SOLM117 Special Areas in the Law of Treaties
This module is not running for 2024-25 entry. Check our LLM and Diploma module list to see other related modules you could take.
Module Description
This module focuses on the most fundamental elements of the law of treaties. It is based on the analysis of the text of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties. It relies on the case law of international courts and tribunals and the theory of international law. Anyone who wants to study or practice international law should take this module, as giving an invariable analysis of the law of treaties, which is the pillar of international law. This module deals with less known areas of the law of treaties, such as conflict of treaties, treaty termination (including material breach of a treaty) and third parties and the law of treaties. These areas are as well very important especially for practicing of international law. Some other fundamental issues of the international law will be also analyzed such as state responsibility.
Applicable Groupings
30 Credits