Buddy Scheme
Not long now until you join us at Queen Mary! Before you arrive in a couple of weeks’ time, we wanted to tell you about the Queen Mary Buddy Scheme which has been successfully helping our new incoming undergraduate students settle into university life and form friendships and networks quickly for several years now.
Starting university can leave you with a lot of questions, many of which current students are the best equipped to answer. Our mentors are trained to support our new students socially and will work with you to help unburden some of your worries, help you to integrate into Queen Mary and make sure you truly enjoy your time here.
How does it work?
All new students joining the School of Law this September will automatically be allocated a mentor.
If you would like to keep in touch with your mentor, when you get your Queen Mary e-mail address please check your inbox, as your new mentor will have sent you an e-mail to arrange your first meet up. If you miss the e-mail, don't worry, send your mentor a message and they will add you to the next meet-up or email the Buddy Scheme Team at: buddyscheme@qmul.ac.uk.
If having a mentor at this time doesn’t interest you, that’s no problem at all, just respond to your mentors’ initial email letting them know.
After that, your mentor will contact you weekly (to begin with) to see how you're getting on and answer any questions you might have. They will also organise meetups over the course of the academic year for you attend (if you want to!). This is where you will be able to get some tried and tested tips and tricks from current students, get signposted to support when you need it and meet new people.
If you have any questions at all drop us an email at buddyscheme@qmul.ac.uk.
Best wishes,
The Buddy Scheme Team