School of Law

The Peace Process: Layers of Meaning

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About the Peace Process Project

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Professor Seán McConville and Dr Anna Bryson led a three-year (2010-2013) oral history project on the Peace Process in association with Trinity College Dublin and Dundalk Institute of Technology, funded by the EU's PEACE III programme.

The project involved the collection of 100 heritage interviews from key figures in peace and reconciliation over the last forty and more years. Interviewees were drawn from Ireland, North and South, as well as Britain, the US and elsewhere. Capturing testimony on the most traumatic and significant events in Anglo-Irish history, the project aim was to avert a major loss to national heritage.

The award met the cost of conducting three exemplary oral history projects inter-communally and cross-border, and the production of a book and other publications on conflict resolution.

This project linked participatory action research and academic endeavour. It was a hybrid operation to forge new and lasting alliances between institutions of international repute, border-region colleges of further education, local history networks, religious organisations, paramilitaries of all persuasions, fraternal and cultural associations, voluntary groups and both local and national archives.

The principal project office was based at Dundalk Institute of Technology, with additional offices in Queen Mary University of London and Trinity College, Dublin.

Project Staff

  • Professor Seán McConville, Project Director
  • Dr Anna Bryson, Project Co-Director
  • Sarah Lorimer, Research Officer
  • Ms Margaret Andrews, Project Manager
  • Ms Jacqueline Dufaur, Accounts' Consultant


The project was funded by the European Union's PEACE III Programme, managed for the Special EU Programmes Body by the Consortium of the NI Community Relations Council and Pobal.


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