CJC Workshop: 'The Future of the UK in Europe's Area of Criminal Justice'
21 April 2015
Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, 67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB
This workshop brings together experts in the field of criminal justice from the UK and other parts of Europe to discuss the future of the UK within the EU, focusing in particular on the Area of Criminal Justice and the UK opt-out and opt-in decisions. The impact of the decisions will be closely investigated with a view to UK criminal justice practice, in particular implications for immigration, policing and criminal justice cooperation within the EU. The effects of the opt-out are considered not only from the point of view of the UK, but also from member states cooperating within the EU. The main aim is to address the position of the UK in bilateral and multilateral, as well as the regional EU context with a view to its legal and political future.
09:00 Registration Opens: Arrival Tea & Coffee
09:20-09:30 Welcome and Opening: Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Head of the Department of Law, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre, Queen Mary University of London
09:30-10:30 Professor Jörg Monar, Rector, College of Europe, Bruges
‘Britain, the criminal justice area and the EU: a question of effectiveness and values’
Chair: Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Head of the Department of Law, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre, Queen Mary University of London
10:30-11:45 Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Head of the Department of Law, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre, Queen Mary University of London
‘The Place of the UK in the Post-Lisbon EU Area of Criminal Justice: Challenges of Legality, Coherence and Trust’
Mr Paul Hardy, Legal Adviser to the European Union Committee, House of Lords
‘Asserting the application of the Opt-in Protocol in the absence of a Title V legal base - validity and consequences of the UK Government’s policy’
Discussant: Professor Emilio De Capitani, Visiting Professor Criminal Justice Centre, Queen Mary University of London and Scuola Superiore S.Anna (PISA-IT)
Chair: Dr Saskia Hufnagel, Queen Mary University of London
11:45-12:15 Coffee Break
12:15-13:45 Professor Elspeth Guild, Queen Mary University of London
‘The Area of Criminal Justice: The UK Opt Out’s Implications for Free Movement of EU Citizens’
Dr Saskia Hufnagel, Queen Mary University of London
‘The UK Opt-Out Decision – Impacts on Policing Practice in Europe’
Chair: Professor Jörg Monar, Rector, College of Europe, Bruges
14:00-15:00 Lunch for Speakers
For directions to this event please refer to the map.
How to book
Registration for this event is £10. To register please visit the Queen Mary eshop.
For more information please contact lawevents@qmul.ac.uk.
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Please note that Department of Law events may be photographed or video and audio recorded. These materials will be used for internal and external promotional purposes only by Queen Mary University of London. If you object to appearing in the photographs, please let our photographer know on the day. Alternatively you can email lawevents@qmul.ac.uk in advance of the event that you are attending.