SOLM152 Private International and European Air Transport Law
Module Description
What is the air carrier’s liability for injury or damages to passengers and cargo? Can passengers recover for psychic injury? Who is liable if a flight is cancelled? Are air passengers compensated if their flight is delayed? Do air passengers need to take special insurance against loss or damage to their baggage? What are the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air? How do airlines pay for their glamorous, but also costly aircraft? Is it legal to fly a drone? This module examines the international law regime for air carrier liability (Warsaw and Montreal Conventions), as well as for surface damage liability (Rome Convention); EU consumer protection law (Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on compensation for denied boarding, cancellation and delay of flights and relevant jurisprudence); international and EU law on access to air transport by persons with disabilities (Regulation 1107/2006 concerning the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air); the regime governing aircraft financing and aircraft nationality (Geneva and Cape Town Conventions); and last, the nascent law on unmanned aircraft systems (drones).
Applicable Groupings
- Commercial and Corporate Law LLM
- European Law LLM
- International Business Law LLM
- Public International Law LLM
- International Shipping Law LLM
30 Credits