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Library Services


Welcome to the Dentistry subject guides

These will help you discover the key resources that support your study of dentistry.

LibKey Nomad

Queen Mary Library Services provides access to a browser extension called LibKey Nomad that can help to streamline your access to online material, including when using resources listed in this guide.  You can find more information via our handy FAQs.




Queen Mary Library Services provides a range of tools that help you interact with our collections.  BrowZine is a specialist tool that can help you to search, browse and keep track of the scholarly journals in our online journal collection.  For more information, check the Library FAQs:

What is BrowZine and how do I use it?


Databases are excellent sources of good quality information. There are a range of databases relevant to Dentistry.

Useful websites

There is a range of high-quality web resources available for Dentistry

Other libraries

In addition to the QMUL Library collections, you may be able to access other Libraries to find further resources relevant to your subject.

Information literacy skills sessions

The medical libraries provide support on finding good quality information, doing a literature search and managing your references. Help is available in a number of formats:

Open Access Resources for Dentistry

A range of Open Access resource are available for Medicine and Dentistry.

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