Fourth ECLAN PhD Seminar on the EU Area of Criminal Justice
8 May 2014 - 9 May 2014
Time: 1:00 - 1:00am
Venue: Arts 2 Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Following the success of the first three ECLAN PhD Seminars (3 July 2010 - IEE-ULB, 29-30 November 2011 - University of Luxembourg and 30-31 May 2013 - University of Pau), ECLAN announces the fourth ECLAN PhD Seminar on the EU Area of Criminal Justice, to be held in London on 8-9 May 2014. The Seminar will be organised by Criminal Justice Centre, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London.
The PhD Seminar will provide a friendly environment in which research students can attend, develop contacts with other researchers in their field and gain experience in presenting research. It is aimed at PhD candidates currently working in the field of EU Criminal Justice and holding a degree in law, political science or international studies.
The suggested hashtag for this event is #QMLawCJC
Thursday, 8 May 2014
- 08.30 - Registration
- 09.00 - Welcome and opening remarks from Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Head of the Department of Law, Queen Mary University of London, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre and Co-Coordinator of ECLAN
- 09.05 - Session 1: General Principles of EU Criminal law
- Chair: Professor Sabine Gless (Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, University of Basel and member of the ECLAN Management Committee)
- Irene Wieczorek, (Vrije Universiteit Brussels-Université Libre de Bruxelles) - 'Can traditional criminal law principles work for EU criminal law? An analysis on criminalisation and harmonisation'
- Ermioni Xanthopoulou (King’s College London) - 'The principle of proportionality in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice'
- Enrico Cottu (University of Ferrara) - 'Investigating the nulla poena sine culpa principle in the European dimension'
- Giulia Cavallone (University of Rome (La Sapienza) and University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas)) - 'EU criminal obligations facing the principle of legality in Italy and France'
- 11.05 - Coffee Break
- 11.30 - Session 2: Problematising Procedural Criminal Law (1)
- Chair: Professor Anne Weyembergh (Professor of Criminal Law, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Co-Coordinator of ECLAN)
- Auke Willems (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) - 'Demystifying the trust problem in EU criminal law: enhancing mutual trust by harmonising criminal procedural rights?'
- Marloes van Wijk (University of Luxembourg) - 'Investigative powers of the defence: A fair trial in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice?'
- Stijn Lamberigts (University of Luxembourg) - 'Fair trial rights of corporations in criminal proceedings'
- 13.00 - Lunch
- 14.00 - Session 3: Problematising Procedural Criminal Law (2)
- Chair: Professor Katalin Ligeti (Professor of International and European Criminal Law, University of Luxembourg and Co-Coordinator of ECLAN)
- Johanna Goehler (University of Muenster) - 'To continue or not: Who shall be in control of the European Public Prosecutor’s discontinuance decisions?'
- Ségolène Devillet (University of Luxembourg) - 'Reconciling judicialisation of European criminal justice area and individual fundamental rights protection: a necessary evolution of legal remedies'
- Ines Armada (Vrije Universiteit Brussels-Université Libre de Bruxelles) - 'Transnational investigations and evidence law: in search for an EU legal framework? The case of special investigation techniques'
- 15.30 - Attendees are invited to move to the Law Foyer for a drinks reception beginning at 16.00
- 16.00 - Meeting of the Management Committee (invitation only)
- 18.00 - Close
Friday, 9 May 2014
- 09.15 - Refreshments
- 09.30 - Session 4: The fight against crime
- Chair: Professor Jørn Vestergaard (Professor of Criminal Law, University of Copenhagen and member of the ECLAN Management Committee)
- Joana Whyte (Minho University) - 'Cybercrime in the European Union: competence, perspectives and solutions. A comparative study between the European and the American systems'
- Julia Muraszkiewicz (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) - 'Towards the improvement of the European legal framework on supporting victims of human trafficking in the aftermath of the trafficking situation - Is there evidence that there is a dichotomy between the law and practice: a case study of Poland and the United Kingdom'
- Céline Cocq (Université Libre de Bruxelles) - 'Intelligence and information sharing related to serious transnational crime: a step towards an ASEAN security legal framework and its impact on the relations with the European Union'
- Leandro Mancano (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa) - 'Criminal conduct and dis-integration under the EU citizenship: this marriage is not to be performed'
- 11.30 - Coffee break
- 11.45 - Concluding remarks: Professor Pedro Caeiro (Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, University of Coimbra and member of the ECLAN Management Committee)
- 12.15 - Close
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