School of Law

SPITE for Schools Project

The Legal Advice Centre (LAC) is QMUL’s award-winning advice agency, providing free, accessible, client centred legal advice to the public. Advice is provided by law students at the university who are supervised by qualified solicitors and barristers. The centre provides advice on a range of matters including: employment, company law, immigration, family, intellectual property, and criminal law. The LAC is also the first and only free community legal advice centre providing legal advice on revenge porn on their SPITE (Sharing and Publishing Images to Embarrass) project.

The issue of the distribution of intimate images has recently been well covered in the media. It is a very current issue for people of all ages but especially for young people who might not realise the potential implications of sharing or taking intimate photographs or videos.

Workshops for Schools

The LAC and QMUL Pathways to Law are offering schools the opportunity to book free workshops to educate their students on the issue of distributing intimate images and the illegality of it. These workshops are designed and delivered by QMUL Law students who have been specifically trained and they are supervised by a barrister.

The workshops are developed based on the needs of the group and the school, so please contact if you are interested in booking.

Free SPITE poster

The LAC has also developed a “Think before you share!” poster, informing students of the potential consequences of sharing intimate or embarrassing images. Download this here for free for use in your school or college [PDF 48KB].


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