SOLM178 EU Immigration Law
Module Description
The module will examine the constitutional evolution and key legal issues underpinning EU Immigration Law as a distinct field of law. The module will examine all forms of governance of EU Immigration Law in Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. These include EU asylum law and the development of the Common European Asylum System (including the Dublin Regulation); EU law on economic migration; EU law on irregular migration and the criminalisation and securitisation of migration; border control and border management in EU law (including the law of the external border and the Schengen area); the role of EU agencies in the field of immigration law (including FRONTEX and the European Asylum Support Agency-EASO); and relations with third countries and the external dimension of EU immigration law. The constitutional and human rights implication of European integration in the field will be fully explored.
Applicable Groupings
- European Law LLM
- Human Rights Law LLM
- Immigration Law LLM
Mode of Assessment
5,000-7,500 word essay
30 Credits