EFFACE project workshop: Enhancing the EU’s efforts to combat environmental crime – the path ahead
22 October 2015
Time: 9:15am - 5:00pm
Venue: Collette Bowe Room, Queens’ Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
This workshop, hosted by the Criminal Justice Centre (CJC), Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), serves to discuss the final conclusions and recommendations of the research project “EU Action to Fight Environmental Crime” (EFFACE), addressing issues both at the EU and national level. The project is in the process of developing with experts and stakeholders.
About the EFFACE project
“European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE) - is a 40-month EU funded research project. Eleven European research institutions and think tanks are involved. EFFACE assesses the impacts of environmental crime as well as effective and feasible policy options for combating it from an interdisciplinary perspective, with a focus on the EU.
EFFACE is funded under the 7th Research Framework Programme of the European Union (FP7).
Morning session
09:30am - Word of welcome by Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Valsamis Mitsilegas, School of Law, QMUL
09:40am - Introduction to EFFACE, the goals of the workshop and the work done so far on conclusions and recommendations (Christiane Gerstetter and Michael Faure)
10am - (Topic 1) Draft recommendations concerning the EU level
- Chair: Christiane Gerstetter
- Brief explanation by Valsamis Mitsilegas
- Comments by Richard Macrory, Julian Newman, and Ricardo Pereira
- General discussion.
10:45am - (Topic 2) Draft recommendations for Member States
- Chair: Valsamis Mitsilegas
- Brief exposé by Niels Philipsen
- Comments by Anthony Ogus, Antonio Vercher Noguera, and Sara Boogers
- General discussion.
11:45am - (Topic 3) Draft recommendations concerning guidelines
- Chair: Valsamis Mitsilegas
- Brief exposé by Christiane Gerstetter
- Comments by Wouter Haelewyn and Dan Wiley
- General discussion.
12:30pm - General discussion themes 1-3
Afternoon session
Chair: Michael Faure (all afternoon)
2pm - (Topic 4) Draft recommendations concerning improving enforcement, cooperation and data collection
- Brief exposé by Andrew Farmer
- Comments by Jonathan Robinson and Rob de Rijck
- General discussion.
2:45pm - (Topic 5) - Other recommendations including external dimension
- Brief exposé by Grazia Maria Vagliasindi
- Comments by Rosalind Malcolm, Rebecca Bates and Anthony Ogus
- General discussion.
3:45pm - Final discussion on policy recommendations
4:30pm - Further steps in EFFACE: final conference, publications etc (Christiane Gerstetter)
4:45pm - Conclusions of the workshop (Michael Faure)
5pm - Closing