Explore our current and past issues, each meticulously curated to provide insightful and innovative legal scholarship. Our journal has been a cornerstone of legal discourse since its inception in 1998, with digitised and indexed issues available from 2010 onwards.
Our latest issue, Issue 4 (2024), continues our tradition of exploring contemporary and interdisciplinary legal themes. We invite you to delve into the latest research and perspectives that shape the legal landscape.
Explore our rich archive of past issues, each contributing to the evolving dialogue in the field of law. Please note that due to a hiatus in 2020, the issue numbering was restarted in 2021. To distinguish between issues from different periods, we use the following terminology:
When citing or quoting from our journal, please use the recommended format to ensure clarity, accuracy and consistency. Samples, following OSCOLA citation methods, are represented below, which can be adapted to other methods, while mentioning the identifiers as suggested above.
Furthering our Open-Access goal, digitised issues of our journal, published since 2010, are available on our website. We invite you to explore our past issues and stay updated with our latest publications.
Additionally, our journal is indexed in HeinOnline and Westlaw, making our publications widely accessible to legal researchers and practitioners.