Criminal Justice and Surveillance Technologies Seminar by Duncan Campbell: ‘Tinkerbell to Tempora’
1 February 2017
Time: 7:15pm
Venue: Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, 67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB
The Criminal Justice Centre is hosting a Criminal Justice and Surveillance Technologies Seminar titled ‘Tinkerbell to Tempora’. The Seminar will be delivered by Duncan Campbell.
About the speaker
Duncan Campbell is an investigative journalist, author, consultant and television producer specialising in privacy, civil liberties and surveillance issues. His best-known investigations led to major legal clashes with successive British governments.
Campbell now also works and is recognised as a forensic expert witness on computers and communications data. He has providing specialist testimony in over a hundred criminal and civil cases and has given evidence to the House of Commons and the European Parliament on surveillance legislation.
For over three decades, he has produced and researched in-depth reports for television, print and online media. His award-winning work into topics including government secrecy, corporate crime and medical fraud has earned critical acclaim and provoked legal challenges. He has published on a wide range of subjects in leading UK newspapers including the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times, Independent, Mail on Sunday, Daily Express.
He first became nationally known as ŒC¹ in the infamous ABC official secrets case of 1977-78, when a Labour government prosecuted two journalists and a former soldier for holding an interview, using a law they had promised to repeal years before. The ABC case (named after the three defendants, Aubrey, Berry and Campbell) ended in November, 1978, causing grave embarrassment for the Labour government.
For directions to the venue, please refer to the map.
How to book
This event is for QMUL students and staff only. Places are limited. To register for this event, please email Amber Marks:
For more information on this event, please email Amber Marks:
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