CJC Seminar Series: 'Current Challenges in European Criminal Law' - Professor Emilio de Capitani and Professor Roberto Kostoris
20 January 2016
Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm
Venue: Room 2.10, Law Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS London
Part of the Criminal Justice Centre (CJC) series on 'Current Challenges in European Criminal Law'.
This series brings together leading scholars and practitioners of European Criminal Law in order to address some of its contemporary issues. The level of fundamental rights protection afforded to individuals by the EU legislator lies at the heart of the lectures. In particular, instruments such as the recent proposal for a revised Directive on combating terrorism and the Directives on procedural rights are critically examined. In addition, the recent judgment of the CJEU in Taricco sparks the debate as to role of the Courts in the configuration of European and national Criminal law.
- Professor Emilio de Capitani (Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), Former Secretary at the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE)) - ‘Preventing and fighting terrorism after Lisbon and the EU Charter: which lessons from the past and which options for the EU in the future?’
- Professor Roberto Kostoris (Professor of Procedural Criminal Law, University of Padua) - ‘The protection of fundamental rights in European Criminal Law’.
For directions to the venue, please refer to the map.
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