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Chemistry - Useful websites

A range of high-quality resources for Chemistry are available on the web. Start exploring them here:

General journal directories

Online lectures

  • Coursera: Online courses some are free and some cost money (especially if you want a diploma/certificate)
  • EdX: Free online courses from the top universities in the world (for a diploma/certificate it costs money.)

Revision/Lab guides

  • Allery Chemistry - YouTube channel: Revision videos created for various secondary school Chemistry exams. Useful for revising previously acquired knowledge.
  • Journal of Visualised Experiments (JoVE): for help with laboratory techniques, a collection of videos demonstrating key experimental methods.
  • Learn Chemistry: A free resource for Chemistry teachers and students of all levels, including higher education, hosted by Royal Society of Chemistry.


  • Wolftam Chemistry Glossary: Glossary of Chemistry terms.
  • IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology: The online version of the "Gold Book" which collects together terminology definitions from IUPAC recommendations published in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry and in the other Colour Books.
  • IUPAC Nomenclature: Provides information on IUPAC recommendations, hosted by Queen Mary. Many full-text versions of recommendations are also made available.

Periodical tables

  • Interactive Periodic table: “The Royal Society of Chemistry's interactive periodic table features history, alchemy, podcasts, videos, and data trends across the periodic table.”
  • The Periodic Table of Videos: Short videos about the elements of the periodical table created by University of Nottingham.
  • WebElements: The periodic table of the chemical elements on the web.

Organic chemistry/Inorganic chemistry

  • Macrogalleria: Provides a wealth of information around polymers, created by the University of Southern Mississippi.
  • Molecule of the Month: As the name suggests, every month a link to information about a new molecule is added to this site. An alternative collection is available at com.
  • Organic Chemistry Portal: Offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists.
  • Organic Synthesis:Provides detailed, reliable, and carefully checked procedures for the synthesis of organic compounds.
  • Organometallic HyperTextBook: This site, created by Rob Toreki, is designed as a reference tool for students that are starting out in the area of organometallic chemistry. It includes information on a wide range of topics as well as links to other useful Internet resources.

Analytical chemistry



  • Crystallography 101: Interactive learning resource around protein crystallography created by Bernhard Rupp.
  • Crystallography - applets and simulations: Various applets and simulations to visualise the process and concepts.
  • Crystallography Open Database: Open access structural database which allows CIF downloads.
  • Crystalworks: Provides crystallographic structural data. Queen Mary students and staff can register for free.
  • E-Crystals: The archive for Crystal Structures generated by the Southampton Chemical Crystallography Group and the EPSRC UK National Crystallography Service.
  • MolProbity: Structure-validation database that provides evaluation of model quality for both proteins and nucleic acids. For bulk users, it is possible to download a local version.



Professional Organisations (UK)

Professional Organisations (International)

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