School of Law

Widening Participation

A Widening Participation student outside QMULQueen Mary University works with local schools, colleges and students to break down the barriers facing students from groups underrepresented in Higher Education, such as:

  • Students whose parents did not attend Higher Education and/or have non-professional jobs
  • Students eligible for Disabled Students Allowance
  • Young carers
  • Those living in local authority care, or care leavers
  • Students who are or have been eligible for free school meals.

Alongside QMUL’s central Widening Participation team, the School of Law runs programmes for current and prospective students like those listed above to educate about university life, studying Law and future careers and raise aspirations.

If you are a school teacher looking for more information on events and workshops we run for your students, please see the Schools and Teachers page for more information on what we offer and how to stay in touch.

If you are a Year 12 student looking for an insight in to Law, click here to find out more about our Pathways to Law programme, including how to apply.

If you are a current student in the School of Law and want to know more about the events, opportunities and support available, see our current students page.


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