Hafeez Adeniyi Apena, Comparative and International Dispute Resolution LLM (2021)
"I would say my best experience so far is the multi-cultural nature of the students at Queen Mary."

Year of graduation: 2021
Name of programme: Comparative and International Dispute Resolution LLM
Country: Nigeria
What influenced your decision to choose a LLM at Queen Mary?
My first knowledge of Queen Mary University was through one of my professors during undergraduate study, Professor Chioma Kanu Agomo, who is an alumna of CCLS. I also attended an educational fair in my final year at the university where I was able to get an in-depth insight into what Queen Mary had to offer; the teaching faculty, the campus life, student union, and societies. From that point onwards, I had no other choice in mind other than Queen Mary.
How did you find the teaching and learning?
I had read about the excellent quality of the teaching at Queen Mary prior to the commencement of my LLM and I was not in any way disappointed about my experience on the course. The teaching was detailed, comprehensive, and contemporary. The teaching faculty were equally excellent; this is especially so as many of the academics are thought leaders in their respective fields of specialisation. Professors Loukas Mistelis and Stavros Brekoulakis were outstanding in their manner of teaching and the steering of the course of insightful discussions which are characteristic of their classes. Dr. Debbie De Girolamo’s teaching was similarly exceptional, especially her Negotiation module which she teaches in a practical manner.
What was key about your programme/ were there any highlights?
The comparative nature of the Dispute Resolution LLM was a particular highlight for me. I believe it equips the students on the course, especially the Arbitration modules, with a worldview of what obtains across major jurisdictions as against a learning limited to the UK only.
Did you combine modules across specialisations and if so, what were the advantages of this?
Yes, I did. I combined my modules on the Dispute Resolution LLM with one module from the Intellectual Property specialisation. Doing this helped me strike a balance between my respective interests in Alternative Dispute Resolution and Intellectual Property Law. I would say my best experience so far is the multi-cultural nature of the students at Queen Mary. Through my study and residing in student accommodation, I have met people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, languages, and cultures. It indeed has been an enriching experience. This experience could possibly have been better under circumstances different from that we have had over the past year due to Covid, it has however been a good experience.
Would you be willing to share your Testimonial? If so, you could help a prospective student to make an informed choice to study at Queen Mary. (Class of 2020, 2021 and 2022 only).