School of Law

Career Focus Partnership

Queen Mary School of Law is proud to offer the Career Focus Partnership in collaboration with leading Law firm, FieldFisher.

Students from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds in the legal industry are invited to apply for the Career Focus Partnership (CFP) at City law firm Fieldfisher. The CFP includes skills sessions, year-long mentoring and the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through a short internship. Successful completion of the internship will guarantee you a spot in the Firm’s vacation scheme assessment centre.

How to apply

You can apply for the Career Focus Partnership via Survey Monkay.

Applications close 4 October 2019 at 23.59.

Download our flyer for for information [PDF 4,661KB].

About FieldFisher

Fieldfisher is a European law firm with market leading practices in many of the world's most dynamic sectors. They are an exciting, forward-thinking organisation with a particular focus on technology, finance & financial services, energy & natural resources, life sciences and media. Find out more about FieldFisher.


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