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Leadership Excellence

Women in Leadership: a Discussion on Identity and Opportunity

When: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Online


To truly create equitable leadership, we must confront how womanhood, alongside other disenfranchised identities, are not just marginalised but also exploited within organisational structures. Join our panel of experts, Dr Sianne Gordon-Wilson, Dr Delfi Nieto-Isabel, and Dr Tibisay Morgandi as they explore how legal, cultural, and institutional frameworks are shifting to promote inclusion and gender equity, addressing gender-based discrimination, intersectional inequality, and the barriers faced by women-identifying people in male-dominated sectors.


Linda Cremonesi

Dr Linda Cremonesi, UK Future Leaders Fellow and Reader in Particle Physics

Linda Cremonesi is a neutrino physics expert with research interests spanning neutrino oscillations, neutrino interactions and neutrino astronomy. In 2015 she also joined the NOvA and DUNE neutrino oscillation experiments. On NOvA she co-convenes the Near Detector working group, overseeing the 15 neutrino interaction cross-section analyses currently in progress. On DUNE she led the integration and commissioning of the purity monitors for ProtoDUNE dual-phase. In 2020, she was awarded a £1.5M UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship and joined the Particle Physics Research Centre as a Fellow. She is currently Reader in Particle Physics.

Find out more about Dr Cremonesi and her work.

Dr Sianne Gordon-Wilson. She is smiling and wearing a denim jacket,

Dr Sianne Gordon-Wilson, Lecturer in Marketing and Communications; Deputy Chair for School's Research Committee; Co-Director of MINDS (Marketing Insights & Digital Societies) Research Group

Dr Sianne Gordon-Wilson is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Marketing. She has previously worked as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Portsmouth.

Dr Gordon-Wilson is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Consumer Behaviour. She has published using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. Her research areas look at a consumer perspective of sustainability, specifically sustainable consumption, sustainable behaviour and sustainable communications, and consumer behaviour/psychology. 

She has published in the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Hospitality Management and Psychology & Marketing, amongst others.

Find out more about Dr Gordon-Wilson and her work.

Dr Delfi Nieto-Isabel. She is wearing a wooly hat and coat, and standing in front of a snowy tree.

Dr Delfi Nieto-Isabel, Lecturer in History and IHSS Fellow

Dr Delfi Nieto-Isabel is a Marie Skłodowska–Curie Fellow, Lecturer in History and a Fellow at the Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences. She is currently working on my EU-funded project, ILLITTERATAE, which aims to research women’s role in the transmission of alternative religious ideas, focusing on communities of beguines across the medieval Mediterranean. She co-led the Time & Temporalities Research Cluster at the School of History and the international Blurred Boundaries of Religious Dissent Research Initiative, and she is a member of the organizing committee of The Other Sister Project based at the University of Toronto.

Find out more about Dr Nieto-Isabel and her work.

Tibisay Morgandi profile image

Dr Tibisay Morgandi - Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Energy and Natural Resources Law

At Queen Mary, Dr Tibisay Morgandi is the Director of the TradeLab legal clinic offering pro bono support on international trade and investment law and policy to governments, NGOs, local communities and SMEs (see projects on ‘Investment Treaties and Climate Change Measures’ and ‘Counterclaims in International Investment Law’ for the Chilean Government). She also chaired the Climate Emergency Working Group, leading the creation of the podcast series ‘Climate Game Changers’ (listen to episodes on ‘Climate Litigation’ and ‘AI and climate’). In recognition of her work in the field of climate law, environmental law, and business and human rights, Tibisay has been appointed Distinguished Research Fellow at Macquarie University’s Centre for Environmental Law based in Sydney.

Find out more about Dr Morgandi and her work.

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