School of Law


  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. Freedom of Speech: Importing European and US Constitutional Models in Transitional Democracies, Routledge, 2013 [re-published in 2015], 304 pages.
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. Law and Memory: Addressing Historical Injustice by Legislation and Trials (co-edited with Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias) (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. “Memory Laws and Freedom of Speech: Governance of History in European Law”, in A. Koltay (ed.), Comparative Perspectives on Fundamentals of Freedom of Speech, Wolters Kluwer, 2015, pp. 537-558.
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. “Experts in Hate Speech Cases: Towards a Higher Standard of Proof in Strasbourg?”, in Ł. Gruszczyński & W. Werner (eds.), Deference in International Courts and Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation, Oxford University Press, 2014. 254-271.
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. ‘Hate Speech and Constitutional Democracy in Eastern Europe: Transitional and Militant?’, Israel Law Review, 47, 1, 2014. 27-61.
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. ‘Historical Revisionism in Comparative Perspective: Law, Politics, and Surrogate Mourning’, EUI Working Paper, 12, 2013. 1-31.
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. Instrumentalization of Freedom of Expression in Postmodern Legal Discourses, European Journal of Legal Studies, 3, 1, 2010. 145-167.
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. ‘A Dernier Cri from Strasbourg: An Ever Formidable Challenge of Hate Speech’, European Public Law, 16, 3, 2010. 373-389.  
  • Belavusau, Uladzislau. ‘Judicial Epistemology of Free Speech through the Lenses of Ancient Rhetoric’, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 23, 2, 2010. 165-183.
  • Fronza, Emanuela, Introduzione al diritto penale internazionale, Giappichelli, Torino, forthcoming 2016 (with E. Amati, M. Costi, P. Lobba, E. Maculan, A. Vallini).
  • Fronza, Emanuela. Le rôle de la justice dans la transition démocratique en Italie après la seconde guerre mondiale, in Alix, J. - Jacquelin, M. - Manacorda, S. – Parizot, R. (dir.), « Humanisme et Justice », Dalloz, Paris, forthcoming 2016.
  • Fronza, Emanuela, Negationismus. Leugnen, Rechtfertigen und Verharmlosen von Makro-Verbrechen als Straftat, Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsgeschehen - Kleine Schriften, Bd. 43, 2016.
  • Fronza, Emanuela. Negazionismo (diritto penale), Enciclopedia del Diritto, Annali VIII, Giuffré, Milano, 2015, 633 - 658.
  • Fronza Emanuela, I meccanismi di persecuzione dei crimini internazionali. Una riflessione sui diversi meccanismi di risposta - Die Verfolgung der Internationalen Verbrechen. Eine Überlegung zu den verschiedenen Reaktionsmechanismen, Editoriale scientifica, 2015, Collana Quaderni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Trento, Vol. n. 15. Edited with Gabriele Fornasari and Roberto Wenin.
  • Fronza, Emanuela. Le crime contre l´humanité, Presse Universitaire de France "Que sais-je?": Paris, II edition 2013 (with M. Delmas Marty, I. Fouchard, L. Neyret) (Turkish now translation: İnsanlığa. Karşı Suç, Iletisim, Istanbul, 2012).
  • Fronza, Emanuela. Il negazionismo come reato (Giuffré, 2012).
  • Fronza, Emanuela. Corti regionali, crimini internazionali e legalità penale: spunti (e problemi) a partire dal caso Kononov, (with M. Scoletta),, Studi e materiali di diritto penale, n. 1 2012, 87-105.
  • Fronza, Emanuela. The Criminal Protection of Memory: Some Observations about the Offense of Holocaust Denial, in L. Hennebel & T. Hochmann (eds.), Genocide Denials & the Law, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011, 155-181.
  • Fronza, Emanuela. Percorsi giurisprudenziali in tema di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani. Materiali dal laboratorio dell'America Latina, University of Trento, Trento, 2011 (edited with G. Fornasari).
  • Fronza, Emanuela. La persecución de los crímenes nazi-fascistas en Italia, Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais (Edição especial - Justiça de Transição), 2011, 225-268.
  • Fronza, Emanuela. ¿El delito de negacionismo? El instrumento penal como guardián de la memoria, Revista de Derecho penal y Criminología. 3. Época, n. 5, 2011, 97-144.
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. Law and Memory: Addressing Historical Injustice by Legislation and Trials (co-edited with Uladzislau Belavusau) (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘Debating Stalinism and Communism: ‘equals’ or ‘versus’ Nazism?’, 30(1) East European Politics and Societies and Cultures (2016)
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘Homosexual Propaganda Bans as a Litmus Test for the Acceptance of Liberal and International Human Rights Norms in the Post-Communist States’, 15 Baltic Yearbook of International Law (2016)
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘Memory Laws or Memory Loss? Europe in Search of its Historical Identity through the National and International Law’, 34 Polish Yearbook of International Law (2015)
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘Struggling with the European Past: European Court of Human Rights on Memory and Law’ in D Gozdecka and M Kmak (eds.) Europe at the Edge of Pluralism, Intersentia 2015
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. Combating Anti-Semitism with the Instruments of International Law, Wolters Kluwer Poland 2014 (560 pages) in Polish
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘Deficits of Polish Legislation in the Area of Fighting Hate Speech and Hate Crimes’, 1 Studia Prawnicze (2014) in Polish
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘Penalizing Holocaust Denial – a View from Europe’, in Global Antisemitism – A Crisis of Modernity, C.A. Small (ed.), Brill 2013
  • Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksandra. ‘International Legal Standards in the Field of Fighting Internet Hate Speech’, in Hate Speech in the Internet, D. Bychawska (ed.), Helsinki Human Rights Foundation (2013) in Polish
  • Heinze, Eric. Hate Speech and Democratic Citizenship (Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘What is the Opposite of Injustice?’, Ratio Juris (forthcoming 2016)
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Towards a Legal Concept of Hatred: Democracy, Ontology, and the Limits of Deconstruction’, in Hate, Politics and Law (T. Brudholm & B. Johanssen, eds., Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Legal Hybridity: Revisiting the Post-Colonial’, in Hybridity: Power, Social Structures and Institutions Beyond the Liberal West (R. Freedman, N. Lemay-Hebert & P. Lottholtz, eds.) (forthcoming 2016)
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Democratising Pluralism: Hatred and the Limits of Imperial’ Liberalism, in Hate, Politics, Law, T Brudholm & B. Johanssen, eds., (forthcoming 2016)
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Selecting the Memory, Controlling the Myth: The Propaganda of Legal Foundations’, in Law, Myth & Memory, B. Collins & J. Strawson, eds (chapter forthcoming 2016).
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Hate speech and the normative foundations of regulation’, review of Jeremy Waldron, The Harm in Hate Speech (Harvard University Press, 2012) and M Herz & P Molnar, eds., The Content and Context of Hate Speech (Cambridge University Press, 2012), in 9(4) International Journal of Law in Context (2013), pp 590-617.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘The Reality and Hyperreality of Human Rights: Public Consciousness and the Mass Media’, in Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights, R. Dickenson et al., eds., (Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp 193-216.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Public Awareness of Human Rights: Distortions in the Mass Media’, 14 International Journal of Human Rights 2010, pp. 491 – 523 (co-authored with PhD student R Freedman)
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘He’d turn the world itself into a prison: Empire and Enlightenment in Jean Racine’s Alexander the Great’, 4(1) Law & Humanities (2010), pp. 63 – 89.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘This power isn’t power if it’s shared: Law and Violence in Jean Racine’s La Thébaïde’, 22(1) Law & Literature (2010), pp. 76 – 109.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Wild-West Cowboys versus Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Some Problems in Comparative Approaches to Extreme Speech, in Extreme Speech and Democracy chapter 10, James Weinstein and Ivan Hare, eds., Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 182 – 203.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Power Politics and the Rule of Law: Shakespeare’s First Historical Tetralogy and Law’s “Foundations”’, 29 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (2009), pp. 230 – 63.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Were it not against our laws: Oppression and Resistance in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors’, 29 Legal Studies (2009), pp. 230 – 63.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Imperialism and Nationalism in Early Modernity: The “Cosmopolitan” and The “Provincial” in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline’, 18(3) Journal of Social & Legal Studies (2009), pp. 139-68.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Cumulative Jurisprudence and Hate Speech: Sexual Orientation and Analogies to Disability, Age and Obesity’, 12 International Journal of Human Rights (2009), pp. 193 – 209 reprinted in: Extreme Speech and Democracy chapter 14, James Weinstein and Ivan Hare, eds., Oxford University Press, pp. 264 – 84 (2009), and in Protection of Sexual Minorities since Stonewall—Progress and Stalemate in Developed and Developing Countries, Phil C. W. Chan, London: Routledge, (2010), pp. 62 – 78.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Heir, Celebrity, Martyr, Monster: Legal and Political Legitimacy in Shakespeare and Beyond’, 20(1) Law & Critique (2009), pp. 79 – 103.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Even-handedness and the Politics of Human Rights’, 21 Harvard Human Rights Journal (2008), pp. 7 – 46.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Truth and Myth in Critical Race Theory and LatCrit: Human Rights and the Ethnocentrism of Anti-Ethnocentrism’, 20 National Black Law Journal (Columbia Law School) (2008), pp. 107 – 62; reprinted in Rights in Context Law and Justice in Late Modern Society ch. 6 (R Banakar, ed., Autumn 2010).
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Towards the Abolition of Hate Speech Bans’, in Religious Pluralism and Human Rights, Titia Loenen & Jenny Goldschmidt, eds., Intersentia (2007), pp. 295 – 309.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘Viewpoint Absolutism and Hate Speech’, 69 Modern Law Review (2006), pp. 543 – 82. ‘Sexual Orientation and International Law: A Study in the Manufacture of Cross-Cultural “Sensitivity”’, 22 Michigan Journal of International Law (2001), pp. 283 – 309; reprinted in Discrimination and Toleration, Kirstin Hastrup, ed. (2002), pp. 205 – 27.
  • Heinze, Eric. ‘The Construction and Contingency of the Minority Concept,’ in Minority and Group Rights Toward the New Millennium, Bill Bowring & Deirdre Fottrell, eds., Kluwer (1999), pp. 25 – 74.