School of Law

Schools and Teachers

SPITE for Schools: Revenge Porn workshops

QMUL’s Legal Advice Centre is the first and only free community legal advice centre providing advice on revenge porn. This is a well-covered and sensitive subject that is highly relevant to school age students. The LAC and QMUL Pathways to Law are offering the opportunity to book free workshops to educate their students on the issue of distribution of intimate images. More information is available on the SPITE for Schools project page.

If you, or your colleagues, wish to be placed on our mailing list so you are informed of any events or opportunities the School of Law Widening Participation team are running, please email

Pathways to Law

Applications for Pathways to Law London 2019/20 will open in August 2019. Please see our Pathways to Law pages for information on how to apply or to register your interest.

The Pathways to Law programme was set up by the Sutton Trust and The Legal Education Foundation in 2006 to inspire and support academically-able students from non-privileged backgrounds, who are interested in a career in Law. This is an excellent opportunity for Year 12 students who are considering a career in Law.

More information is available on the Pathways to Law page.

Students taking part in Minecrafting and the Law Minecrafting and the Law

Minecrafting and the Law is two half-day events hosted in QMUL’s Octagon and a court of law. The event introduces KS2 students to the legal system and the court room using interactive activities and Minecraft Education Suite.

The last Minecrafting and the Law event was Thursday 23 November 2017. If you are interested in finding out more and booking places for your school, please email

Storytelling and the Law

This half-day event will explore how Year 9 students feel about the law using visualisation and presentation. They will also meet alumni of the School of Law and find out more about their journeys to Law, before participating in a Mock Court exercise in QMUL’s Octagon room.

The next Storytelling and the Law event will be Thursday 1 March 2018 (with the court date to be confirmed). If you are interested in finding out more and booking places for your school, please email


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