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Library Services

Payment and Invoicing

The agreement provides three payment models:

  • Payment in Full by QMUL School
    QMUL agrees a title list and pricing for required titles with John Smith’s/Kortext and then makes an order of a fixed number of titles and is responsible for payment in full.
  • Part Payment by QMUL School and Student
    QMUL agrees a title list and pricing for the required titles with John Smith’s/Kortext and provides students with a ‘voucher’ or credited smart card for part-payment towards the titles. The student decides whether to make the purchase and, where they do, make a payment to John Smith’s/Kortext, offering the ‘voucher’ or credited smart card in part-payment. John Smith’s/Kortext invoice QMUL for their part-payment only where they can evidence that the purchase has been made and the voucher or smartcard credit has been redeemed by the student.
  • Payment in Full by Student
    QMUL agrees a title list and pricing for the required titles with John Smith’s/Kortext and then promotes this offer to your students. The student decides whether to make the purchase and, where they do, make full payment to John Smith’s/Kortext.

Where the transaction involves full or part-payment by the student, payment methods include payment by debit/credit card online and/or at a designated place on campus, e.g. campus bookshop. All payment methods offered are provided in a secure environment.

Please copy the library into any correspondence regarding the initial quote for books you receive from John Smith’s/Kortext. We will set up a purchase order on the Agresso Finance System that will ensure the money you spend on direct book provision is reflected in university league tables. We will forward this information to John Smith’s/Kortext.

John Smith’s/Kortext will invoice the library for the final agreed amount against the above purchase order.

We will goods receipt the order and claim the final agreed amount back from your school via a journal transfer on the Agresso Finance System.