from technology start-ups to multinationals on the management and monetisation of IP. Prior to that, Dimitra obtained an LLM (Merit) in Corporate and Commercial Law from Queen Mary University of London, in 2012, specialising in data protection and the international transfers of data.

Dimitra originally qualified as an attorney-at-law in Greece, following a long period of training in civil and commercial law, public law litigation and human rights.

Pursuing a long-time interest in the field of individual rights, Dimitra obtained an LLM (Distinction) in Human Rights Law from Birkbeck University of London, in 2010, and went on to join the Europe and Central Asia department of Amnesty International in London in a research capacity. Dimitra has also had experience organising student moot competitions, where she has acted as a Human Rights Judge.

From January 2020 to April 2021, Dimitra was a visiting lecturer at King’s College London (the Dickson Poon School of Law). Dimitra worked with Mr Perry Keller on the Information Privacy & Data Protection module of the LLM program and led the weekly Q&A and group seminars.

In 2022, the Cloud Legal Project launched on Coursera an innovative online specialisation in Cloud Computing Law. Dimitra Kamarinou is an instructor in the week that covers data protection law.

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