SOLM075 International and Comparative Copyright Law
Module Description
Copyright, the legal foundation of the creative industries, is by its modern nature international and comparative This module will offer students a solid basis for understanding the essential elements of copyright law ,its philosophical and legal basis, the international Copyright Treaties, and the different approaches adopted in major civil and common law countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States. We further focus on the growth of EU copyright law with its distinctive flavour, which incorporates civil law doctrines in a pragmatically common law precedent-based approach. Where relevant, reference is also made to well-known decisions on certain topics in Australia, Canada and India.
This interactive course will explore copyright principles by considering and discussing crucial topics, namely, the types of protected works, copyright ownership, beneficiaries, term, nature of rights, exceptions and limitations, collective management, enforcement and user rights - from national and international perspectives. The course also looks at current international copyright policy discussions such as new Treaties and Trade Agreements. The module will enable students to embark on more specialised and in-depth courses.
Applicable Groupings
- Commercial and Corporate Law LLM
- Intellectual Property Law LLM
- International Business Law LLM
- Dresden IP Programme
- Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law LLM
30 Credits