SOLM207 Cybercrime Substantive Offences
Module Description
nternet technologies have enabled new ways of committing crimes and have moved "old" crimes such as fraud online- this has created interesting challenges to substantive criminal law. These challenges concern both the interpretation of traditional criminal law (common law and statute based) and potential new crimes where there is a need to develop the law to close legal gaps. This Module examines substantive criminal law(s) of different jurisdictions (using the UK and the US as the main comparators) from a comparative and international perspective. It also looks at international harmonization efforts such as the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime and the EU framework for the harmonization of the law in the fields of cybercrime. The Module looks at definitions and categorisation of cybercrime; the relationships between cyberterrorims, cyberwarfare and cybercrime; content related cybercrime (such as child sex abuse images; pornography; IP infringement; terrorism propaganda (glorification and encouragement); hate speech); communication offences and harassment; online fraud and forgery; computer misuse (hacking; malicious code; interception) and illegal devices and malicious marketplaces. It will also examine the jurisdictional aspects of such criminality.
Applicable Groupings
- Public International Law LLM
- Criminal Justice LLM
- Technology, Media and Communications LLM
- Regulation and Compliance LLM
- Regulation and Compliance MSc
30 Credits