Mile End Library Building Works – Summer 2019
What is happening?
Building infrastructure improvement works will be taking place beginning 1st July and ongoing into the Autumn at Mile End Library. The works will include electrical re-wiring in some parts of the building, as well as improvements to heating and cooling systems, and water supplies.
Our aim is to make sure we address your concerns about the building and its environment. For example, fixing electrical sockets and improving the heating in the Mile End Library were highlighted at Staff Student Liaison Committees and in many of your responses to the Library’s ‘QMUL Libraries of Tomorrow’ engagement initiative in early 2019.
Over the last few years, the numbers of people using the building to study has increased significantly, the way in which the building is used has also changed with more demand for electrical outlets and the interior having been modified from its original design. This has led to an increase in power outages, especially to desks, as well as heating and cooling being difficult to maintain. This project is intended to not only resolve these specific issues, but also provide some resilience for the next few years.
How will you be affected?
We apologize for any inconvenience these works will cause. Parts of the library will be inaccessible for periods of time, at other times there may be areas without power to desks, disruption due to contractors working on infrastructure and increased noise.
As far as possible, noisy works will be carried out early in the morning, between 6-8am.
Where else to study:
In addition to the above arrangements, the following Library study spaces are also available. Please check details of opening hours at:
- Mile End Canalside
- Mile End Hive
- Whitechapel Library
- West Smithfield Library
- West Smithfield Basement PC Area – this space is open 24/7
What will I see at the end of the project?
Most of the works involve background improvements, new ductwork, wiring that will all be hidden behind panelling. However, you should find:
- Fewer problems with sockets that don’t work
- Fewer times when the reading rooms are too hot, or too cold
- A more comfortable and energy-efficient building to study and work in