SOLM202 Policing in Local and Global Contexts
This module is not running for 2024-25 entry. Check our LLM and Diploma module list to see other related modules you could take.
Module Description
This module examines law enforcement in different cultural contexts (i.e. Europe, Asia, North America) and addresses possible conflicts of interests when different jurisdictions have to work together internationally and trans-nationally. It traces the evolution of international, transnational and EU legal frameworks on law enforcement cooperation, eg the development of Interpol and Europol, from their early beginnings in the 20th century to todays more sophisticated models of information transfer between policing and judicial agencies. The first half of the module will provide an overview of law enforcement models and procedural requirements in different jurisdictions around the globe. The second half of the module will consider international, EU and regional police cooperation strategies and underlying legal frameworks and how the specific jurisdictional requirements discussed in the first half of the module might foster or hamper cooperation in practice.
Applicable Groupings
15 Credits