In this hub, the Queen Mary Library Services' Library Learning Support & Engagement Team have gathered together advice, guidance and resources that we think will help students undertaking an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) to develop and strengthen some of the key skills they'll need to succeed.
We have divided the hub into sections under broad headings which should be relevant to EPQ students. Click on a section to access advice, guidance and resources related to that heading.
Although, the sections of the hub are sometimes referred to as 'courses', it is not necessary to work through each section/course sequentially and users will not be assessed or required to complete these 'courses'. Users can dip in and out and navigate to the content that most interests them.
Although an EPQ is not a university level qualification, Queen Mary University of London and Queen Mary Library Services have a commitment to supporting our wider communities. We are making this hub available open access online with the goal and hope that it will help members of those wider communities to achieve their potential.
The guidance collected in this hub is based on Queen Mary Library Services' experience of supporting students at Queen Mary, benchmarking the EPQ support offered by other universities and our experiences of supporting EPQ students in various ways over the years.
We feel that there is significant overlap between the skills that Queen Mary Library Services help our university students to develop and those required by students undertaking an EPQ. We therefore feel that we are well placed to help EPQ students to develop these skills and we're confident that EPQ students will find this hub useful.
This hub is very much a 'living' resource. Queen Mary Library Services' aim is to continue to develop the hub and our EPQ support going forward in collaboration with a range of stakeholders, in order to better focus the hub onto the needs of EPQ students and also to develop our EPQ support offer beyond the hub.
So - watch this space!