Joint Equality and Diversity Forum Research Network/LEAD seminar on ‘Raising the bar on equality and fair treatment at work'
29 June 2016
Time: 3:45 - 6:00pm
Venue: EDF, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA United Kingdom
The Equality and Diversity Forum (EDF) Research Network and the Centre for Research on Law, Equality and Diversity (LEAD), Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) are holding a seminar to discuss Raising the bar on equality and fair treatment at work.
New research highlights the difficulties many people have in securing fair treatment at work and suggests that these are growing. In her recent book Bullying and Behavioural Conflict at Work: The Duality of Individual Rights (OUP, 2016), Lizzie Barmes, Professor of Labour Law at Queen Mary University of London, exposed the flaws in the individual rights regime in the UK and argued for new ways of using employment and equality rights within workplaces to help solve problems and to increase overall fairness and equality.
Even though UK employment and equality rights, as enacted by Parliament, implemented by policy-makers and interpreted by judges, contain accessible and meaningful standards of fairness and reasonable behaviour at work, many workplace problems are going unsolved. It is urgent that we find and share new ways of empowering working people, unions, NGOs, and indeed employers and managers, to use all that is good in UK employment and equality law to solve the difficulties people face at work and to increase workplace fairness and equality. Participants at this seminar will explore how we can do that, building on the research findings and hearing examples of innovation from NGOs promoting equality and employment rights.
For a draft agenda and briefing, please visit the EDF webpage.
For directions to the venue, please refer to the map.
How to book
This event is free but prior booking is required. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Register online via the EDF website or or email your contact details and any accessibility requirements to
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