LAW5001 Tort Law
Some introductory concepts in Torts; Introducing negligence (eg, where negligence causes death, the types of damages, statute of limitations); Duty of care: elements; scope; statutory exceptions; immunities; acts versus omissions; Setting the standard of care; Determining breach; Proving causation — classical test, exceptions thereto; Remoteness of damage; Defences to negligence; Negligently-inflicted pure economic loss; Liability of public authorities; Occupiers’ liability; Negligently-inflicted pure psychiatric injury; Employers’ liability; Vicarious liability; Breach of statutory duty; Misfeasance in public office; Product liability statutory regime; Private and public nuisance; The action in Rylands v Fletcher; Defamation; Intentional interference with economic relations; (in any given year, a wide selection, but not necessarily all, of the aforementioned non-negligence Torts will be taught); Reflections on the role of Torts in modern society.
Method of assessment
- 100% written paper: 3 hour examination (includes 15 minutes reading time)