2018 Transatlantic Cultural Property Crime Symposium
28 June 2018 - 29 June 2018
Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Venue: The Octagon at Queen Mary University of London, 327 Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
The 2018 Transatlantic Cultural Property Crime Symposium will discuss 'Combatting Cultural Property Crime: New Directions and Multidisciplinary Collaboration'.
The Symposium aims to foster dialogue between diverse stakeholders to identify what we know, what we do not know and ways to increase collaboration across fields of expertise. Both days of the Symposium will feature speakers from a range of fields, including art market professionals, law enforcement, legal professionals and scholars with various specialties (e.g. criminology, archaeology, art history, political science and international relations).
The first day will focus on what we know about cultural property crime along several fronts: Conflict & Cultural Property Crime; Restitution & Recovery; Definitions of Key Concepts; and Research & Methodology. The second day will focus on new directions and innovative approaches to combatting cultural property crime, including panels on: Innovative Methodological Advances; Law Enforcement Investigations; Law & Cultural Heritage/Property Protection; and Anti-Money Laundering & Policy.
The second day will also feature a workshop where an interdisciplinary group of panelists will summarize cross-cutting themes from the Symposium and facilitate a discussion among all who would like to participate on identifying where new directions in the field should go and how to increase collaboration to achieve those goals. The final aim will be to propose a practicable and inclusive definition of 'cultural property crime'.
Download the 2018 TCPC Programme [PDF 227KB].
Please direct any questions regarding the Symposium to tcpcsymposium@gmail.com.
For directions to the venue, please refer to the map.
For more information on this event, please email tcpcsymposium@gmail.com.
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