The Centre’s public events are open to all. To book your place, please, use the links below.
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Upcoming events
24 March 2025: (B)OrderS Workshop: Vulnerability, Special Procedural Needs and the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum with Minos Mouzourakis (Refugee Support Aegean), Nantina Tsekeri (Defence for Children International Greece), Dr Nicolette Busuttil (SOAS London), Vasiliki Apatzidou (Queen Mary University of London) and Sophia Zisakou (Lund University), chaired by Professor Elspeth Guild (University of Liverpool). The speakers will discuss access to procedural guarantees for vulnerable groups. The presentations will cover topics including the adjudication of special procedural safeguards in border contexts, the challenges faced by queer asylum seekers, refugees with disabilities, and the specific concerns for children on the move - with a focus on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. Register for Vulnerability, Special Procedural Needs and the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum.
4-9 May 2025: QMUL-Cornell Migration Spring School (co-organised by the (B)OrderS Centre). Framed by a focus on the experiences and politics of migration in the Mediterranean, this unique offering brings together insights from Geography, Cultural Studies, History, Law, Psychology, Public Health and Policy. The programme will engage selected Cornell and QMUL students in interdisciplinary historical, legal, labour, health and rights frameworks, as well as in policies, ideologies, practices and experiences that relate to cross-border migration. Combining lively discussions, talks, ethnographic walks, cultural explorations, in-class activities, the Spring School will provide selected Cornell and QMUL students the opportunity to visit Gozo and Malta’s many sites of relevant interest. All QMUL Postgraduate Masters’ and Doctoral students are invited to send an expression of Interest until 24 March.
29-30 May: CFSM and (B)OrderS Conference 2025: Migration and Border Studies: Prospects and Possibilities within and beyond Academia. The conference aims to critically examine epistemological imbalances in migration and border studies regarding who produces knowledge and whose knowledge counts amid rapidly evolving political dynamics, legal frameworks and changing praxis worldwide. The call for papers is open until 10 April 2025, midday. Proposals must include: a title; name(s); email address(es) and organisational affiliations of author(s) and a 250-word abstract. Please, send to and include ‘Paper Proposal’ in the subject line.
Past events
3 December 2024: (B)OrderS Roundtable: Images of Migration - The Ethics of (Visual) Research on Migration and Social Exclusion with Dr Corina Lacatus ((B)OrderS / Queen Mary, SPIR), Dr Camillia Kong (Queen Mary, IHSS), Dr Cristina Juverdeanu (Queen Mary, SPIR), and Professor Parvati Nair (Queen Mary, LLF), chaired by Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax ((B)OrderS / Queen Mary, Law). Speakers will discuss the dilemmas and complex ethical choices to be made when researching migration and social exclusion, particularly when using visual material and (co)producing photographic stories with vulnerable individuals, like refugees and irregular migrants. Register for Images of Migration - The Ethics of (Visual) Research on Migration and Social Exclusion.
12 November 2024: Event with Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur, on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, on the "Genocide in Gaza" and International Law. The event was moderated by Professor Neve Gordon and will be followed by a Q&A from the audience.
3 October 2024: (B)OrderS Book Forum: What Comes after Citizenship? with author Emeritus Professor Engin Isin ((B)OrderS / Queen Mary, SPIR) and commentators Professor Gargi Bhattacharyya (UCL) and Dr Sivamohan Valluvan (Warwick), chaired by Professor Jef Huysmans ((B)OrderS / Queen Mary, SPIR), and co-organised by Dr Rachel Humphris ((B)OrderS / Queen Mary, Geography) and Dr Nivi Manchanda (Queen Mary, SPIR). The panel will reflect on citizenship as a critical concept and a critical practice from a deconstructive and decolonial lens and consider whether it may give force to anti-racist, anti-capitalist, ecological, feminist and queer struggles and transform them into effective political movements.
24 June 2024: (B)OrderS - Human Rights Law Centre Workshop: Medical Evidence in Refugee Status Determination, chaired by Professor Elspeth Guild and organised by Hasna Sheikh. It brings together researchers, clinicians working with NGOs responsible for evaluating and assessing victims of torture, and lawyers representing asylum applicants, featuring presentations from Professor Cornelius Katona (Helen Bamber Foundation), Connie Hodgkinson-Lahiff (East Anglia), Professor Amina Memon (Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law, Royal Holloway), Dr Zoe Given-Wilson (Royal Holloway), Adrian Berry (Garden Court Chambers) and Hasna Sheikh (Queen Mary), the workshop aims to facilitate knowledge and learning regarding the assessment of medical evidence within the multi-faceted nature of the refugee status determination process.
30-31 May 2024: (B)OrderS Centre Workshop, co-organised with NYU Jean Monnet Center, The New School and Temple, Beasley Law School on Transdisciplinary Conversations on Solidarity, Migration and (International) Law, gathering academic lawyers, social scientists and activists working in the field. The workshop is convened by Professor Alexandra Délano Alonso (The New School), Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary University of London, NYU & University of Barcelona), and Professor Jaya Ramji-Nogales (Temple, Beasley Law School), including as speakers: Lisa Ariemma (University of Toronto), Nayelli Torres-Salas (Otros Dreams en Acción), Professor Cecilia Bailliet (Oslo & UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity), Professor Linda Bosniak (Rutgers Law School), Séan Binder (Free Humanitarians), Dr Isabella Trombetta (NYU, Center for European and Mediterranean Studies), Professor Shannon Gleeson (Cornell University), Sara Soto (Espacio Migrante), Dr Gabriella Sánchez (Georgetown University), Professor Obi Okafor (John Hopkins University & former UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity), Dr Barbara Buckinx (Princeton School of Public and International Affairs), Luba Cortés (Make the Road, New York), Professor Ayten Gündogdu (Barnard College, Columbia University), Professor Çiğdem Çidam (Union College), Elora Mukherjee (Columbia Law School), Haddy Gassama (UndocuBlack), Professor Miriam Ticktin (CUNY Graduate Center), Dr Joyce De Coninck (NYU & Ghent University), Dr Amelia Frank-Vitale (Barnard College, Columbia University), and Professor Ayelet Shachar (Berkeley School of Law).
23 May 2024: (B)OrderS and Mobile People Roundtable: Meet the Practitioners working with Covert/Overt Borders with Dr Grażyna Baranowska (Hertie School, UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances), Hanaa Hakiki (European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights), Klaas van Dijken (Lighthouse Reports), Christina Varvia (Forensic Architecture, Goldsmiths University of London), Amanda Brown (Queen Mary University of London) and Ellen Allde (Queen Mary University of London).
17 April 2024: (B)OrderS Workshop: Enhancing the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs): Facilitating access to the EU and supporting HRDs from third countries (co-hosted with Human Rights Law Centre) with Professor Elspeth Guild (Queen Mary), Professor Niovi Vavoula (Luxembourg), Vasiliki Apatzidou (Queen Mary), Ed O’ Donovan (UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders), Dr Tamas Molnar (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)) and Dr Annalisa Meloni (East London). Watch the recording of Enhancing the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs).
11 April 2024: (B)OrderS Seminar: The Medical Border and Australia’s Extraterritorial Asylum Regime, with Dr Sara Dehm (University of Technology Sydney, Visiting Fellow (B)OrderS Centre), Dr Monish Bhatia (University of York), and Dr Nicolette Busuttil (SOAS, University of London). Watch the recording of the The Medical Border and Australia’s Extraterritorial Asylum Regime.
3 April 2024: (B)OrderS Book Forum: Child Migration and the Geopolitics of Compassion (co-hosted with Childhood, Law, and Policy Network) with Professor Anita Casavantes Bradford (University of California Irvine), Dr Francesca Meloni (King’s College London) and Dr Hedi Viterbo (Queen Mary) on the book: Suffer the Little Children: Child Migration and the Geopolitics of Compassion in the United States.
27 November 2023: (B)OrderS Workshop: Refugee Communities in the Middle East - Protection or Discrimination? A Critical Perspective, convened by Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary/Barcelona), with Professor Susan Akram (Boston), Professor Dallal Stevens (Warwick), Ms Malak Benslama-Dabdoub (Royal Holloway), and Dr Francesca Albanese (Georgetown & UN Special Rapporteur on oPt).
27 October 2023: (B)OrderS Workshop: Practitioners meet Academics - The Role of Academic Arguments in Practical Work with Refugees and Migrants. This roundtable discussion brings together academics working on asylum and immigration law in the UK context with practitioners from law, policy, and practice to discuss the role of academic arguments in their day-to-day work with refugees and migrants and how academics and practitioners can work more closely together to bring about change.
28 - 29 September 2023: (B)OrderS Conference - SHARED Project. This is the final conference of the SHARED Project on Shared Responsibility at the EU's External Borders, which will debate and disseminate the results of the study of ‘shared responsibility’ as applied to joint interventions by Frontex (the European Border and Coast Guard Agency), the EU Member States, as well as the third countries and private entities with which they collaborate, in the implementation of border management and migration control measures, in particular concerning fundamental rights violations. The conference, convened by the SHARED Project team, Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (PI), Dr Mirentxu Jordana (Girona) and Ms Laura Salzano (Barcelona), will feature keynote addresses by MEP, Professor Tineke Strik (Greens), and MEP, Professor Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D, Chair of the LIBE Committee), as well as contributions by key organisations, including Frontex, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), Proactiva Open Arms, alongside young researchers and leading academics from all over Europe.
26 June 2023: (B)OrderS Workshop: Practitioners meet Academics - A Dialogue on Complex Protection Claims and Academic Impact in the Courtroom. This workshop brings together academics working on asylum and immigration in the UK context with practitioners – solicitors, barristers and judges – to discuss how practitioners use academic work, how academics and practitioners can work more closely together, and how academic work can have real impact in the courtroom.
28 April 2023: (B)OrderS - Criminal Justice Centre Workshop: Intertwining Criminal Justice and Immigration Control in the EU: Theoretical, Interdisciplinary, and Practical Perspectives co-hosted with the Criminal Justice Centre. The workshop is co-convened with Dr Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi and Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas in collaboration with the GLaw-Net Research Network in collaboration with the Maastricht Centre for European Law of Maastricht University and University of Liverpool.
29 March 2023: (B)OrderS and Queen Mary Human Rights Law Centre Workshop: Towards Autonomous Borders? Assessing the Human Rights and Rule of Law Challenges of the Deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems for Migration Management with Dr Petra Molnar (York/Harvard), Ms Amanda Musco Eklund (Umea), Dr Dimitri van der Meerssche (Queen Mary), Ms Ludivine Stewart (EUI), Dr Francesca Palmiotto (Hertie School's Centre for Fundamental Rights), Dr Meltem Ineli Ciger (EUI/Suleyman Demirel University), Ms Ismini Nikoleta Mathioudaki (Scuola Normale Superiore), Ms Alexandra Karaiskou (EUI) and Dr Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary).
8 December 2022: (B)OrderS Book Forum: Immigration and Privacy in the Law of the European Union - The Case of Information Systems with Dr Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary), Professor Elspeth Guild (Queen Mary), Professor Didier Bigo (SciencesPo Paris & King’s College London), Dr Ermioni Xanthopoulou (Brunel). Find out more about the (B)OrderS Book Forum.
1 December 2022: (B)OrderS Inaugural Lecture: Protecting Refugees without Borders with Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill (Oxford/UNSW) and Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary/Barcelona). Watch the recording of the Inaugural Lecture on Protecting Refugees without Borders.
27 September 2022: The (B)OrderS Expert Discussion (co-hosted with the Centre for International Law of the University of Bristol): The Common European Asylum System and the UN Compacts on Refugees and for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration celebrating the launch of the related Handbook for Practitioners with Professor Elspeth Guild (Queen Mary), Dr Kathryn Allinson (Bristol), Dr Nicolette Busuttil (Westminster), Dr Maja Grundler (Royal Holloway), Catherine Woollard (European Council on Refugees and Exile (ECRE)), Dr Madeline Garlick (UNHCR), and Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary). Watch the recording of the launch of the Handbook.
28 June 2022: (B)OrderS Closing Lecture: The EU External Border as a Site of Preventive Injustice with Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas (Liverpool) and Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary). Watch the recording of The EU External Border as a Site of Preventive Injustice.
15 June 2022: (B)OrderS Expert Discussion (co-hosted by CONREP Network and the EUI Migration Policy Centre): Externalisation through Privatisation: The Role of Non-State Actors in Border Enforcement and Asylum Exclusion with Dr Tamara Tubakovic (Warwick), Dr Federica Infantino (EUI), Dr Amy Nethery (Deakin), Dr Martin Lemberg-Pedersen (Warwick), and Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary). Watch the recording of the Expert Discussion on Externalisation through Privatisation.
8 June 2022: (B)OrderS Book Forum: The Refugee Status of Persons with Disabilities with Dr Stephanie Motz (Lucerne), Professor Merris Amos (Queen Mary), Professor Delia Ferri (Maynooth), Professor Michelle Foster (Melbourne), and Dr Nicolette Busuttil (Queen Mary). Watch the recording of the Book Forum on The Refugee Status of Persons with Disabilities.
6 June 2022: (B)OrderS Masterclass: Refugees and Decent Work with Professor Jennifer Gordon (Fordham Law School) and Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary). Watch the recording of the (B)OrderS Masterclass on Refugees and Decent Work.
16 May 2022: Thematic Launch of the Oxford Handbook on International Refugee Law / (B)OrderS Workshop on Access to International Protection (co-hosted by Hertie Centre for Fundamental Rights and iCourts) with Professor Cathryn Costello (Hertie/Oxford), Professor Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (Copenhagen), Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary), Dr Daniel Ghezelbash (Macquarie), Dr Alice Nah (York), and Dr Benjamin Ng’aru (East African Centre for Forced Migration). Watch the recording of the Thematic Launch and (B)OrderS Workshop.