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Biology - Useful websites

Check out useful websites pages for biological subjects:

A range of high-quality resources for biology are available on the web. Please see below for many good suggestions:

Useful Websites:

The page provides a useful list of websites on different aspects of the Biology module. Please note the list is not extensive and many websites cross over with different modules within the full course outline. Please see below.

DNA and Cells

  • AddGene: Browse by expression system, species of genes, vector type and popular plasmids. The comprehensive site also has a vector database, molecular biology reference and further resources on laboratory protocols.
  • Cells Alive: An interactive study tool, that enables you to explore the cell and organelles through animated videos and diagrams. It also has a cellular glossary and provides a useful outline on Biological topics such as eukaryote cell cycle and apoptosis.
  • The Cell Image Library: A large image repository of everything to do with cells.
  • CSH Laboratory: Explore a range of genetic information, from classical genetics, to molecules involved in genetics and the organisation and control of genetics through animations, videos, as well as detailed bibliographies.
  • JenaLib: Explore biological macromolecules by molecule type and structure determination. The site is also linked to useful analysis tools and the Protein Data Bank (PDB) allowing you to further explore the structure of biological molecules.
  • Protein Atlas: Discover and explore the human proteome in detail. The site also offers a range of useful laboratory material, from assays, a detailed biological dictionary, outline of biological methods and information on a range of cell lines.

Basic Biochemistry

  • Antibody Resource: A comprehensive list of popular antibody and ELISA kits. The site also provides a useful links section which contains information on journals and databases.
  • Brenda: The site gives information on enzyme systems and allows you to explore by structure and function of a protein. It includes information on enzyme nomenclature, structure, function and molecular properties.
  • Genetics and Molecular Biomedicine: Provides reviews on several different biochemistry topics and is useful in explaining why genetic conditions arise.
  • Merops: A essential list of peptidase gene names, the count of putative peptidases in a range of organisms and substrate information for different proteins.
  • ProQinase: Useful for laboratory work as it provides useful information on biochemical, cellular and in vivo assays.
  • Scitable: Scholarly information on a range of biological topics such as cell communication, cell organs and gene metabolism, subcellular compartments and information on protein and gene expression. Further information on scientific communication and can search for related content by “topic rooms”.


  • Institute of Human origins: Useful information on evolution and has a list of articles and publications for laboratory work and report writing.
  • Evolution Matters Lecture Series: Freely available resource from the Harvard University around cutting-edge research around evolution.
  • Protein Abundance Database: Holds protein abundance information on a range of organisms and tissue types.
  • Understanding Evolution: Resource created at Berkeley University, which explains evolution in a easy-to-understand language.
  • UCMP: Discover the ancestral relationships between different organisms, different time periods, eukaryotic kingdoms and a comprehensive glossary.

Molecular Genetics

See our useful website guide for Genetics for more information.


  • National Geographic: Useful list of key words and definitions alongside a quick find encyclopaedia. Key and in-depth information on the study of ecology and the different types of ecology.
  • SciDev Net: Provides information on a range of different topics including biodiversity, conservation, bioprospecting and earth sciences.
  • Ecology Link: A range of different ecology projects, information on project management and costing to help you with your field work.
  • ICUN: Utilise a range of resources on conservation tools, publications, project tools and links to other related websites.
  • Envirolink: A range of relevant articles on environmental topics that can help guide your field work.

Professional Organisations:

If you know of any other useful sites, then please get in touch at:

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