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School of Law

Invited Visiting Scholars

The invited visiting scholars scheme is for researchers who wish to join the School of Law for a short period of time (up to 6 months) to collaborate with researchers in the School and to work in our research community.

Malcom Gammie giving a lecture on tax law at CCLS.As an invited visiting scholar you will be provided with IT facilities, library access and, where possible, hot-desk or office space.

You are expected to be in communication with an academic sponsor who will act as the point of contact during their time within the School of Law.

The academic sponsor is expected to work with you to complete the invited visiting scholar application form [DOC 68KB].

During your stay you may be expected to present a guest lecture or staff seminar, or other research activity related to your work in the School.  This might involve supporting the work of a Research Centre or Institute for example, collaborate on a research project or provide advice to a PhD or LLM student.

As an invited visiting scholar to the School of Law, you will also be welcome to attend staff and doctoral seminars or presentations, as well as other research events. These events may take place on either or both campuses – Mile End (Department of Law) and Lincoln’s Inn Fields (CCLS).

Please ensure that you liaise with your academic sponsor immediately and your application is submitted at least 12 weeks before your scheduled visit. Please note that the applicant will be responsible for all their travel, accommodation and subsistence costs during their stay.

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