SOLM192 WTO Law: Fundamental Principles
Module Description
The module examines the fundamental principles of the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Topics covered include sources of WTO law, the relationship between WTO law and international and domestic law, the WTO dispute settlement system, and substantive rules on market access (tariffs and non-tariff barriers), non-discrimination (national treatment and most-favoured nation treatment) and rules aimed at balancing free trade and non-trade concerns. The module provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the regulatory framework underpinning the multilateral trading system. On completion of the module, students should be able to advice public authorities, private companies or civil society organisations on the consistency of market access restrictions and discriminatory measures affecting international trade with WTO Law and on the remedies available for breaches of WTO Law.
Applicable Groupings
- Commercial and Corporate Law LLM
- Comparative and International Dispute Resolution LLM
- Public International Law LLM
- International Business Law LLM
- International Economics Law LLM
- Law and Economics LLM
- Law and Economics Diploma
- Law and Economics Certificate
30 Credits