New powered desks – 1st Floor South Reading Room
As part of the Mile End Library infrastructure improvements works, new desks were installed in the 1st Floor South Reading Room (the Law Library) during December 2019. The works are a response to increasing calls for more desks with power as the number of users of our spaces bringing their own devices (and multiple devices) grows year on year.
All 245 desks have fully integrated charging units including plug socket and USB charging. The works also meant we were able to increase the total number of desks in the reading room; there are 54 additional study spaces to help ease pressure on other parts of the building.
Top tip: this area is traditionally underutilised when other parts of the library are busy, so if you are looking for a place to study, 1st Floor South would be a good place to start.
As with all the infrastructure works that have taken place over the last few months, we are very grateful to our staff and students for their patience and forbearance during often noisy and disruptive works.